1000 innovative clean energy solutions and > 150 framework enablers with the potential to deliver more than twelve gigatonnes of avoided emissions by 2030
These assessments are based on a basic avoided emission assessment. The overall concept of avoided emissions is that a solution (product or service) enables the same function to be performed with significantly less GHG emissions. The method of measuring avoided emissions, is to compare a baseline scenario without the enabling solution, with a scenario using the enabling solution; whereby the baseline represents the ‘business as usual’ (BAU) scenario.
These assessments are based on the framework document: The Avoided Emissions Framework (AEF) from September 2020
Solar-Windmill wrote: Symbiosis of wind and solar renewable energy production in the way that they complement each other for region with moderate number of windy or sunny days, and with best performance for places which has it both. Solar windmill can work above the pv cells field without interfering their work, and use leftover heat energy from them, and surpassing wind energy above them. With better usage of occupied space it can also prolong duration of electric production... Source: EIT Climate KIC's ClimateLaunchPad
Solar-Windmill wrote: Symbiosis of wind and solar renewable energy production in the way that they complement each other for region with moderate number of windy or sunny days, and with best performance for places which has it both. Solar windmill can work above the pv cells field without interfering their work, and use leftover heat energy from them, and surpassing wind energy above them. With better usage of occupied space it can also prolong duration of electric production... Source: EIT Climate KIC's ClimateLaunchPad
SolarTracker provides a web service that evaluates the performance of solar power generating systems, using an artificial intelligence engine. It provides predictive maintenance intelligence that estimates performance loses and diagnoses causes. The service was designed to help operation managers and owners of solar energy systems including energy service companies, increasing energy production performance by 5%, decreasing maintenance costs by 10% and optimizing human workload by 60%.
Solar Tracker
SolarTracker provides a web service that evaluates the performance of solar power generating systems, using an artificial intelligence engine. It provides predictive maintenance intelligence that estimates performance loses and diagnoses causes. The service was designed to help operation managers and owners of solar energy systems including energy service companies, increasing energy production performance by 5%, decreasing maintenance costs by 10% and optimizing human workload by 60%.
NavAlt envisions a more efficient water transport system which doesn’t use fossil fuels. Navalt’s inland passenger transport solution, a solar-powered ferry, does not pollute the air or water. This also avoids smells from diesel. It has low noise and vibration, lowering rates of noise pollution. The ferry reduces the daily operating cost to 1/40th of a diesel ferry. The innovation has been tested and used for prolonged periods of time, succeeding in the beforementioned factors.
NavAlt Solar and Electric Boats Private Limited
NavAlt envisions a more efficient water transport system which doesn’t use fossil fuels. Navalt’s inland passenger transport solution, a solar-powered ferry, does not pollute the air or water. This also avoids smells from diesel. It has low noise and vibration, lowering rates of noise pollution. The ferry reduces the daily operating cost to 1/40th of a diesel ferry. The innovation has been tested and used for prolonged periods of time, succeeding in the beforementioned factors.
Solatom is a solar concentrator designed for generating high temperature heat (steam, hot water or thermal oil) in industrial processes. Solatom's modules are formed by rows of mirrors that track the sun, reflecting the sunlight on a vacuum tube. The fluid circulating through the tube absorbs the reflected energy producing an increase in the temperature of the fluid (up to 300 °C). Each module has a nominal power of 15 kW thermal. When more capacity is needed, the modules are joined together, increasing the total power of the plant. The system is designed for be deployed on the rooftop, with a specific weight under 23 kg/m².
Solatom is a solar concentrator designed for generating high temperature heat (steam, hot water or thermal oil) in industrial processes. Solatom's modules are formed by rows of mirrors that track the sun, reflecting the sunlight on a vacuum tube. The fluid circulating through the tube absorbs the reflected energy producing an increase in the temperature of the fluid (up to 300 °C). Each module has a nominal power of 15 kW thermal. When more capacity is needed, the modules are joined together, increasing the total power of the plant. The system is designed for be deployed on the rooftop, with a specific weight under 23 kg/m².
EINHUNDERT Energie deliver solar power as a service with digital metering services to multi-tenant and commercial buildings. As well as offering solar power for multi-tenant-buildings EINHUNDERT Energie has an app that unites and visualizes digital metering data (energy, heat, water). The German “Energiewende” (energy transition) is therefore made accessible to millions of people living or working in rental and shared spaces, giving access to clean technology as a service.
EINHUNDERT Energie deliver solar power as a service with digital metering services to multi-tenant and commercial buildings. As well as offering solar power for multi-tenant-buildings EINHUNDERT Energie has an app that unites and visualizes digital metering data (energy, heat, water). The German “Energiewende” (energy transition) is therefore made accessible to millions of people living or working in rental and shared spaces, giving access to clean technology as a service.
Ricerca & Rinnovabili srl wrote: Ricerca & rinnovabili started the development of solar r-nrg ring, an innovative, patented pv panel. The sola r-nrg ring will be compact, powerful and it will be the first pv panel in the world that will produce an amount of energy also during the night. Our solution will fit in every sector in which there is no available space to produce energy... Source: EIT Climate KIC's ClimateLaunchPad
Ricerca & Rinnovabili srl
Ricerca & Rinnovabili srl wrote: Ricerca & rinnovabili started the development of solar r-nrg ring, an innovative, patented pv panel. The sola r-nrg ring will be compact, powerful and it will be the first pv panel in the world that will produce an amount of energy also during the night. Our solution will fit in every sector in which there is no available space to produce energy... Source: EIT Climate KIC's ClimateLaunchPad
Spowdi® is a solar powered water distribution system that can replace traditional diesel using the energy of one solar panel. The portable irrigation and drinking water supply system also reduces water consumption in irrigation by 80% and has a low energy consumption. Using a drip irrigation system also results in reduced extracted water volume/hour, allowing a more stable extraction from groundwater sources. With few parts in one system, the line of products are easy to use and to apply in different situations.
Spowdi AB
Spowdi® is a solar powered water distribution system that can replace traditional diesel using the energy of one solar panel. The portable irrigation and drinking water supply system also reduces water consumption in irrigation by 80% and has a low energy consumption. Using a drip irrigation system also results in reduced extracted water volume/hour, allowing a more stable extraction from groundwater sources. With few parts in one system, the line of products are easy to use and to apply in different situations.
Katjet wrote: Every year a big amount of fruits and berries are spoiled due to the deficiency of processing technologies and big energy consumption. We will produce solar powered spirits distiller for farmers, do installation and service. Distilled spirits will be realized as bio-fuel. This will solve the utilization problems in agricultural field by utilizing extra amounts of fruits and berries and produce extra income for communities and farms. With our technology farmers will implement clear alcohol and spirits production, reduce atmospheric pollution and energy consumption by using clear and free power of sun and obtain clean and cheap bio-fuel, which will be used for heat generation during could season... Source: EIT Climate KIC's ClimateLaunchPad
Katjet wrote: Every year a big amount of fruits and berries are spoiled due to the deficiency of processing technologies and big energy consumption. We will produce solar powered spirits distiller for farmers, do installation and service. Distilled spirits will be realized as bio-fuel. This will solve the utilization problems in agricultural field by utilizing extra amounts of fruits and berries and produce extra income for communities and farms. With our technology farmers will implement clear alcohol and spirits production, reduce atmospheric pollution and energy consumption by using clear and free power of sun and obtain clean and cheap bio-fuel, which will be used for heat generation during could season... Source: EIT Climate KIC's ClimateLaunchPad
ALTO precision’s aim is to develop a range of solar-powered small-scale decentralised machinery for remote small holding agri-processing needs in India. Their current developments include a range of small-scale rice processing machines. The solar rice huller is a 360 W machine that can produce 100 kg/hour with a hulling efficiency of 98% in the first pass, which ALTO precision claims is the most efficient small-scale rice processing machine in the world, almost 50% more efficient than any other machine, at a low price. The machines are solar powered, high capacity and very efficient, giving farmers access to a sustainable energy source and providing food security and the opportunity to create an additional income.
ALTO Precision
ALTO precision’s aim is to develop a range of solar-powered small-scale decentralised machinery for remote small holding agri-processing needs in India. Their current developments include a range of small-scale rice processing machines. The solar rice huller is a 360 W machine that can produce 100 kg/hour with a hulling efficiency of 98% in the first pass, which ALTO precision claims is the most efficient small-scale rice processing machine in the world, almost 50% more efficient than any other machine, at a low price. The machines are solar powered, high capacity and very efficient, giving farmers access to a sustainable energy source and providing food security and the opportunity to create an additional income.
SunDrive wrote: Electric driving is the future, but there is a lack of charging stations infrastructure in romania, the market is still at the beginning and people are afraid of high prices. . Sundrive provides a solution to today’s mobility, offering the possibility of a truly sustainable driving experience for electric car drivers. By making the whole concept of electric car charging a lot more accessible, user-friendly and affordable, the kit allows you to charge your car using green energy produced by photovoltaic panels. ... Source: EIT Climate KIC's ClimateLaunchPad
SunDrive wrote: Electric driving is the future, but there is a lack of charging stations infrastructure in romania, the market is still at the beginning and people are afraid of high prices. . Sundrive provides a solution to today’s mobility, offering the possibility of a truly sustainable driving experience for electric car drivers. By making the whole concept of electric car charging a lot more accessible, user-friendly and affordable, the kit allows you to charge your car using green energy produced by photovoltaic panels. ... Source: EIT Climate KIC's ClimateLaunchPad