1000 innovative clean energy solutions and > 150 framework enablers with the potential to deliver more than twelve gigatonnes of avoided emissions by 2030
These assessments are based on a basic avoided emission assessment. The overall concept of avoided emissions is that a solution (product or service) enables the same function to be performed with significantly less GHG emissions. The method of measuring avoided emissions, is to compare a baseline scenario without the enabling solution, with a scenario using the enabling solution; whereby the baseline represents the ‘business as usual’ (BAU) scenario.
These assessments are based on the framework document: The Avoided Emissions Framework (AEF) from September 2020
Semina wrote: When you think about the biggest problems of our planet. What comes into your mind? climate change? poverty? deforestation? diseases? . What if all those problems are connected. Connected via a single cause, that we pay almost no attention to. . The problem which we are speaking from, is caused by cooking over inefficient fires creating the nr. 1 leathal weapon in developing countries. . Indoor air pollution. . According to who, indoor air pollution kills nearly !4million! people every year prematurely. . The solution, super-efficient cookstoves! already exist, but the people suffering the most, simply cannot afford it. . We change that... Source: EIT Climate KIC's ClimateLaunchPad
Semina wrote: When you think about the biggest problems of our planet. What comes into your mind? climate change? poverty? deforestation? diseases? . What if all those problems are connected. Connected via a single cause, that we pay almost no attention to. . The problem which we are speaking from, is caused by cooking over inefficient fires creating the nr. 1 leathal weapon in developing countries. . Indoor air pollution. . According to who, indoor air pollution kills nearly !4million! people every year prematurely. . The solution, super-efficient cookstoves! already exist, but the people suffering the most, simply cannot afford it. . We change that... Source: EIT Climate KIC's ClimateLaunchPad
Vividye AB wrote: Vividye provide a sustainable alternative to current printing and dyeing methods for cellulose-based textiles that allows coloring and decoloring garments at will, while maintaining the properties of the pristine fibers. Said functionality opens for many possibilities and improvements in both printing/dyeing and reusing/recycling processes, ultimately contributing to the industry’s shift towards circularity. Bringing the technology to market will optimize the use of resources in textile sourcing and production by granting an extended lifecycle of the raw material, significantly reducing water consumption and the release of chemicals into the environment... Source: EIT Climate KIC's ClimateLaunchPad
Vividye AB
Vividye AB wrote: Vividye provide a sustainable alternative to current printing and dyeing methods for cellulose-based textiles that allows coloring and decoloring garments at will, while maintaining the properties of the pristine fibers. Said functionality opens for many possibilities and improvements in both printing/dyeing and reusing/recycling processes, ultimately contributing to the industry’s shift towards circularity. Bringing the technology to market will optimize the use of resources in textile sourcing and production by granting an extended lifecycle of the raw material, significantly reducing water consumption and the release of chemicals into the environment... Source: EIT Climate KIC's ClimateLaunchPad
Reversible solid oxide cells are single devices that can both split water to produce hydrogen, as well as convert hydrogen back to electricity. Solid oxide cells typically operate at very high temperatures, which avoids the need for precious metal catalysts. However, the high temperatures mean that the materials a solid oxide cell need to have extraordinary properties. Sunfire has developed this technology to find materials that are up to the task, thus enabling the use of green electricity as a renewable feedstock for industry and mobility. The PowerCore solid oxide cell stack is Sunfire's technology for the production of steam electrolysers and high-temperature fuel cells.
Reversible solid oxide cells are single devices that can both split water to produce hydrogen, as well as convert hydrogen back to electricity. Solid oxide cells typically operate at very high temperatures, which avoids the need for precious metal catalysts. However, the high temperatures mean that the materials a solid oxide cell need to have extraordinary properties. Sunfire has developed this technology to find materials that are up to the task, thus enabling the use of green electricity as a renewable feedstock for industry and mobility. The PowerCore solid oxide cell stack is Sunfire's technology for the production of steam electrolysers and high-temperature fuel cells.
NTNU ReStore wrote: Ntnu restore is an organisation which evolved from a strong wish to reduce waste among students in trondheim and directly affect the co2 emissions. We are a team working on minimising waste by making it easier for students to give and get reused household goods. We are aiming at keeping useful stuff out of the bin by bridging the gap between incoming and outgoing students... Source: EIT Climate KIC's ClimateLaunchPad
NTNU ReStore
NTNU ReStore wrote: Ntnu restore is an organisation which evolved from a strong wish to reduce waste among students in trondheim and directly affect the co2 emissions. We are a team working on minimising waste by making it easier for students to give and get reused household goods. We are aiming at keeping useful stuff out of the bin by bridging the gap between incoming and outgoing students... Source: EIT Climate KIC's ClimateLaunchPad
Over the Moon wrote: Promotes self sufficiency - we will enable women to become self sufficient by using pads instead of relying on disposables. Pads are cheap, comfortable, reliable and last for years. Real environmental benefits - using pads lowers flood risk by cutting down on blocked sewers caused by sanitary waste. Landfill is reduced as sanitary towels are unrecyclable and take thousands of years to degrade. Bamboo is sustainable and uses less water than cotton. Socially responsible - we will lead the way by promoting the use of washables by working with girls and boys in schools to encourage them to talk about periods and raise awareness. We will help girls missing education by donating pads to those most in need... Source: EIT Climate KIC's ClimateLaunchPad
Over the Moon
Over the Moon wrote: Promotes self sufficiency - we will enable women to become self sufficient by using pads instead of relying on disposables. Pads are cheap, comfortable, reliable and last for years. Real environmental benefits - using pads lowers flood risk by cutting down on blocked sewers caused by sanitary waste. Landfill is reduced as sanitary towels are unrecyclable and take thousands of years to degrade. Bamboo is sustainable and uses less water than cotton. Socially responsible - we will lead the way by promoting the use of washables by working with girls and boys in schools to encourage them to talk about periods and raise awareness. We will help girls missing education by donating pads to those most in need... Source: EIT Climate KIC's ClimateLaunchPad
EcoPad wrote: Ecopad is aimed to reduce the consumption of paper in an office environment and daily use. Using microwave technology, ecopad paper can be reused several times, in contrast to traditional methods of disposal and recycling. By using the ecopad application, users can save their information digitally and have access to the storage from their smartphones and computers on demand. The information can be safely stored in multiple platforms of choice (i. E. Gmail, dropbox, etc. ) allowing the user to revise it anytime. Even nowadays, notepads are the primary tool for notetaking in many industries. The list of customers is vast, but the our target consumers are from office environments, banks and universities... Source: EIT Climate KIC's ClimateLaunchPad
EcoPad wrote: Ecopad is aimed to reduce the consumption of paper in an office environment and daily use. Using microwave technology, ecopad paper can be reused several times, in contrast to traditional methods of disposal and recycling. By using the ecopad application, users can save their information digitally and have access to the storage from their smartphones and computers on demand. The information can be safely stored in multiple platforms of choice (i. E. Gmail, dropbox, etc. ) allowing the user to revise it anytime. Even nowadays, notepads are the primary tool for notetaking in many industries. The list of customers is vast, but the our target consumers are from office environments, banks and universities... Source: EIT Climate KIC's ClimateLaunchPad
Boomerang wrote: Boomerang collection cartons are a functional way for customers to collect wire hangers from their dry cleaners and return them for reuse. At the same time, they offer dry cleaners the opportunity to place advertisement on the cartons and increase customer loyalty by offering discounts for returned hangers. Both parties save money: customers by not disposing them with the household trash and dry cleaners by not having to buy new ones. And what's more important, the amount of co2 for production and import as well as trash from single-use of the wire hangers is reduced!.. Source: EIT Climate KIC's ClimateLaunchPad
Boomerang wrote: Boomerang collection cartons are a functional way for customers to collect wire hangers from their dry cleaners and return them for reuse. At the same time, they offer dry cleaners the opportunity to place advertisement on the cartons and increase customer loyalty by offering discounts for returned hangers. Both parties save money: customers by not disposing them with the household trash and dry cleaners by not having to buy new ones. And what's more important, the amount of co2 for production and import as well as trash from single-use of the wire hangers is reduced!.. Source: EIT Climate KIC's ClimateLaunchPad
Reshape Technology wrote: Our technology allows anyone. Carrying a mobile phone to measure and reduce their impact on climate change. It monitors daily activities, automatically calculates carbon footprint and displays it in an intuitive way. . Like a fitness tracker, it works on the principle that if you can measure your performance, you can improve it. . But it doesn't stop there. We gamify carbon reduction to create behavioural change. We analyse performance, awards points for good carbon behaviour, then create teams so people can compete at an individual, family, city or country level. . We build social momentum, making people part of the solution to climate change, not the problem... Source: EIT Climate KIC's ClimateLaunchPad
Reshape Technology
Reshape Technology wrote: Our technology allows anyone. Carrying a mobile phone to measure and reduce their impact on climate change. It monitors daily activities, automatically calculates carbon footprint and displays it in an intuitive way. . Like a fitness tracker, it works on the principle that if you can measure your performance, you can improve it. . But it doesn't stop there. We gamify carbon reduction to create behavioural change. We analyse performance, awards points for good carbon behaviour, then create teams so people can compete at an individual, family, city or country level. . We build social momentum, making people part of the solution to climate change, not the problem... Source: EIT Climate KIC's ClimateLaunchPad
Report and Ride wrote: Report and ride solution consists of two parts. The app for bicyclists allows to make a photo of an infrastructure problem, add the description and upload the information to the cloud. All the reported problems are shown on the map for other bicyclists, who can add more photos or comments to the description of the problem. To motivate bicyclists to use the app and report issues, the app has functionality of an activity tracker, providing various statistics data for the rides and has ranking board for the most active reporters. After the infromation from riders is collected, it is combined with other open source data, like statstics of road accidents with bicycles allowing to rank the bicycle infrastructure problems by importance... Source: EIT Climate KIC's Climathon
Report and Ride
Report and Ride wrote: Report and ride solution consists of two parts. The app for bicyclists allows to make a photo of an infrastructure problem, add the description and upload the information to the cloud. All the reported problems are shown on the map for other bicyclists, who can add more photos or comments to the description of the problem. To motivate bicyclists to use the app and report issues, the app has functionality of an activity tracker, providing various statistics data for the rides and has ranking board for the most active reporters. After the infromation from riders is collected, it is combined with other open source data, like statstics of road accidents with bicycles allowing to rank the bicycle infrastructure problems by importance... Source: EIT Climate KIC's Climathon
RePhil wrote: By introducing a circular system for reusable takeaway bowls rephil reduces waste stemming from to-go packaging. Rephil provides restaurants with reusable takeaway bowls, and therefore offers take-away costumers an attractive alternative, to produce less waste in their everyday lives, while increasing their take away dining experience. After having finished their meals costumers return the empty reusable boxes in our strategically positioned drop-off stations. Rephil collects the dirty boxes, washes them and reallocates them back to the restaurants. . The first markets for rephil are closed ecosystems in austria, primarily focusing on corporate canteens, university campuses, and hospitals... Source: EIT Climate KIC's ClimateLaunchPad
RePhil wrote: By introducing a circular system for reusable takeaway bowls rephil reduces waste stemming from to-go packaging. Rephil provides restaurants with reusable takeaway bowls, and therefore offers take-away costumers an attractive alternative, to produce less waste in their everyday lives, while increasing their take away dining experience. After having finished their meals costumers return the empty reusable boxes in our strategically positioned drop-off stations. Rephil collects the dirty boxes, washes them and reallocates them back to the restaurants. . The first markets for rephil are closed ecosystems in austria, primarily focusing on corporate canteens, university campuses, and hospitals... Source: EIT Climate KIC's ClimateLaunchPad