1000 innovative clean energy solutions and > 150 framework enablers with the potential to deliver more than twelve gigatonnes of avoided emissions by 2030
These assessments are based on a basic avoided emission assessment. The overall concept of avoided emissions is that a solution (product or service) enables the same function to be performed with significantly less GHG emissions. The method of measuring avoided emissions, is to compare a baseline scenario without the enabling solution, with a scenario using the enabling solution; whereby the baseline represents the ‘business as usual’ (BAU) scenario.
These assessments are based on the framework document: The Avoided Emissions Framework (AEF) from September 2020
Evertherm SEW is an energy recovery system with focus on sewage water. The innovation can recover approximately 95 % of the energy spent in wastewater by removing it from the sewage system and recirculating it back approximately twenty times. Thereby reintroducing heated water into different systems and increasing it’s potential. The innovation also includes control system that allows it to be integrated with digitalized properties. The carbon fiber solutions replace heavier, lower-performance materials where it benefits the customer and saves the environment.
Ecoclime Group AB
Evertherm SEW is an energy recovery system with focus on sewage water. The innovation can recover approximately 95 % of the energy spent in wastewater by removing it from the sewage system and recirculating it back approximately twenty times. Thereby reintroducing heated water into different systems and increasing it’s potential. The innovation also includes control system that allows it to be integrated with digitalized properties. The carbon fiber solutions replace heavier, lower-performance materials where it benefits the customer and saves the environment.
ODS 3 y 15 wrote: Our app helps people to recycle better, reading the code bar give us information about which kind of residue is and in wich rubbish bin we must throw out. If you do it well the app is giving you points and you will have discount checks in ecological or localy products in your city. Also we want a section to give information about the brands and products that are more environmentaly responsible, as well as to encourage people to buy ecological and localy products... Source: EIT Climate KIC's Climathon
ODS 3 y 15
ODS 3 y 15 wrote: Our app helps people to recycle better, reading the code bar give us information about which kind of residue is and in wich rubbish bin we must throw out. If you do it well the app is giving you points and you will have discount checks in ecological or localy products in your city. Also we want a section to give information about the brands and products that are more environmentaly responsible, as well as to encourage people to buy ecological and localy products... Source: EIT Climate KIC's Climathon
Duomobile wrote: A new way to recharge electric cars on highways, while moving. With a special hitch and autopilot system, it can follow any car having a standard hitch ball. Duomobile will free electric cars from waiting at stand points. Duomobile will improve safety : driver fatigue causes one in five fatal crashes on highways. Sharing drive save lives. The owner will benefit the relaxing comfort of an autopilot car. A co-operative and environmentally friendly transport system, saving energy from the aerodynamic drag by linking vehicles (even non electric). More electric cars will reach towns with a full battery, reducing. Towns pollution... Source: EIT Climate KIC's ClimateLaunchPad
Duomobile wrote: A new way to recharge electric cars on highways, while moving. With a special hitch and autopilot system, it can follow any car having a standard hitch ball. Duomobile will free electric cars from waiting at stand points. Duomobile will improve safety : driver fatigue causes one in five fatal crashes on highways. Sharing drive save lives. The owner will benefit the relaxing comfort of an autopilot car. A co-operative and environmentally friendly transport system, saving energy from the aerodynamic drag by linking vehicles (even non electric). More electric cars will reach towns with a full battery, reducing. Towns pollution... Source: EIT Climate KIC's ClimateLaunchPad
ReBuild wrote: Rebuild designs and manufactures durable custom tiles and pavement squares with a high reflective power. Rebuild, reduces waste and contributes to a circular economy by recycling and reusing non-biodegradable plastics, non-potable water and environmentally friendly mixtures. The manufacturing flexibility of the product is one of its greatest features allowing it to be anti-slip (if necessary), weathering, chemical, corrosion and static resistant. Create new green infrastructure with rebuild!.. Source: EIT Climate KIC's ClimateLaunchPad
ReBuild wrote: Rebuild designs and manufactures durable custom tiles and pavement squares with a high reflective power. Rebuild, reduces waste and contributes to a circular economy by recycling and reusing non-biodegradable plastics, non-potable water and environmentally friendly mixtures. The manufacturing flexibility of the product is one of its greatest features allowing it to be anti-slip (if necessary), weathering, chemical, corrosion and static resistant. Create new green infrastructure with rebuild!.. Source: EIT Climate KIC's ClimateLaunchPad
Enbala Power Networks have developed a platform called “Concerto™” for real-time grid-balancing. Concerto™ is both a Virtual Power Plant (“VPP”) and a Distributed Energy Resource Management System that features interoperable, multi-service optimization with reliable real-time, non-disruptive, constraint-based operations to deliver long term value at all levels of the power delivery system. The platform has the potential to improve energy efficiency by its power monitoring and management system, reducing the amount of energy wasted.
Enbala Power Networks
Enbala Power Networks have developed a platform called “Concerto™” for real-time grid-balancing. Concerto™ is both a Virtual Power Plant (“VPP”) and a Distributed Energy Resource Management System that features interoperable, multi-service optimization with reliable real-time, non-disruptive, constraint-based operations to deliver long term value at all levels of the power delivery system. The platform has the potential to improve energy efficiency by its power monitoring and management system, reducing the amount of energy wasted.
Reactive Boards wrote: We believe that traveling around the city should be more fun and greener. Our electric longboards will make you love riding around town and will completely change your commute. We also believe that technology should make things easier, and with our electric longboards you just hop on and ride. There's no need to learn how to ride :).. Source: EIT Climate KIC's ClimateLaunchPad
Reactive Boards
Reactive Boards wrote: We believe that traveling around the city should be more fun and greener. Our electric longboards will make you love riding around town and will completely change your commute. We also believe that technology should make things easier, and with our electric longboards you just hop on and ride. There's no need to learn how to ride :).. Source: EIT Climate KIC's ClimateLaunchPad
Prêt-à-Pack (PAP) wrote: Prêt-à-pack is a lifestyle changing daily accessory that you won’t leave home without. In our co-effort attempt to reduce plastic waste, pap is your bring your own, pack and go food container, aiming to reduce the use of single-use plastic containers and advocate positive change in consumers’ habit. The idea is to turn a fundamental, uncomplicated concept, with ingenious design, to tackle current plastic waste problems. Our aim is to instill pap and its concept into our everyday lives, for one day becomes a habit so natural that we will unconsciously diminish the use of single-use plastic, helping to unlock the issue of accumulating plastic waste on our planet... Source: EIT Climate KIC's ClimateLaunchPad
Prêt-à-Pack (PAP)
Prêt-à-Pack (PAP) wrote: Prêt-à-pack is a lifestyle changing daily accessory that you won’t leave home without. In our co-effort attempt to reduce plastic waste, pap is your bring your own, pack and go food container, aiming to reduce the use of single-use plastic containers and advocate positive change in consumers’ habit. The idea is to turn a fundamental, uncomplicated concept, with ingenious design, to tackle current plastic waste problems. Our aim is to instill pap and its concept into our everyday lives, for one day becomes a habit so natural that we will unconsciously diminish the use of single-use plastic, helping to unlock the issue of accumulating plastic waste on our planet... Source: EIT Climate KIC's ClimateLaunchPad
RainDrain System wrote: The raindrain system is a pipeline-based stormwater drainage system. It uses a unique piping scheme that’s highly adaptable and incorporates shallow depths of installations, small pipe diameters and optimum case-by-case design. The relatively affordable cost of the system and its versatility means that this system could be implemented in areas where conventional systems cannot be implemented. For example areas that lack the necessary space of installation and informal/unplanned areas. The system also adopts a communal participatory approach, meaning that the community is one of the key participants in the design, implementation, and operation and maintenance phases... Source: EIT Climate KIC's Climathon
RainDrain System
RainDrain System wrote: The raindrain system is a pipeline-based stormwater drainage system. It uses a unique piping scheme that’s highly adaptable and incorporates shallow depths of installations, small pipe diameters and optimum case-by-case design. The relatively affordable cost of the system and its versatility means that this system could be implemented in areas where conventional systems cannot be implemented. For example areas that lack the necessary space of installation and informal/unplanned areas. The system also adopts a communal participatory approach, meaning that the community is one of the key participants in the design, implementation, and operation and maintenance phases... Source: EIT Climate KIC's Climathon
MINDS wrote: The project consists of a magnetic rail that will be placed in the bus channels to recharge electric buses, causing the co2 emission index to be drastically reduced... Source: EIT Climate KIC's Climathon
MINDS wrote: The project consists of a magnetic rail that will be placed in the bus channels to recharge electric buses, causing the co2 emission index to be drastically reduced... Source: EIT Climate KIC's Climathon
Most commercial buildings have a centralized Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning (HVAC) system to meet the indoor cooling demand. The cooling distribution in these systems is a significant contributor to energy consumption in commercial buildings and uses air as a heat transfer medium. Oorja Energy’s “Radiant Cooling Solution” increases efficiencies in cooling distribution. The solution operates on chilled water supply between 16–20°C as compared to conventional centralized HVAC systems that require chilled water supply at 7°C. This leads to significant savings in power as the conventional compressor has to work more to produce chilled water at this low temperature.
Oorja Energy Engineering Service Private Limited
Most commercial buildings have a centralized Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning (HVAC) system to meet the indoor cooling demand. The cooling distribution in these systems is a significant contributor to energy consumption in commercial buildings and uses air as a heat transfer medium. Oorja Energy’s “Radiant Cooling Solution” increases efficiencies in cooling distribution. The solution operates on chilled water supply between 16–20°C as compared to conventional centralized HVAC systems that require chilled water supply at 7°C. This leads to significant savings in power as the conventional compressor has to work more to produce chilled water at this low temperature.