1000 innovative clean energy solutions and > 150 framework enablers with the potential to deliver more than twelve gigatonnes of avoided emissions by 2030
These assessments are based on a basic avoided emission assessment. The overall concept of avoided emissions is that a solution (product or service) enables the same function to be performed with significantly less GHG emissions. The method of measuring avoided emissions, is to compare a baseline scenario without the enabling solution, with a scenario using the enabling solution; whereby the baseline represents the ‘business as usual’ (BAU) scenario.
These assessments are based on the framework document: The Avoided Emissions Framework (AEF) from September 2020
In order to provide off-grid locations with stable electric power, Stallion Vortex has developed a small-scale hydropower plant. The solution utilizes the principle of creating a vortex to extract energy from water streams. It can operate with a high efficiency with a height difference of the water stream of 5 meter, making it viable in many locations with limited access to larger sources of water. According to the company, their product requires minimal maintenance after installation, and it require little to no manual control to function to its full potential.
Stallion Vortex
In order to provide off-grid locations with stable electric power, Stallion Vortex has developed a small-scale hydropower plant. The solution utilizes the principle of creating a vortex to extract energy from water streams. It can operate with a high efficiency with a height difference of the water stream of 5 meter, making it viable in many locations with limited access to larger sources of water. According to the company, their product requires minimal maintenance after installation, and it require little to no manual control to function to its full potential.
Šraufštok wrote: Our advanced safe bike network is addressing both problems mentioned above by designing safe highways for bikes outside the city to safe green waves inside challenging areas of the city. We designed pathways for everyone no matter if you are young or old or disabled, no matter whether you have lived in the city all your life or you are just a tourist – our solution gets you safely and quickly from a to b. We have innovative approach with low emission road marks and also an app connectivity for advanced users. App provides all the details of the network from fastest way to traffic information with interactive real time activity for even safer travel. The colorful road marks are designed for everyone to be recognized... Source: EIT Climate KIC's Climathon
Šraufštok wrote: Our advanced safe bike network is addressing both problems mentioned above by designing safe highways for bikes outside the city to safe green waves inside challenging areas of the city. We designed pathways for everyone no matter if you are young or old or disabled, no matter whether you have lived in the city all your life or you are just a tourist – our solution gets you safely and quickly from a to b. We have innovative approach with low emission road marks and also an app connectivity for advanced users. App provides all the details of the network from fastest way to traffic information with interactive real time activity for even safer travel. The colorful road marks are designed for everyone to be recognized... Source: EIT Climate KIC's Climathon
SR BIN wrote: From plastic, polythene to metal and even paper the fmcg sector produces far more packaging than is currently being recycled. Due to complex layering, recyclers are limited in their capacity to recycle while consumers fail to support recycling due to lack of infrastructure. Encore offers both the technology, tools and software to connect all these players and bring them on to a common stage by giving packaging waste a new face technology that converts it back to pack, bottle or can. We offer the technology as well as tools such as intelligent waste collection bins and software for brands and recyclers to re-calibrate their current manufacturing process to convert waste back into standardized raw materials... Source: EIT Climate KIC's ClimateLaunchPad
SR BIN wrote: From plastic, polythene to metal and even paper the fmcg sector produces far more packaging than is currently being recycled. Due to complex layering, recyclers are limited in their capacity to recycle while consumers fail to support recycling due to lack of infrastructure. Encore offers both the technology, tools and software to connect all these players and bring them on to a common stage by giving packaging waste a new face technology that converts it back to pack, bottle or can. We offer the technology as well as tools such as intelligent waste collection bins and software for brands and recyclers to re-calibrate their current manufacturing process to convert waste back into standardized raw materials... Source: EIT Climate KIC's ClimateLaunchPad
Sprout wrote: Sprout offers a smart solution for urban gardeners with limited experience. Based on your location and sunlight conditions, the web-tool shows you what vegetables, herbs and flowers you can easily grow. Select what you are growing at home, upload your garden plan and connect to other urban gardeners in your neighbourhood and all over the world to exchange tips, tricks and happy green stories... Source: EIT Climate KIC's ClimateLaunchPad
Sprout wrote: Sprout offers a smart solution for urban gardeners with limited experience. Based on your location and sunlight conditions, the web-tool shows you what vegetables, herbs and flowers you can easily grow. Select what you are growing at home, upload your garden plan and connect to other urban gardeners in your neighbourhood and all over the world to exchange tips, tricks and happy green stories... Source: EIT Climate KIC's ClimateLaunchPad
SpringUp wrote: What is the main idea?. We implemented a webapp, which allows a community-driven and internationally scalable method of collecting data for blooming trees. Our goal is to collect as many images of blooming trees as possible to provide a more detailed analysis of the effects of climate change on phenology. How does it work?. A user is challenged to take a picture of a blooming tree in their community. We predict blooming species of trees on a local level based on historical data. When the user uploads an image of a blooming tree, our machine learning model analyzes the picture to classify if the tree is the correct species and if it is in fact blooming. Once verified, the user is eligible for prizes (e. G... Source: EIT Climate KIC's Climathon
SpringUp wrote: What is the main idea?. We implemented a webapp, which allows a community-driven and internationally scalable method of collecting data for blooming trees. Our goal is to collect as many images of blooming trees as possible to provide a more detailed analysis of the effects of climate change on phenology. How does it work?. A user is challenged to take a picture of a blooming tree in their community. We predict blooming species of trees on a local level based on historical data. When the user uploads an image of a blooming tree, our machine learning model analyzes the picture to classify if the tree is the correct species and if it is in fact blooming. Once verified, the user is eligible for prizes (e. G... Source: EIT Climate KIC's Climathon
SPRIDES - Saving Planet RIDES wrote: Through an app for smartphones, sprides is a platform for short-distance rides, connecting drivers and passengers willing to share trips and respective cost in urban areas. So on the one hand people reduces travel costs, optimizing the efficiency of the use of cars, and in the other hand reduce car traffic in urban centers... Source: EIT Climate KIC's ClimateLaunchPad
SPRIDES - Saving Planet RIDES
SPRIDES - Saving Planet RIDES wrote: Through an app for smartphones, sprides is a platform for short-distance rides, connecting drivers and passengers willing to share trips and respective cost in urban areas. So on the one hand people reduces travel costs, optimizing the efficiency of the use of cars, and in the other hand reduce car traffic in urban centers... Source: EIT Climate KIC's ClimateLaunchPad
Spowdi® is a solar powered water distribution system that can replace traditional diesel using the energy of one solar panel. The portable irrigation and drinking water supply system also reduces water consumption in irrigation by 80% and has a low energy consumption. Using a drip irrigation system also results in reduced extracted water volume/hour, allowing a more stable extraction from groundwater sources. With few parts in one system, the line of products are easy to use and to apply in different situations.
Spowdi AB
Spowdi® is a solar powered water distribution system that can replace traditional diesel using the energy of one solar panel. The portable irrigation and drinking water supply system also reduces water consumption in irrigation by 80% and has a low energy consumption. Using a drip irrigation system also results in reduced extracted water volume/hour, allowing a more stable extraction from groundwater sources. With few parts in one system, the line of products are easy to use and to apply in different situations.
Spotscale AB provides high-quality and individually adapted 3D mappings with thermal scans of providing owners of building envelopes of large buildings, helping owners to save energy through rapid identification of heat leaks. This is done using drones and reconstruction algorithms tailored towards building and urban environments. The products can be delivered to be used in a range of modern devices, including AR and VR. The analysis is more efficienct and accurate than traditional means of aerial surveying.
Spotscale AB
Spotscale AB provides high-quality and individually adapted 3D mappings with thermal scans of providing owners of building envelopes of large buildings, helping owners to save energy through rapid identification of heat leaks. This is done using drones and reconstruction algorithms tailored towards building and urban environments. The products can be delivered to be used in a range of modern devices, including AR and VR. The analysis is more efficienct and accurate than traditional means of aerial surveying.
Sponsh wrote: The united nations expect that within 30 years, half the world’s population will experience water stress. However, nature has learned over millions of years how to survive in dry, coastal areas: they retrieve their water from air. So we thought: why don’t we do that. . Inspired by nature, we developed technology that produces water from air, using a smart, temperature-sensitive textile. During the night, when temperature are low, the textile absorbs large amounts of water from air. During the day, as temperatures rise, the fibres in the textile contract and release all the water. That way, driven by the natural temperature cycles of day and night, this textile can produce abundant water for irrigation and drinking water. ... Source: EIT Climate KIC's ClimateLaunchPad
Sponsh wrote: The united nations expect that within 30 years, half the world’s population will experience water stress. However, nature has learned over millions of years how to survive in dry, coastal areas: they retrieve their water from air. So we thought: why don’t we do that. . Inspired by nature, we developed technology that produces water from air, using a smart, temperature-sensitive textile. During the night, when temperature are low, the textile absorbs large amounts of water from air. During the day, as temperatures rise, the fibres in the textile contract and release all the water. That way, driven by the natural temperature cycles of day and night, this textile can produce abundant water for irrigation and drinking water. ... Source: EIT Climate KIC's ClimateLaunchPad
SpirulinaNord wrote: Fresh spirulina for affordable price is not available in nordic countries now. Dried spirulina nutrition value is till 80% lower and has specific taste. We are developing novel heat and water efficient technology for spirulina cultivation in temperate climate e. G. The baltic states. We believe that it will be next common greenhouse variety introduced in temperate climate countries like tomatoes and cucumbers are now. Healthy, fresh and tasty... Source: EIT Climate KIC's ClimateLaunchPad
SpirulinaNord wrote: Fresh spirulina for affordable price is not available in nordic countries now. Dried spirulina nutrition value is till 80% lower and has specific taste. We are developing novel heat and water efficient technology for spirulina cultivation in temperate climate e. G. The baltic states. We believe that it will be next common greenhouse variety introduced in temperate climate countries like tomatoes and cucumbers are now. Healthy, fresh and tasty... Source: EIT Climate KIC's ClimateLaunchPad