1000 innovative clean energy solutions and > 150 framework enablers with the potential to deliver more than twelve gigatonnes of avoided emissions by 2030
These assessments are based on a basic avoided emission assessment. The overall concept of avoided emissions is that a solution (product or service) enables the same function to be performed with significantly less GHG emissions. The method of measuring avoided emissions, is to compare a baseline scenario without the enabling solution, with a scenario using the enabling solution; whereby the baseline represents the ‘business as usual’ (BAU) scenario.
These assessments are based on the framework document: The Avoided Emissions Framework (AEF) from September 2020
Mavribor wrote: Our advanced safe bike network is addressing both problems mentioned above by designing safe highways for bikes outside the city to safe green waves inside challenging areas of the city. We designed pathways for everyone no matter if you are young or old or disabled, no matter whether you have lived in the city all your life or you are just a tourist – our solution gets you safely and quickly from a to b. We have innovative approach with low emission road marks and also an app connectivity for advanced users. App provides all the details of the network from fastest way to traffic information with interactive real time activity for even safer travel. The colorful road marks are designed for everyone to be recognized... Source: EIT Climate KIC's Climathon
Mavribor wrote: Our advanced safe bike network is addressing both problems mentioned above by designing safe highways for bikes outside the city to safe green waves inside challenging areas of the city. We designed pathways for everyone no matter if you are young or old or disabled, no matter whether you have lived in the city all your life or you are just a tourist – our solution gets you safely and quickly from a to b. We have innovative approach with low emission road marks and also an app connectivity for advanced users. App provides all the details of the network from fastest way to traffic information with interactive real time activity for even safer travel. The colorful road marks are designed for everyone to be recognized... Source: EIT Climate KIC's Climathon
Matter is a sustainable alternative to a normal pension plan that avoids investments in fossil fuels, weapons and tobacco, while more money is invested in companies working towards a sustainable future. A Matter customer can track their savings through a digital platform and see the impact of those savings using a calculator. Users can see how much their savings have contributed in terms of reducing CO₂ emissions and waste production.
Matter is a sustainable alternative to a normal pension plan that avoids investments in fossil fuels, weapons and tobacco, while more money is invested in companies working towards a sustainable future. A Matter customer can track their savings through a digital platform and see the impact of those savings using a calculator. Users can see how much their savings have contributed in terms of reducing CO₂ emissions and waste production.
Soniplas is a new innovation with the potential to transform plastic injection moulding energy efficiency. It utilises ultrasonic energy, applied to the molten polymer as it is injected into the mould, providing a temporary reduction in viscosity as the polymer melt fills the tool, enabling a temperature reduction for the molten polymer of up to 50C - reducing the energy requirement for both heating and cooling after moulding. Matrix Moulding Systems’ Sonimelt technology covers a wide range of applications in the injection moulding sector. It can be retrofitted to existing moulding machines.
Matrix Moulding Systems Ltd
Soniplas is a new innovation with the potential to transform plastic injection moulding energy efficiency. It utilises ultrasonic energy, applied to the molten polymer as it is injected into the mould, providing a temporary reduction in viscosity as the polymer melt fills the tool, enabling a temperature reduction for the molten polymer of up to 50C - reducing the energy requirement for both heating and cooling after moulding. Matrix Moulding Systems’ Sonimelt technology covers a wide range of applications in the injection moulding sector. It can be retrofitted to existing moulding machines.
Mater Dynamics wrote: Mater dynamics has developed an environmental friendly microelectronic imbedded sensor, for product packaging quality monitoring and traceability. (qstamp®). The sensor is powerless, low-cost and can be programmed accordingly standard telecom protocols such as wifi, gsm or ble... Source: EIT Climate KIC's ClimateLaunchPad
Mater Dynamics
Mater Dynamics wrote: Mater dynamics has developed an environmental friendly microelectronic imbedded sensor, for product packaging quality monitoring and traceability. (qstamp®). The sensor is powerless, low-cost and can be programmed accordingly standard telecom protocols such as wifi, gsm or ble... Source: EIT Climate KIC's ClimateLaunchPad
Massaï wrote: Human demography in combination with evolution of average standard of living increase strongly the demand for animal protein and thus of even more dramatically for plant protein. Several problems arise both at the level of the farms and at the level of the nations but also for climate, particularly in the highly soybean dependant eu. . Massaï meets this challenge with innovative agricultural machines. It promotes cultivated well known plants that are far more efficient than soybean to produce large amounts of well balanced proteins. It brings the biofractionation industry into the field and thus increases significally the crop value. It preserves and even enhances the feed quality of the harvested crop during storage. ... Source: EIT Climate KIC's ClimateLaunchPad
Massaï wrote: Human demography in combination with evolution of average standard of living increase strongly the demand for animal protein and thus of even more dramatically for plant protein. Several problems arise both at the level of the farms and at the level of the nations but also for climate, particularly in the highly soybean dependant eu. . Massaï meets this challenge with innovative agricultural machines. It promotes cultivated well known plants that are far more efficient than soybean to produce large amounts of well balanced proteins. It brings the biofractionation industry into the field and thus increases significally the crop value. It preserves and even enhances the feed quality of the harvested crop during storage. ... Source: EIT Climate KIC's ClimateLaunchPad
Mangrove Team wrote: Our solution is divided into two parts, the first part includes the planting of mangrove forests along the red sea coastline that is 760 kilometer long, these forests will have an enormous positive impact in absorbing co2 emissions, these forests will also serve in marine conservation. The second part of our solution is a project that will assist in the funding of the mangrove forests planting as well as spreading awareness concerning environmental challenges, ; this will be accomplished by the establishment of a factory that manufactures biodegradable shopping bags that will have also tags that spreads information regarding the environment... Source: EIT Climate KIC's Climathon
Mangrove Team
Mangrove Team wrote: Our solution is divided into two parts, the first part includes the planting of mangrove forests along the red sea coastline that is 760 kilometer long, these forests will have an enormous positive impact in absorbing co2 emissions, these forests will also serve in marine conservation. The second part of our solution is a project that will assist in the funding of the mangrove forests planting as well as spreading awareness concerning environmental challenges, ; this will be accomplished by the establishment of a factory that manufactures biodegradable shopping bags that will have also tags that spreads information regarding the environment... Source: EIT Climate KIC's Climathon
mango solar wrote: 1. 2 billion people in the world have no access to electricity. They satisfy basic energy needs through kerosene, which is expensive and harmful to health - especially for children. We from mango solar develop long-lasting solar home systems so people can enjoy clean and safe energy, 80 times brighter lighting and save up to 590 € in 5 years. In addition, we provide a robust and waterproof smartphone, enabling people access to the online world for the first time in their life. At the same time, this is the interface to our mango cloud, providing services like remote support, education and financing. This is how we’re shifting digitalization to previously unreachable areas!... Source: EIT Climate KIC's ClimateLaunchPad
mango solar
mango solar wrote: 1. 2 billion people in the world have no access to electricity. They satisfy basic energy needs through kerosene, which is expensive and harmful to health - especially for children. We from mango solar develop long-lasting solar home systems so people can enjoy clean and safe energy, 80 times brighter lighting and save up to 590 € in 5 years. In addition, we provide a robust and waterproof smartphone, enabling people access to the online world for the first time in their life. At the same time, this is the interface to our mango cloud, providing services like remote support, education and financing. This is how we’re shifting digitalization to previously unreachable areas!... Source: EIT Climate KIC's ClimateLaunchPad
Making Waves wrote: By researching grant application process on a contunuous basis, actign as an agent for grant access aggregation & ensuring grant aid is spent in the most effective manner, the befits of technologie such as retrofitting & generation fo celan energy are made availaible to more... Source: EIT Climate KIC's Climathon
Making Waves
Making Waves wrote: By researching grant application process on a contunuous basis, actign as an agent for grant access aggregation & ensuring grant aid is spent in the most effective manner, the befits of technologie such as retrofitting & generation fo celan energy are made availaible to more... Source: EIT Climate KIC's Climathon
Mahlzeit wrote: Every year in households with 1 person 98 kg of food is wasted. There is millions of people living alone in larger cities. If there are just 2 people in a household the food waste per person per year is reduced with 34%. It is difficult in households of 1 to cook meals from scratch because ingredients are often bought in bulk and after cooking 1 meal the unused ingredients eventually end up in the trash bin. Mahlzeit proposes a way to share meals more easily within neighborhoods to reduce food waste, help homechefs earn money, make homecooked meals available to everyone and to create a more diverse market of takeaway food. The product is a web app, a two-sided platform, where users either buy food, sell food or both... Source: EIT Climate KIC's ClimateLaunchPad
Mahlzeit wrote: Every year in households with 1 person 98 kg of food is wasted. There is millions of people living alone in larger cities. If there are just 2 people in a household the food waste per person per year is reduced with 34%. It is difficult in households of 1 to cook meals from scratch because ingredients are often bought in bulk and after cooking 1 meal the unused ingredients eventually end up in the trash bin. Mahlzeit proposes a way to share meals more easily within neighborhoods to reduce food waste, help homechefs earn money, make homecooked meals available to everyone and to create a more diverse market of takeaway food. The product is a web app, a two-sided platform, where users either buy food, sell food or both... Source: EIT Climate KIC's ClimateLaunchPad
MaGreenLife wrote: We have developed a prototype for an application, that rewards the user for climate friendly behavior, via virtual points, achievements or maybe even real-world goodies like low priced public transport tickets. So that the change of the daily routine becomes more easy and makes fun. We want to bring people together and provide leaderboards, so that they can compete against each other. We want to support the local economy with self-conscious customers, who are being rewarded for their environmentally-friendly shopping. And we can also help the local government to get in touch with users to gather new ideas for their important work, so that there is a way from the city to the users and from the users back to the city... Source: EIT Climate KIC's Climathon
MaGreenLife wrote: We have developed a prototype for an application, that rewards the user for climate friendly behavior, via virtual points, achievements or maybe even real-world goodies like low priced public transport tickets. So that the change of the daily routine becomes more easy and makes fun. We want to bring people together and provide leaderboards, so that they can compete against each other. We want to support the local economy with self-conscious customers, who are being rewarded for their environmentally-friendly shopping. And we can also help the local government to get in touch with users to gather new ideas for their important work, so that there is a way from the city to the users and from the users back to the city... Source: EIT Climate KIC's Climathon