1000 innovative clean energy solutions and > 150 framework enablers with the potential to deliver more than twelve gigatonnes of avoided emissions by 2030
These assessments are based on a basic avoided emission assessment. The overall concept of avoided emissions is that a solution (product or service) enables the same function to be performed with significantly less GHG emissions. The method of measuring avoided emissions, is to compare a baseline scenario without the enabling solution, with a scenario using the enabling solution; whereby the baseline represents the ‘business as usual’ (BAU) scenario.
These assessments are based on the framework document: The Avoided Emissions Framework (AEF) from September 2020
IRIE wrote: Our system will combine several res technologies and due to modular construction may be extended by other units. As a base of our system we offer optimal connection of renewable technologies biomass gasifier/hydrogen fuel cell with pv panel/solar water heater, idea is flexible simple and respond for owners needs, we try to keep construction as simple as possible to limit investment cost and address mass market of low cost solutions for gardens small cottages and campings in distant locations.. Source: EIT Climate KIC's ClimateLaunchPad
IRIE wrote: Our system will combine several res technologies and due to modular construction may be extended by other units. As a base of our system we offer optimal connection of renewable technologies biomass gasifier/hydrogen fuel cell with pv panel/solar water heater, idea is flexible simple and respond for owners needs, we try to keep construction as simple as possible to limit investment cost and address mass market of low cost solutions for gardens small cottages and campings in distant locations.. Source: EIT Climate KIC's ClimateLaunchPad
A stove that can heat living spaces while also being used for cooking. It has two combustion chambers and heat traping to maximize fuel efficiency and heat transfer to the space that is being heated up by the solution.
Iotspace Pvt Ltd
A stove that can heat living spaces while also being used for cooking. It has two combustion chambers and heat traping to maximize fuel efficiency and heat transfer to the space that is being heated up by the solution.
IoTap wrote: Ever disturbed your sweet dreams for checking on your water tank?. Paying unnecessarily "extra" water and electricity bills?. People unknowingly tend to waste a lot of water, knowing that freshwater is a scarce commodity on earth. But wait!!!. It's 21st century, where you sleep and your smartphone does all the work!. And that's what we do at iotap. It's a smart iot based water management device which senses and notifies. The user via an app of the water level in his/her storage tank, from where the user can monitor and turn on/off the pump motor when required to avoid overflow and overuse of water, thereby saving on water and electricity costs(by over 40%)... Source: EIT Climate KIC's ClimateLaunchPad
IoTap wrote: Ever disturbed your sweet dreams for checking on your water tank?. Paying unnecessarily "extra" water and electricity bills?. People unknowingly tend to waste a lot of water, knowing that freshwater is a scarce commodity on earth. But wait!!!. It's 21st century, where you sleep and your smartphone does all the work!. And that's what we do at iotap. It's a smart iot based water management device which senses and notifies. The user via an app of the water level in his/her storage tank, from where the user can monitor and turn on/off the pump motor when required to avoid overflow and overuse of water, thereby saving on water and electricity costs(by over 40%)... Source: EIT Climate KIC's ClimateLaunchPad
Inventgrid India Private Limited wrote: Inventgrid india is selling green fodder making machine with a generation capacity of 150kg/day to dairy and goat farmers at a cost of 2000usd / unit... Source: EIT Climate KIC's ClimateLaunchPad
Inventgrid India Private Limited
Inventgrid India Private Limited wrote: Inventgrid india is selling green fodder making machine with a generation capacity of 150kg/day to dairy and goat farmers at a cost of 2000usd / unit... Source: EIT Climate KIC's ClimateLaunchPad
Intercambia-o wrote: Comedahorta initiative provides a multimodal platform (a website "comedahorta. Com" and a downloable mobile app) that will contribute to reduce food waste by helping people who would like to exchange their excedents of natural products with their neirbourghood with minial effort. Take a picture a an item you do not plan to consume and post it on "comedahorta. Com" instead of throwing it away (with the subsequent increase in the volume of waste that will need to go through the recycling processes). It's that simple. And on the other hand if you are interested in these organic products produced in nearby rural areas, you can just check out "comedahorta" and see what it is offered now near you... Source: EIT Climate KIC's Climathon
Intercambia-o wrote: Comedahorta initiative provides a multimodal platform (a website "comedahorta. Com" and a downloable mobile app) that will contribute to reduce food waste by helping people who would like to exchange their excedents of natural products with their neirbourghood with minial effort. Take a picture a an item you do not plan to consume and post it on "comedahorta. Com" instead of throwing it away (with the subsequent increase in the volume of waste that will need to go through the recycling processes). It's that simple. And on the other hand if you are interested in these organic products produced in nearby rural areas, you can just check out "comedahorta" and see what it is offered now near you... Source: EIT Climate KIC's Climathon
IntelFlows wrote: Intelflows is building a network of moving sensors to monitor, gather air quality data and visualize the pollution levels within cities. Using iot, data processing algorithms, latest sensors and the moving vehicles within a city, intelflows seeks to create the most complex map of air pollution of the urban environment at a street level. The devices are installed on moving vehicles, especially public transportation, thus covering a larger area at a lower cost... Source: EIT Climate KIC's ClimateLaunchPad
IntelFlows wrote: Intelflows is building a network of moving sensors to monitor, gather air quality data and visualize the pollution levels within cities. Using iot, data processing algorithms, latest sensors and the moving vehicles within a city, intelflows seeks to create the most complex map of air pollution of the urban environment at a street level. The devices are installed on moving vehicles, especially public transportation, thus covering a larger area at a lower cost... Source: EIT Climate KIC's ClimateLaunchPad
Intel Inside wrote: If you life in a region with extreme water scarcity you have to sometimes decide where to use your water effectively. To gather all this information and give tips where to water, we developed an iot sensor kit, an app for smartphones and a cloud backend with an analysis algorithm. The farmer uses the portable sensorpack to take multiple measurements of the soil, air and light in his field. These are send to our server via his/her smartphone, where we use this and additional weather data to calculate a heatmap. This heatmap is displayed in the app where it gives recommendation where to irrigate for the maximum yield. Https://gitlab. Com/waterpriogroup/water-prio/tree/master.. Source: EIT Climate KIC's Climathon
Intel Inside
Intel Inside wrote: If you life in a region with extreme water scarcity you have to sometimes decide where to use your water effectively. To gather all this information and give tips where to water, we developed an iot sensor kit, an app for smartphones and a cloud backend with an analysis algorithm. The farmer uses the portable sensorpack to take multiple measurements of the soil, air and light in his field. These are send to our server via his/her smartphone, where we use this and additional weather data to calculate a heatmap. This heatmap is displayed in the app where it gives recommendation where to irrigate for the maximum yield. Https://gitlab. Com/waterpriogroup/water-prio/tree/master.. Source: EIT Climate KIC's Climathon
The innovation is focused on upgraded batteries and their use for energy storage devices and in vehicles. The batteries are built with a sensor that helps monitor and control the batteries, achieve an increased energy availability, power density, charge rate etc. When installed in t comes to vehicles, the batteries are measured to get more effect out of each battery and can be beneficial for both price, weight, and volume. The same battery is also expected to give more mileage and faster charge rate. When it comes to battery storage, the batteries are expected to even out energy supply over time since the batteries are suitable for energy storage.
Insplorion AB
The innovation is focused on upgraded batteries and their use for energy storage devices and in vehicles. The batteries are built with a sensor that helps monitor and control the batteries, achieve an increased energy availability, power density, charge rate etc. When installed in t comes to vehicles, the batteries are measured to get more effect out of each battery and can be beneficial for both price, weight, and volume. The same battery is also expected to give more mileage and faster charge rate. When it comes to battery storage, the batteries are expected to even out energy supply over time since the batteries are suitable for energy storage.
Innovopilis Waste Solutions wrote: Innovopolis offers a decentralized waste management service that contains waste within the built areas of the community and turns it into energy at the point where it is generated: a self-sufficient service which eliminates the need for waste collection, waste incineration and waste landfilling. Our solution can be applied to any community, from rural communities like islands to large multi-complex properties such as high-rise buildings and by doing so we reduce the annual carbon footprint of every inhabitant by 1 tonnes of co2... Source: EIT Climate KIC's ClimateLaunchPad
Innovopilis Waste Solutions
Innovopilis Waste Solutions wrote: Innovopolis offers a decentralized waste management service that contains waste within the built areas of the community and turns it into energy at the point where it is generated: a self-sufficient service which eliminates the need for waste collection, waste incineration and waste landfilling. Our solution can be applied to any community, from rural communities like islands to large multi-complex properties such as high-rise buildings and by doing so we reduce the annual carbon footprint of every inhabitant by 1 tonnes of co2... Source: EIT Climate KIC's ClimateLaunchPad
Inno group wrote: App which acts as a platform for the three actors. Citizens are incentivsed by gamification and given points for choosing most green micro mobility options. Micro mobility service providers are incentivised by getting an even more green image and actually being more green as well as retaining customers. Partners are also incentivsed to being more green and by retaining customers... Source: EIT Climate KIC's Climathon
Inno group
Inno group wrote: App which acts as a platform for the three actors. Citizens are incentivsed by gamification and given points for choosing most green micro mobility options. Micro mobility service providers are incentivised by getting an even more green image and actually being more green as well as retaining customers. Partners are also incentivsed to being more green and by retaining customers... Source: EIT Climate KIC's Climathon