1000 innovative clean energy solutions and > 150 framework enablers with the potential to deliver more than twelve gigatonnes of avoided emissions by 2030
These assessments are based on a basic avoided emission assessment. The overall concept of avoided emissions is that a solution (product or service) enables the same function to be performed with significantly less GHG emissions. The method of measuring avoided emissions, is to compare a baseline scenario without the enabling solution, with a scenario using the enabling solution; whereby the baseline represents the ‘business as usual’ (BAU) scenario.
These assessments are based on the framework document: The Avoided Emissions Framework (AEF) from September 2020
GreenFuel wrote: We are working to accelerate the market deployment of hydrogen gas. Our effort is to provide an alternative energy solution which is reliable, efficient, renewable, sustainable and easy to produce. We aim to produce hydrogen gas from biomass in estonia and make it an exportable commodity along with helping develop hydrogen ecosystem within estonia. Greenfuel wants to supply a world changing business opportunity for fueling stations to increase their business prospect as hydrogen cars are going to grow substantially in near future.. Source: EIT Climate KIC's ClimateLaunchPad
GreenFuel wrote: We are working to accelerate the market deployment of hydrogen gas. Our effort is to provide an alternative energy solution which is reliable, efficient, renewable, sustainable and easy to produce. We aim to produce hydrogen gas from biomass in estonia and make it an exportable commodity along with helping develop hydrogen ecosystem within estonia. Greenfuel wants to supply a world changing business opportunity for fueling stations to increase their business prospect as hydrogen cars are going to grow substantially in near future.. Source: EIT Climate KIC's ClimateLaunchPad
Greenfoot Africa wrote: Greenfoot africa is a startup company in the field of electric mobility and data science developing an on-demand electric mobility platform based on mobility as a service (maas) business model. . Our mission is to empower local businesses supply chain to go green and be more efficient. We will achieve this by offering on-demand pickup and delivery of goods, and data analysis along the supply chain using a platform employing a combined use of; electric micro-mobility (e-bikes, e-motorbikes, e-trikes and electric utility vehicles), internet of things (iot), mobile and web-based applications, data analytics and artificial intelligence. ... Source: EIT Climate KIC's ClimateLaunchPad
Greenfoot Africa
Greenfoot Africa wrote: Greenfoot africa is a startup company in the field of electric mobility and data science developing an on-demand electric mobility platform based on mobility as a service (maas) business model. . Our mission is to empower local businesses supply chain to go green and be more efficient. We will achieve this by offering on-demand pickup and delivery of goods, and data analysis along the supply chain using a platform employing a combined use of; electric micro-mobility (e-bikes, e-motorbikes, e-trikes and electric utility vehicles), internet of things (iot), mobile and web-based applications, data analytics and artificial intelligence. ... Source: EIT Climate KIC's ClimateLaunchPad
GREENFLUIDICS produces a solar bio-panel that integrates the capture of CO₂, production of oxygen, metabolized heat and capture of solar radiation efficiently via nano-fluids. Contrary to the usual solid state solar cells the bio-panel is a full spectrum solar collector including infrared radiation, including an automated monitoring of energy efficiency and metabolic variables with sensors integrated with IoT and data analytics, allowing a conversion of light and heat into energy at the same time.
GREENFLUIDICS produces a solar bio-panel that integrates the capture of CO₂, production of oxygen, metabolized heat and capture of solar radiation efficiently via nano-fluids. Contrary to the usual solid state solar cells the bio-panel is a full spectrum solar collector including infrared radiation, including an automated monitoring of energy efficiency and metabolic variables with sensors integrated with IoT and data analytics, allowing a conversion of light and heat into energy at the same time.
GreenEvo wrote: Greenevo is working with brining green technologies to evolving industriest, hence the name. Our first project is based on the nasa developed omega-system, which has been adapted for the norwegian industries and environment, using norwegian knowledge surrounding offshore installments and aquaculture. Omega cleans wastewater, and produces; food, drinking water, and other products like biofuels, using only renewable energy... Source: EIT Climate KIC's ClimateLaunchPad
GreenEvo wrote: Greenevo is working with brining green technologies to evolving industriest, hence the name. Our first project is based on the nasa developed omega-system, which has been adapted for the norwegian industries and environment, using norwegian knowledge surrounding offshore installments and aquaculture. Omega cleans wastewater, and produces; food, drinking water, and other products like biofuels, using only renewable energy... Source: EIT Climate KIC's ClimateLaunchPad
GreEnerGyms wrote: Greenergyms bring together clean energy, health and climate. We help your gyms produce clean energy and we motivate your members to work out more. Our idea is to make custom made generators that would fit in any gym and any sports complex as to promote energy production through health and exercises... Source: EIT Climate KIC's ClimateLaunchPad
GreEnerGyms wrote: Greenergyms bring together clean energy, health and climate. We help your gyms produce clean energy and we motivate your members to work out more. Our idea is to make custom made generators that would fit in any gym and any sports complex as to promote energy production through health and exercises... Source: EIT Climate KIC's ClimateLaunchPad
greeNergy wrote: Greenhouse gas emissions, especially n2o emissions, are emitted by treating the residues of biogas processes. Recent studies have revealed that n2o emissions contribute to approximately 6% to the global climate change and are potentially the main contributor to the ozone depletion of the 20th century. The greenergy process combines intentional n2o production from biogas production residues, subsequent harvesting and combustion with biogas. As a result, clean water and green energy from n2o combustion ultimately make the biogas production a more self-sufficient and clean technology... Source: EIT Climate KIC's ClimateLaunchPad
greeNergy wrote: Greenhouse gas emissions, especially n2o emissions, are emitted by treating the residues of biogas processes. Recent studies have revealed that n2o emissions contribute to approximately 6% to the global climate change and are potentially the main contributor to the ozone depletion of the 20th century. The greenergy process combines intentional n2o production from biogas production residues, subsequent harvesting and combustion with biogas. As a result, clean water and green energy from n2o combustion ultimately make the biogas production a more self-sufficient and clean technology... Source: EIT Climate KIC's ClimateLaunchPad
Greendesert wrote: In cooperation with professors from the university of bremen and local partners in cameroon, we have developed an entrepreneurial approach to combat desertification in cameroon. Using the revitec technology developed by researchers at the university of bremen, we fill biodegradable bags with various local substrates and seeds and lay them on the affected fields. The bags provide the seedlings with nutrients and sufficiently store water to guarantee sustainable plant growth, even in very dry weather conditions. . . Our aim is to build up a business in cameroon which offers a regreening service to the local communities. This service consists of targeting the respective fields,.. Source: EIT Climate KIC's ClimateLaunchPad
Greendesert wrote: In cooperation with professors from the university of bremen and local partners in cameroon, we have developed an entrepreneurial approach to combat desertification in cameroon. Using the revitec technology developed by researchers at the university of bremen, we fill biodegradable bags with various local substrates and seeds and lay them on the affected fields. The bags provide the seedlings with nutrients and sufficiently store water to guarantee sustainable plant growth, even in very dry weather conditions. . . Our aim is to build up a business in cameroon which offers a regreening service to the local communities. This service consists of targeting the respective fields,.. Source: EIT Climate KIC's ClimateLaunchPad
GreenBytes wrote: Our solution aims to tackle a fundamental part of the food waste problem in restaurants preemptively. The majority of food waste come from restaurants. This is because ordering the right amount of food is difficult. The data to make good decisions is available, but it is confusing, and it is easy to get lost in the numbers. Greenbytes takes the data analysis out of the hands of restaurants. We collect sales data from restaurants and use artificial intelligence to determine optimal amount of food that needs to be ordered. The first step to this is breaking down the ingredients of a restaurant’s menu and quantifying how much goes into each dish... Source: EIT Climate KIC's Climathon
GreenBytes wrote: Our solution aims to tackle a fundamental part of the food waste problem in restaurants preemptively. The majority of food waste come from restaurants. This is because ordering the right amount of food is difficult. The data to make good decisions is available, but it is confusing, and it is easy to get lost in the numbers. Greenbytes takes the data analysis out of the hands of restaurants. We collect sales data from restaurants and use artificial intelligence to determine optimal amount of food that needs to be ordered. The first step to this is breaking down the ingredients of a restaurant’s menu and quantifying how much goes into each dish... Source: EIT Climate KIC's Climathon
GREEN WALL wrote: Green wall. Our solution was developed during the 2019 climathon that took place in mendrisio. The solution is providing green wall. L^obiettivo è quello di trovare una soluzione al problema del surriscaldamento della città di mendrisio durante l'estate. Riduzione riscaldamento edifici mediante un sistema modulare di giardini verticali. Descrizione: la nostra soluzione è mirata alla risoluzione del problema del surriscaldamento degli edifici. Si tratta di un giardino verticale modulare, scalabile ed economico. Esso è composto da un set di moduli, ognuno con funzioni distinte. Il modulo primario è una cella idroponica in grado di accogliere piante di piccole-medie dimensioni... Source: EIT Climate KIC's Climathon
GREEN WALL wrote: Green wall. Our solution was developed during the 2019 climathon that took place in mendrisio. The solution is providing green wall. L^obiettivo è quello di trovare una soluzione al problema del surriscaldamento della città di mendrisio durante l'estate. Riduzione riscaldamento edifici mediante un sistema modulare di giardini verticali. Descrizione: la nostra soluzione è mirata alla risoluzione del problema del surriscaldamento degli edifici. Si tratta di un giardino verticale modulare, scalabile ed economico. Esso è composto da un set di moduli, ognuno con funzioni distinte. Il modulo primario è una cella idroponica in grado di accogliere piante di piccole-medie dimensioni... Source: EIT Climate KIC's Climathon
Green Voltz Cera Tech System wrote: Green voltz cera tech system working on the development of low cost ceramic composite ion exchange separators for microbial fuel cells to treat wastewater. Our product is a. Decentralized wastewater treatment system, the prime concern of our product will be the utilization of the polluted wastewater generated by the anthropogenic activities, will be utilized for the resource recovery, crops cultivation, aquaponics and electricity generation in a controlled manner by electrogenesis but attenuate the emission of the greenhouse gas, methane, a product of methanogenesis process that would have occurred if the domestic wastewater was left without any treatment... Source: EIT Climate KIC's ClimateLaunchPad
Green Voltz Cera Tech System
Green Voltz Cera Tech System wrote: Green voltz cera tech system working on the development of low cost ceramic composite ion exchange separators for microbial fuel cells to treat wastewater. Our product is a. Decentralized wastewater treatment system, the prime concern of our product will be the utilization of the polluted wastewater generated by the anthropogenic activities, will be utilized for the resource recovery, crops cultivation, aquaponics and electricity generation in a controlled manner by electrogenesis but attenuate the emission of the greenhouse gas, methane, a product of methanogenesis process that would have occurred if the domestic wastewater was left without any treatment... Source: EIT Climate KIC's ClimateLaunchPad