1000 innovative clean energy solutions and > 150 framework enablers with the potential to deliver more than twelve gigatonnes of avoided emissions by 2030
These assessments are based on a basic avoided emission assessment. The overall concept of avoided emissions is that a solution (product or service) enables the same function to be performed with significantly less GHG emissions. The method of measuring avoided emissions, is to compare a baseline scenario without the enabling solution, with a scenario using the enabling solution; whereby the baseline represents the ‘business as usual’ (BAU) scenario.
These assessments are based on the framework document: The Avoided Emissions Framework (AEF) from September 2020
Fuel Switch wrote: Fuel switch aim to directly tackle the almost 1 billion tonnes of co2 that aviation generates every year. We allow airlines to empower their passengers with the choice to fly sustainably through the use of renewable jet fuel, reducing emissions by around 80%... Source: EIT Climate KIC's ClimateLaunchPad
Fuel Switch
Fuel Switch wrote: Fuel switch aim to directly tackle the almost 1 billion tonnes of co2 that aviation generates every year. We allow airlines to empower their passengers with the choice to fly sustainably through the use of renewable jet fuel, reducing emissions by around 80%... Source: EIT Climate KIC's ClimateLaunchPad
Fruges wrote: Fruges product taaza grow seeds treated with bio-fertilizer and bio-pesticides coated with phyto-polymers. It allows farmers to adopt organic farming fertilizing their crop, protects from any insect or disease with 10% to 50% less water. Taazagrow cuts the energy and transportation cost required to manufacture and deliver huge quantity of fertilizer and pesticides used for conventional farming. Saving approximately 100% of the carbon emitted during the whole production and supply chain. In addition of organic matter in soil by decomposing the organic waste, it restores natural soil fertility, kills harmful microbes and degrade toxic organic chemicals. This eventually improves crop production by 20-30%... Source: EIT Climate KIC's ClimateLaunchPad
Fruges wrote: Fruges product taaza grow seeds treated with bio-fertilizer and bio-pesticides coated with phyto-polymers. It allows farmers to adopt organic farming fertilizing their crop, protects from any insect or disease with 10% to 50% less water. Taazagrow cuts the energy and transportation cost required to manufacture and deliver huge quantity of fertilizer and pesticides used for conventional farming. Saving approximately 100% of the carbon emitted during the whole production and supply chain. In addition of organic matter in soil by decomposing the organic waste, it restores natural soil fertility, kills harmful microbes and degrade toxic organic chemicals. This eventually improves crop production by 20-30%... Source: EIT Climate KIC's ClimateLaunchPad
Moving food from the farm to the family dinner table can take months of passing through intermediaries before arriving at the supermarket. Chemical are therefore used to ensure longevity, resulting in old food that is perhaps months old, chemically laden, and with reduced nutritional value. Fresh.Land digitizes the food supply chain, allowing farmers to sell directly to retailers using a platform that provides logistics, payment, legal and knowledge support integrated into one solution. Food is purchased and consumed within days instead of months, protecting food integrity and minimizing waste.
Moving food from the farm to the family dinner table can take months of passing through intermediaries before arriving at the supermarket. Chemical are therefore used to ensure longevity, resulting in old food that is perhaps months old, chemically laden, and with reduced nutritional value. Fresh.Land digitizes the food supply chain, allowing farmers to sell directly to retailers using a platform that provides logistics, payment, legal and knowledge support integrated into one solution. Food is purchased and consumed within days instead of months, protecting food integrity and minimizing waste.
FreonFrog wrote: With the reconstruction of existing systems and installing freonfrog box we can make cold storage in any industry adapted for new f-gases regulation. Freonfrog can absolutely control freon in the system and make it reusable and recyclable, prevent any leakage. Freonfog box directly reduces impact on global warming and ozone-layer depletion. Our technology easily and safely control freon, storage it and inform services and users about potential problems... Source: EIT Climate KIC's ClimateLaunchPad
FreonFrog wrote: With the reconstruction of existing systems and installing freonfrog box we can make cold storage in any industry adapted for new f-gases regulation. Freonfrog can absolutely control freon in the system and make it reusable and recyclable, prevent any leakage. Freonfog box directly reduces impact on global warming and ozone-layer depletion. Our technology easily and safely control freon, storage it and inform services and users about potential problems... Source: EIT Climate KIC's ClimateLaunchPad
Freight Club wrote: Our solution is a software that enables companies in dense industrial areas to connect to share their unused capacities. This can easily be rolled out in additional areas as there are thousands of similar cases in germany and beyond. Furthermore, closer collaboration on transport could lower the risk of transitioning to lower-emissions vehicles, such as electric of fuel cell trucks. The software could be financed by a subscription model for the participating firms. The cost savings and image improvement through lowering emissions and increasing efficiency will more than make up for the subscription fee... Source: EIT Climate KIC's Climathon
Freight Club
Freight Club wrote: Our solution is a software that enables companies in dense industrial areas to connect to share their unused capacities. This can easily be rolled out in additional areas as there are thousands of similar cases in germany and beyond. Furthermore, closer collaboration on transport could lower the risk of transitioning to lower-emissions vehicles, such as electric of fuel cell trucks. The software could be financed by a subscription model for the participating firms. The cost savings and image improvement through lowering emissions and increasing efficiency will more than make up for the subscription fee... Source: EIT Climate KIC's Climathon
FreezeM wrote: Insects have the potential of becoming a central resource in the feed industry. But in order to replace traditional feed ingredients such as fishmeal, they must be produced at an industrial scale with high stability and quality. Currently, each insect farm has to maintain the entire life cycle internally in order to supply its own demand for eggs. This process is inefficient and costly, making it very difficult to increase the production scale. Our product is viable frozen insect eggs. These eggs can be supplied on-demand to any player in the growing industry of insect protein production... Source: EIT Climate KIC's ClimateLaunchPad
FreezeM wrote: Insects have the potential of becoming a central resource in the feed industry. But in order to replace traditional feed ingredients such as fishmeal, they must be produced at an industrial scale with high stability and quality. Currently, each insect farm has to maintain the entire life cycle internally in order to supply its own demand for eggs. This process is inefficient and costly, making it very difficult to increase the production scale. Our product is viable frozen insect eggs. These eggs can be supplied on-demand to any player in the growing industry of insect protein production... Source: EIT Climate KIC's ClimateLaunchPad
Freelway has a service that optimizes transportation made by individuals and companies through visualization and coordination all transports within a system. Using algorithms to match transport requests with available resources, the solution offers one app-based service which provides economic and environmental benefits for all actors. The service also allows for the integration of a post delivery system for transporting last mile deliveries. The market group is currently rural and urban users.
Freelway AB
Freelway has a service that optimizes transportation made by individuals and companies through visualization and coordination all transports within a system. Using algorithms to match transport requests with available resources, the solution offers one app-based service which provides economic and environmental benefits for all actors. The service also allows for the integration of a post delivery system for transporting last mile deliveries. The market group is currently rural and urban users.
Fossil Free Karlsruhe wrote: Our project result for inspection including "source files" and used and self-created assets is in the official google drive of climathon mannheim, which has to be made accessible by jascha quintern for the jury. Https://drive. Google. Com/drive/folders/1nzpyoz-vg4a69zeu1yjfmr2ssize6l2gdirectory path: climathon > challenge-energy-fossilfree > *the used assets to be declared are indicated in the credits of the result video. The following assets have been purchased and are owned by jörg osarek, artist name chuck ian gordon (team member), which does not need to be mentioned in official credits: carwrecked. Blend (from blender market) and p1_cabrio_fbx_file_gltf. Zip (fromsketchfab... Source: EIT Climate KIC's Climathon
Fossil Free Karlsruhe
Fossil Free Karlsruhe wrote: Our project result for inspection including "source files" and used and self-created assets is in the official google drive of climathon mannheim, which has to be made accessible by jascha quintern for the jury. Https://drive. Google. Com/drive/folders/1nzpyoz-vg4a69zeu1yjfmr2ssize6l2gdirectory path: climathon > challenge-energy-fossilfree > *the used assets to be declared are indicated in the credits of the result video. The following assets have been purchased and are owned by jörg osarek, artist name chuck ian gordon (team member), which does not need to be mentioned in official credits: carwrecked. Blend (from blender market) and p1_cabrio_fbx_file_gltf. Zip (fromsketchfab... Source: EIT Climate KIC's Climathon
ForestBerg wrote: Forestberg is developing forest smart monitoring system to prevent all forest fires & illegal events in forests. Our internet-connected devices are designed to detect smoke, air humidity, temperature, logging & sounds (data) in real-time. Currently, we have several of our sensors being tasted in a forest in armenia which will be developed into our first pilot project... Source: EIT Climate KIC's ClimateLaunchPad
ForestBerg wrote: Forestberg is developing forest smart monitoring system to prevent all forest fires & illegal events in forests. Our internet-connected devices are designed to detect smoke, air humidity, temperature, logging & sounds (data) in real-time. Currently, we have several of our sensors being tasted in a forest in armenia which will be developed into our first pilot project... Source: EIT Climate KIC's ClimateLaunchPad
Foodprint wrote: With this system, foodprint supports the reduction of food waste on two levels: staff of the canteen can organize grocery shopping in a better way - only the essential ingredients are purchased, limiting careless spending on excess or unnecessary items . Canteen visitors learn to appreciate and value food in a playful way. They gain a better understanding of their own eating habits and are rewarded when less food is thrown away... Source: EIT Climate KIC's Climathon
Foodprint wrote: With this system, foodprint supports the reduction of food waste on two levels: staff of the canteen can organize grocery shopping in a better way - only the essential ingredients are purchased, limiting careless spending on excess or unnecessary items . Canteen visitors learn to appreciate and value food in a playful way. They gain a better understanding of their own eating habits and are rewarded when less food is thrown away... Source: EIT Climate KIC's Climathon