1000 innovative clean energy solutions and > 150 framework enablers with the potential to deliver more than twelve gigatonnes of avoided emissions by 2030
These assessments are based on a basic avoided emission assessment. The overall concept of avoided emissions is that a solution (product or service) enables the same function to be performed with significantly less GHG emissions. The method of measuring avoided emissions, is to compare a baseline scenario without the enabling solution, with a scenario using the enabling solution; whereby the baseline represents the ‘business as usual’ (BAU) scenario.
These assessments are based on the framework document: The Avoided Emissions Framework (AEF) from September 2020
Bike Tree wrote: Our idea is to raise the awareness of the population about the bicycle as a sustainable mean of transport. More and more people are willing to use their bicycles instead of their cars. However, they often do not dare to use their e-bikes or expensive bicycles, as there is a high risk of bicycle theft in large cities. The bike tree is a secure and environmentally friendly bike storage system. Also, it increases the quality and livability of a city by bringing open space with green by nature inspired designs... Source: EIT Climate KIC's Climathon
Bike Tree
Bike Tree wrote: Our idea is to raise the awareness of the population about the bicycle as a sustainable mean of transport. More and more people are willing to use their bicycles instead of their cars. However, they often do not dare to use their e-bikes or expensive bicycles, as there is a high risk of bicycle theft in large cities. The bike tree is a secure and environmentally friendly bike storage system. Also, it increases the quality and livability of a city by bringing open space with green by nature inspired designs... Source: EIT Climate KIC's Climathon
bfress (live organic & stay healthy) wrote: B-fress will offer customers organic and locally grown produce, chemical- and preservative-free cold-pressed juices, organic fruits and vegetables. All of our products are healthy alternatives to the products available at conventional grocery chains. Support organic farms that keep our earth and water pure. Reduce climate change and co2 emissions. Conversion of farmers into organic farmers and providing marketing and logistics solutions to farmers products... Source: EIT Climate KIC's ClimateLaunchPad
bfress (live organic & stay healthy)
bfress (live organic & stay healthy) wrote: B-fress will offer customers organic and locally grown produce, chemical- and preservative-free cold-pressed juices, organic fruits and vegetables. All of our products are healthy alternatives to the products available at conventional grocery chains. Support organic farms that keep our earth and water pure. Reduce climate change and co2 emissions. Conversion of farmers into organic farmers and providing marketing and logistics solutions to farmers products... Source: EIT Climate KIC's ClimateLaunchPad
Beyond Meat creates plant-based burgers, sausages, crumbles, and other products made directly from simple plant-based ingredients. By shifting from animal to plant-based meat the company aims to solve four growing issues attributed to livestock production: human health, climate change, constraints on natural resources and animal welfare. A life-cycle assessment of the Beyond Burger suggested that compared to an equivalent beef burger, it generates 90% less greenhouse gas emissions, requires 46% less energy, use 99% less water and has 93% less impact on land use.
Beyond Meat
Beyond Meat creates plant-based burgers, sausages, crumbles, and other products made directly from simple plant-based ingredients. By shifting from animal to plant-based meat the company aims to solve four growing issues attributed to livestock production: human health, climate change, constraints on natural resources and animal welfare. A life-cycle assessment of the Beyond Burger suggested that compared to an equivalent beef burger, it generates 90% less greenhouse gas emissions, requires 46% less energy, use 99% less water and has 93% less impact on land use.
Beyond wrote: We want to utilise local bio-resources (mainly considered waste) & convert them to value added products in a bio-refinery type concept. The motivation behind this idea is the readily available bio (waste) resources, eg. Coconut husk, surplus rice straw, bamboo, etc. And a large growth market where the products can find place, i. E. The road construction industry. For starters, we want to create binders from our agro-waste and use it as a partial replacement for bitumen in the road construction sector. Such a process has already been proven by european research groups, who would be our eventual partners in the project... Source: EIT Climate KIC's ClimateLaunchPad
Beyond wrote: We want to utilise local bio-resources (mainly considered waste) & convert them to value added products in a bio-refinery type concept. The motivation behind this idea is the readily available bio (waste) resources, eg. Coconut husk, surplus rice straw, bamboo, etc. And a large growth market where the products can find place, i. E. The road construction industry. For starters, we want to create binders from our agro-waste and use it as a partial replacement for bitumen in the road construction sector. Such a process has already been proven by european research groups, who would be our eventual partners in the project... Source: EIT Climate KIC's ClimateLaunchPad
BendiT wrote: We have created a minimal viable product (mvp) that currently lists materials (secondary products) from the companies resource pipelines and thus offering other companies to place an order. The mvp was build using r language and the data is stored in mongo database. The code developed during 40 hr climathon is deposited in a public repository - github (https://github. Com/gsrnivas/bendit). If we get an opportunity, we aim to continue working developing this platformby adding morefunctionalities and have a production ready application in 6 months time... Source: EIT Climate KIC's Climathon
BendiT wrote: We have created a minimal viable product (mvp) that currently lists materials (secondary products) from the companies resource pipelines and thus offering other companies to place an order. The mvp was build using r language and the data is stored in mongo database. The code developed during 40 hr climathon is deposited in a public repository - github (https://github. Com/gsrnivas/bendit). If we get an opportunity, we aim to continue working developing this platformby adding morefunctionalities and have a production ready application in 6 months time... Source: EIT Climate KIC's Climathon
Zbest Power Co. Ltd, has developed an innovative solution to renewable energy storage which they have called ‘Power Bank’. The company has developed a zinc-bromine flow battery, an emerging technology that provides a viable energy storage option for the fast-growing renewable energy market. Part of the solution also includes capability for developing key components and materials for the zinc-bromine flow battery including bipolar electrodes, membranes, electrolytes and flow frames, which could reduce the cost of the battery to half current levels.
Beijing ZBEST Technology Co., Ltd
Zbest Power Co. Ltd, has developed an innovative solution to renewable energy storage which they have called ‘Power Bank’. The company has developed a zinc-bromine flow battery, an emerging technology that provides a viable energy storage option for the fast-growing renewable energy market. Part of the solution also includes capability for developing key components and materials for the zinc-bromine flow battery including bipolar electrodes, membranes, electrolytes and flow frames, which could reduce the cost of the battery to half current levels.
Solar hot water and PV power are the two main approaches to utilize solar energy at present. However, the energy conversion efficiency of solar water heater and PV modules still needs to be improved, and the average service life of water heater is only 3-5 years. Ecoway Energy Technology Group developed a micro heat pipe array heat using superconducting materials. Its thermal conductivity is about 5000 times greater than aluminium and with a high efficiency and durability. It avoids the common problems of traditional flat solar collector such as solder joints cracking, high antifreeze cost etc, which prolongs the lifetime.
Beijing Ecoway Hetong Energy Technology Co.Ltd
Solar hot water and PV power are the two main approaches to utilize solar energy at present. However, the energy conversion efficiency of solar water heater and PV modules still needs to be improved, and the average service life of water heater is only 3-5 years. Ecoway Energy Technology Group developed a micro heat pipe array heat using superconducting materials. Its thermal conductivity is about 5000 times greater than aluminium and with a high efficiency and durability. It avoids the common problems of traditional flat solar collector such as solder joints cracking, high antifreeze cost etc, which prolongs the lifetime.
Beech product solutions wrote: Beech products are aiming to create polylactic acid (pla) product by utilising a not commonly used organic waste resource in scotland. The company will use circular economy methodology to highlight complete transparency in our supply chain and look to deliver value for the customer. Beech business objective is to develop suitable pla products for food retail and to offer customer alternative solutions to plastic when they shop. This can help put choice back with the customer and promote scotland as leading the way toward creating a low carbon economy... Source: EIT Climate KIC's ClimateLaunchPad
Beech product solutions
Beech product solutions wrote: Beech products are aiming to create polylactic acid (pla) product by utilising a not commonly used organic waste resource in scotland. The company will use circular economy methodology to highlight complete transparency in our supply chain and look to deliver value for the customer. Beech business objective is to develop suitable pla products for food retail and to offer customer alternative solutions to plastic when they shop. This can help put choice back with the customer and promote scotland as leading the way toward creating a low carbon economy... Source: EIT Climate KIC's ClimateLaunchPad
Bee Care System wrote: Bee care system is simple, effective and innovative heating system. Increasing temperature allows to exterminate. Varroa destructor - main causer of bees’ dying out all over the world. Bees population decline caused by varroa is global problem for european, asian and american beekeepers. Since invasion of varroa is still in progress, our market is still very wide and will grow in the future. Honey bee is one of the pillars, which creates global ecosystem. They are so important that if all honey bees were to die out, thousands of plants would follow, which could lead to millions of people starving in the following years... Source: EIT Climate KIC's ClimateLaunchPad
Bee Care System
Bee Care System wrote: Bee care system is simple, effective and innovative heating system. Increasing temperature allows to exterminate. Varroa destructor - main causer of bees’ dying out all over the world. Bees population decline caused by varroa is global problem for european, asian and american beekeepers. Since invasion of varroa is still in progress, our market is still very wide and will grow in the future. Honey bee is one of the pillars, which creates global ecosystem. They are so important that if all honey bees were to die out, thousands of plants would follow, which could lead to millions of people starving in the following years... Source: EIT Climate KIC's ClimateLaunchPad
BEAD is an AI-based system that analyzes, optimizes and operates a building’s energy management and related marketing strategies and operations by measuring real-time occupancy data. BEAD sensors analyze human behaviors and occupancy changes inside the building. Occupancy cycles, movements, and density change information can be collected with the use of BEAD software. With human behavior contributing to energy waste by 20-40%, the goal of the innovation is to analyze and develop fully autonomous/self-operating buildings to save energy, cut utility bills, optimize marketing strategies and reduce emissions.
BEAD Technology
BEAD is an AI-based system that analyzes, optimizes and operates a building’s energy management and related marketing strategies and operations by measuring real-time occupancy data. BEAD sensors analyze human behaviors and occupancy changes inside the building. Occupancy cycles, movements, and density change information can be collected with the use of BEAD software. With human behavior contributing to energy waste by 20-40%, the goal of the innovation is to analyze and develop fully autonomous/self-operating buildings to save energy, cut utility bills, optimize marketing strategies and reduce emissions.