1000 innovative clean energy solutions and > 150 framework enablers with the potential to deliver more than twelve gigatonnes of avoided emissions by 2030
These assessments are based on a basic avoided emission assessment. The overall concept of avoided emissions is that a solution (product or service) enables the same function to be performed with significantly less GHG emissions. The method of measuring avoided emissions, is to compare a baseline scenario without the enabling solution, with a scenario using the enabling solution; whereby the baseline represents the ‘business as usual’ (BAU) scenario.
These assessments are based on the framework document: The Avoided Emissions Framework (AEF) from September 2020
Aqua Ziwa wrote: With our solution we are able to desalinate 2000l of sea water in an hour into drinkable water. The whole solution is estimated to cost 380. 000€ per unit and does not require many maintenance nor special employee to operate it. Our sollution could be applied into variable areas like ports, hotels, govrnments, but our beachhead market are privately owned islands. As the owners of them are usually also supporters of green technology we believe we'll also with their support have easier antrance in muncipality and government markets... Source: EIT Climate KIC's ClimateLaunchPad
Aqua Ziwa
Aqua Ziwa wrote: With our solution we are able to desalinate 2000l of sea water in an hour into drinkable water. The whole solution is estimated to cost 380. 000€ per unit and does not require many maintenance nor special employee to operate it. Our sollution could be applied into variable areas like ports, hotels, govrnments, but our beachhead market are privately owned islands. As the owners of them are usually also supporters of green technology we believe we'll also with their support have easier antrance in muncipality and government markets... Source: EIT Climate KIC's ClimateLaunchPad
Aptit wrote: Organik is the most innovative supplier of organic coffee breaks of the moment, which through an application will provide an exclusive menu, the inputs and also the commercial support necessary to produce the service and distribute it by bicycle (out-sourcing), impacting directly in reducing carbon emissions to the environment and makes the franchisee manage their time and generate the highest possible profit, in addition to improving food quality!.. Source: EIT Climate KIC's ClimateLaunchPad
Aptit wrote: Organik is the most innovative supplier of organic coffee breaks of the moment, which through an application will provide an exclusive menu, the inputs and also the commercial support necessary to produce the service and distribute it by bicycle (out-sourcing), impacting directly in reducing carbon emissions to the environment and makes the franchisee manage their time and generate the highest possible profit, in addition to improving food quality!.. Source: EIT Climate KIC's ClimateLaunchPad
Anyang Heli Techtronic Metallurgy New Technology Co., Ltd have developed cold-rolled ribbed steel bar with high ductility. It combines several manufacturing techniques to enhance the strength of steel bar, and then improves its ductility with heat treatment process to eliminate residual stress and repair the microstructure defects. The company claims that, compared to traditional hot-rolled technique, their technology saves about 40% of energy, as well as alloy materials, such as vanadium nitrogen, manganese silicon. Furthermore, to produce a ton of steel with their technology could save 130 kwh of power, as well as 9.3 kg standard coal, and cost near zero amount of water.
Anyang Heli Techtronic Metallurgy New Technolgoy Co., Ltd
Anyang Heli Techtronic Metallurgy New Technology Co., Ltd have developed cold-rolled ribbed steel bar with high ductility. It combines several manufacturing techniques to enhance the strength of steel bar, and then improves its ductility with heat treatment process to eliminate residual stress and repair the microstructure defects. The company claims that, compared to traditional hot-rolled technique, their technology saves about 40% of energy, as well as alloy materials, such as vanadium nitrogen, manganese silicon. Furthermore, to produce a ton of steel with their technology could save 130 kwh of power, as well as 9.3 kg standard coal, and cost near zero amount of water.
Increasing efficiency in installing solar production by providing installers with a one-stop shop with procuring materials. Quality is ensured by partership with high-end brands
Amplify Energy Innovations Pvt Ltd
Increasing efficiency in installing solar production by providing installers with a one-stop shop with procuring materials. Quality is ensured by partership with high-end brands
The solutions aims to support energy storage technology. Energy storage is made more efficient by the proposed standardization from the company. The application range is wide, allowing for standardization to be used in more cases. There is also a proposal for energy storage system farms. Increased storage can enable more intermittent renewable energy to be produced.
Ampere Hour Energy
The solutions aims to support energy storage technology. Energy storage is made more efficient by the proposed standardization from the company. The application range is wide, allowing for standardization to be used in more cases. There is also a proposal for energy storage system farms. Increased storage can enable more intermittent renewable energy to be produced.
Amigo wrote: Amigo provides transportation to school children using electric vehicles with all the safety and security standards along with a mobile app with features of gps, live tracking, monitoring, crime spot alert, crash detection . Strictly following the motor act of 1988 and 2015 ,providing employment to women and transgenders. As fleet drivers. We provide end to end transportation services to schools and school children using ev for. Pollution free , safe and eco friendly commute.. Source: EIT Climate KIC's ClimateLaunchPad
Amigo wrote: Amigo provides transportation to school children using electric vehicles with all the safety and security standards along with a mobile app with features of gps, live tracking, monitoring, crime spot alert, crash detection . Strictly following the motor act of 1988 and 2015 ,providing employment to women and transgenders. As fleet drivers. We provide end to end transportation services to schools and school children using ev for. Pollution free , safe and eco friendly commute.. Source: EIT Climate KIC's ClimateLaunchPad
Ambient Engine wrote: Ambient engine deliver power by sucking heat from atmosphere and convert to useful energy for energy generation, automobiles and powering the drones for unlimited period of time without refueling. The proposed idea utilizes the ambient heat to energy and can produce energy while on the go eliminating the need for heavy battery storage system. Inspired by the natural process of rain where water absorbing heat from ambient atmosphere for phase change is the technology behind the idea. Utilizing the atmospheric temperature to change fluid to gas in an orc turbine. And generate energy from it and cool the working fluid using an external air conditioning system... Source: EIT Climate KIC's ClimateLaunchPad
Ambient Engine
Ambient Engine wrote: Ambient engine deliver power by sucking heat from atmosphere and convert to useful energy for energy generation, automobiles and powering the drones for unlimited period of time without refueling. The proposed idea utilizes the ambient heat to energy and can produce energy while on the go eliminating the need for heavy battery storage system. Inspired by the natural process of rain where water absorbing heat from ambient atmosphere for phase change is the technology behind the idea. Utilizing the atmospheric temperature to change fluid to gas in an orc turbine. And generate energy from it and cool the working fluid using an external air conditioning system... Source: EIT Climate KIC's ClimateLaunchPad
Amana Katu wrote: Water in the amazon is a paradox: while the region has abundant rainfall and freshwater, over 10 million people lack access tomclean water in the brazilian amazon. Large public water systems are too costly and complex to efficiently reach urban slum areas and riverside communities, where uncollected rainwater causes floods and spreads disease. . As a social business, amana katu trains and employs at-risk youth from regional ngo movimento república de emaús to develop and build low-cost, sustainable rainwater collection and purification systems for use in homes and agriculture, and sell them through an e-commerce platform with a 5-for-1 business model - every 5 systems sold, 1 is donated to a low-income family with no access to water... Source: EIT Climate KIC's ClimateLaunchPad
Amana Katu
Amana Katu wrote: Water in the amazon is a paradox: while the region has abundant rainfall and freshwater, over 10 million people lack access tomclean water in the brazilian amazon. Large public water systems are too costly and complex to efficiently reach urban slum areas and riverside communities, where uncollected rainwater causes floods and spreads disease. . As a social business, amana katu trains and employs at-risk youth from regional ngo movimento república de emaús to develop and build low-cost, sustainable rainwater collection and purification systems for use in homes and agriculture, and sell them through an e-commerce platform with a 5-for-1 business model - every 5 systems sold, 1 is donated to a low-income family with no access to water... Source: EIT Climate KIC's ClimateLaunchPad
AM Group wrote: Developed a solar panel with a built in machine that rotates in the position of the sun light for maximum efficiency of energy intake. This is executed with the use of sensors... Source: EIT Climate KIC's ClimateLaunchPad
AM Group
AM Group wrote: Developed a solar panel with a built in machine that rotates in the position of the sun light for maximum efficiency of energy intake. This is executed with the use of sensors... Source: EIT Climate KIC's ClimateLaunchPad
ALTO precision’s aim is to develop a range of solar-powered small-scale decentralised machinery for remote small holding agri-processing needs in India. Their current developments include a range of small-scale rice processing machines. The solar rice huller is a 360 W machine that can produce 100 kg/hour with a hulling efficiency of 98% in the first pass, which ALTO precision claims is the most efficient small-scale rice processing machine in the world, almost 50% more efficient than any other machine, at a low price. The machines are solar powered, high capacity and very efficient, giving farmers access to a sustainable energy source and providing food security and the opportunity to create an additional income.
ALTO Precision
ALTO precision’s aim is to develop a range of solar-powered small-scale decentralised machinery for remote small holding agri-processing needs in India. Their current developments include a range of small-scale rice processing machines. The solar rice huller is a 360 W machine that can produce 100 kg/hour with a hulling efficiency of 98% in the first pass, which ALTO precision claims is the most efficient small-scale rice processing machine in the world, almost 50% more efficient than any other machine, at a low price. The machines are solar powered, high capacity and very efficient, giving farmers access to a sustainable energy source and providing food security and the opportunity to create an additional income.