1000 innovative clean energy solutions and > 150 framework enablers with the potential to deliver more than twelve gigatonnes of avoided emissions by 2030
These assessments are based on a basic avoided emission assessment. The overall concept of avoided emissions is that a solution (product or service) enables the same function to be performed with significantly less GHG emissions. The method of measuring avoided emissions, is to compare a baseline scenario without the enabling solution, with a scenario using the enabling solution; whereby the baseline represents the ‘business as usual’ (BAU) scenario.
These assessments are based on the framework document: The Avoided Emissions Framework (AEF) from September 2020
Pick it easy wrote: Our solution is a service where we collaborate with supermarkets to take the order of the customers online. The supermarket prepares the order and we ship it directly into lockers that people can open with a code. These lockers are strategically located to "collecting points" that are close to where people live. To resume, we want to decentralize grocery shoppping by reducing the distance between the people and their groceries. The customer can choose at what day he wants to pick up his groceries and have all the day to pick it up. The delivery from the supermarket to the lockers would only be once a day, and all the customers cover a really small distance to go to these lockers... Source: EIT Climate KIC's Climathon
Pick it easy
Pick it easy wrote: Our solution is a service where we collaborate with supermarkets to take the order of the customers online. The supermarket prepares the order and we ship it directly into lockers that people can open with a code. These lockers are strategically located to "collecting points" that are close to where people live. To resume, we want to decentralize grocery shoppping by reducing the distance between the people and their groceries. The customer can choose at what day he wants to pick up his groceries and have all the day to pick it up. The delivery from the supermarket to the lockers would only be once a day, and all the customers cover a really small distance to go to these lockers... Source: EIT Climate KIC's Climathon
Pi2 wrote: You know prefab wood walls ? used in new-build, for an extension or for an external insulation, they present a strong interest for ecological habitat. Even more when the service proposed by pi2 can cut the costs by 25%, being competitive with regards to concrete. « our approach is comparable to a fablab for craftmen : we provide professionals with an open access. To our innovative machine and we teach them how to use it » says jean pierre dufay, its inventor who has worked 30 years in the field... Source: EIT Climate KIC's ClimateLaunchPad
Pi2 wrote: You know prefab wood walls ? used in new-build, for an extension or for an external insulation, they present a strong interest for ecological habitat. Even more when the service proposed by pi2 can cut the costs by 25%, being competitive with regards to concrete. « our approach is comparable to a fablab for craftmen : we provide professionals with an open access. To our innovative machine and we teach them how to use it » says jean pierre dufay, its inventor who has worked 30 years in the field... Source: EIT Climate KIC's ClimateLaunchPad
Perovskite solar cells are developed by the University of Warsaw and represent a new class of photovoltaic devices. Their efficiency has reached 24 percent within 8 years of development, which is comparable with silicon solar panels that hav been developed for decades. Estimates say that this generation of solar cells will be significantly cheaper than panels currently available on the market. This is due to low temperature fabrication processing, simple manufacturing and cheap components. Furthermore, there is a possibility to make flexible devices which opens a brand-new application of solar panels.
Student Energy Greenpreneur Adam Winukiewicz
Perovskite solar cells are developed by the University of Warsaw and represent a new class of photovoltaic devices. Their efficiency has reached 24 percent within 8 years of development, which is comparable with silicon solar panels that hav been developed for decades. Estimates say that this generation of solar cells will be significantly cheaper than panels currently available on the market. This is due to low temperature fabrication processing, simple manufacturing and cheap components. Furthermore, there is a possibility to make flexible devices which opens a brand-new application of solar panels.
Perimat wrote: Because of increasing fish demand and shrinking fisheries, aquaculture gradually replaces fish catch. Aquaculture still has to overcome few challenges- waste treatment and expensive fish-based feed are the main ones. Perimat is able to do both jobs- filter fish effluents in a reasonable areal rate and the biomass produced is able to replace 30% of fish feed, and in addition, reduce considerable ghg emissions. By doing so, perimat makes aquaculture more sustainable and profitable... Source: EIT Climate KIC's ClimateLaunchPad
Perimat wrote: Because of increasing fish demand and shrinking fisheries, aquaculture gradually replaces fish catch. Aquaculture still has to overcome few challenges- waste treatment and expensive fish-based feed are the main ones. Perimat is able to do both jobs- filter fish effluents in a reasonable areal rate and the biomass produced is able to replace 30% of fish feed, and in addition, reduce considerable ghg emissions. By doing so, perimat makes aquaculture more sustainable and profitable... Source: EIT Climate KIC's ClimateLaunchPad
PeriDeals wrote: A free app that gives college students real-time access to local markdown deals on meat and dairy. By securely integrating with inventory management software of participating stores, we may reliably provide our users with real time access to these deals. Stores win because they receive marketing focused on reducing inventory shrink and increasing foot traffic, while students win because they are given a valuable resource to save money on a balanced diet... Source: EIT Climate KIC's Climathon
PeriDeals wrote: A free app that gives college students real-time access to local markdown deals on meat and dairy. By securely integrating with inventory management software of participating stores, we may reliably provide our users with real time access to these deals. Stores win because they receive marketing focused on reducing inventory shrink and increasing foot traffic, while students win because they are given a valuable resource to save money on a balanced diet... Source: EIT Climate KIC's Climathon
Sunflower wrote: We offer a development of an application. It's purpose is to guide you through the process of instaling solar systems on your property from the idea through finiancing and administration to realization... Source: EIT Climate KIC's Climathon
Sunflower wrote: We offer a development of an application. It's purpose is to guide you through the process of instaling solar systems on your property from the idea through finiancing and administration to realization... Source: EIT Climate KIC's Climathon
Pentagrama Agroflorestal wrote: Our solution is the result of technical knowledge accumulated over 20 years of research, development and implementation of large-scale agroforestry systems. We associate, based on agriculture 4. 0: mechanization, precision and biological agriculture, digital technology in production and data collection, analysis and software for monitoring. Our business model is based on a platform concept that connects all stakeholders: investors, cooperatives (including family farming), rural owners, producers, distributors and buyers. It is a 20-years financial model with minimum profitable area for implementation, system design, mapped market demands, pre-purchase agreements and land options for implementation... Source: EIT Climate KIC's ClimateLaunchPad
Pentagrama Agroflorestal
Pentagrama Agroflorestal wrote: Our solution is the result of technical knowledge accumulated over 20 years of research, development and implementation of large-scale agroforestry systems. We associate, based on agriculture 4. 0: mechanization, precision and biological agriculture, digital technology in production and data collection, analysis and software for monitoring. Our business model is based on a platform concept that connects all stakeholders: investors, cooperatives (including family farming), rural owners, producers, distributors and buyers. It is a 20-years financial model with minimum profitable area for implementation, system design, mapped market demands, pre-purchase agreements and land options for implementation... Source: EIT Climate KIC's ClimateLaunchPad
SOLshare claims to have developed the world’s first peer-to-peer solar electricity trading platform that leverages existing solar home systems (SHS) in an off-grid context to create a bottom-up smart grid. SOLshare’s SOLbox is a DC bi-directional power meter, solar charge controller and end-user device that functions as an individual node of the electricity trading network. SOLbox allows the trading network to grow dynamically from the ‘bottom-up’ as more users connect over time. The innovation integrates mobile money payment, data analytics and grid management services. As the network related to the innovation grows it can also connect off-grid locations internationally
SOLshare claims to have developed the world’s first peer-to-peer solar electricity trading platform that leverages existing solar home systems (SHS) in an off-grid context to create a bottom-up smart grid. SOLshare’s SOLbox is a DC bi-directional power meter, solar charge controller and end-user device that functions as an individual node of the electricity trading network. SOLbox allows the trading network to grow dynamically from the ‘bottom-up’ as more users connect over time. The innovation integrates mobile money payment, data analytics and grid management services. As the network related to the innovation grows it can also connect off-grid locations internationally
PedalaMI wrote: Yezers team wants to develop a new software ecosystem (composed by a web platform and a mobile app) called “pedalami”, that can help municipalities developing sustainable mobility by encouraging the use of bicycles in cities and by raising funds for cycling paths through an innovative business model, founded on cooperation between public and private companies. The web platform of “pedalami” involves private companies for the financing of the construction project. Through our platform, companies can acquire unconventional advertising spaces on the cycle paths (existing or in construction). Those spaces will be allocated with a dynamic price mechanism and with variable durations... Source: EIT Climate KIC's Climathon
PedalaMI wrote: Yezers team wants to develop a new software ecosystem (composed by a web platform and a mobile app) called “pedalami”, that can help municipalities developing sustainable mobility by encouraging the use of bicycles in cities and by raising funds for cycling paths through an innovative business model, founded on cooperation between public and private companies. The web platform of “pedalami” involves private companies for the financing of the construction project. Through our platform, companies can acquire unconventional advertising spaces on the cycle paths (existing or in construction). Those spaces will be allocated with a dynamic price mechanism and with variable durations... Source: EIT Climate KIC's Climathon
Kippitech wrote: What if you got rewarded for walking, cycling or using public transportation?. We are working with edinburgh napier university to achieve precisely this. . Peapod is an air quality tracker app that allows you to plan journeys whilst getting “rewards for steps" and "low carbon travelling”. . Peapod costs nothing to download. In exchange, users produce mobility data. We sell mobility data to businesses so brands can offer consumers the right discounts, at the right time. In fact, peapod allows brands to access a new commercialization channel (geolocating customers at the right time, when is relevant to them).. Source: EIT Climate KIC's ClimateLaunchPad
Kippitech wrote: What if you got rewarded for walking, cycling or using public transportation?. We are working with edinburgh napier university to achieve precisely this. . Peapod is an air quality tracker app that allows you to plan journeys whilst getting “rewards for steps" and "low carbon travelling”. . Peapod costs nothing to download. In exchange, users produce mobility data. We sell mobility data to businesses so brands can offer consumers the right discounts, at the right time. In fact, peapod allows brands to access a new commercialization channel (geolocating customers at the right time, when is relevant to them).. Source: EIT Climate KIC's ClimateLaunchPad