1000 innovative clean energy solutions and > 150 framework enablers with the potential to deliver more than twelve gigatonnes of avoided emissions by 2030
These assessments are based on a basic avoided emission assessment. The overall concept of avoided emissions is that a solution (product or service) enables the same function to be performed with significantly less GHG emissions. The method of measuring avoided emissions, is to compare a baseline scenario without the enabling solution, with a scenario using the enabling solution; whereby the baseline represents the ‘business as usual’ (BAU) scenario.
These assessments are based on the framework document: The Avoided Emissions Framework (AEF) from September 2020
Mili'r Pothe Choli wrote: Developing cartoon characteristics for kids. Name: mili’r pothe choli. Description: our character is a school going girl named mili. One day she was sitting with her father and suddenly a news comes where she saw on television that many penguins are dying. Then she asked her father about the facts. Her father told her about global warming which is responsible for it. She felt very sad and thought that she has to do something to take the responsibility to save them. Then she started her journey to save the penguins. In her journey she discovered that there were many devastating problems are going around the world where everyone’s were threatened where... Source: EIT Climate KIC's Climathon
Mili'r Pothe Choli
Mili'r Pothe Choli wrote: Developing cartoon characteristics for kids. Name: mili’r pothe choli. Description: our character is a school going girl named mili. One day she was sitting with her father and suddenly a news comes where she saw on television that many penguins are dying. Then she asked her father about the facts. Her father told her about global warming which is responsible for it. She felt very sad and thought that she has to do something to take the responsibility to save them. Then she started her journey to save the penguins. In her journey she discovered that there were many devastating problems are going around the world where everyone’s were threatened where... Source: EIT Climate KIC's Climathon
Milênio Bus wrote: Milênio bus is a platform that provides real time information of passenger demand in public buses. With our product, bus companies can manage their routes and the time interval of each bus, according to the number of passengers that usually takes the bus. Simple, right? with these decisions, companies can optimize more than 10% of the bus fleet, and have more than 10% of fuel economy. Not to mention that the passengers will be able to see if the bus is coming and is full/empty through our app!.. Source: EIT Climate KIC's ClimateLaunchPad
Milênio Bus
Milênio Bus wrote: Milênio bus is a platform that provides real time information of passenger demand in public buses. With our product, bus companies can manage their routes and the time interval of each bus, according to the number of passengers that usually takes the bus. Simple, right? with these decisions, companies can optimize more than 10% of the bus fleet, and have more than 10% of fuel economy. Not to mention that the passengers will be able to see if the bus is coming and is full/empty through our app!.. Source: EIT Climate KIC's ClimateLaunchPad
Murphy Inventions Limited (MIL) wrote: Electa marine fluid is a twin counter rotating vertical axis fluid driven turbine for the production of hydraulic electricity from currents. It utilises fluid dynamics to harness kinetic energy from ocean currents in a discreet and environmentally friendly manner. Mil aim to develop electa and harness constant energy from ocean currents in order to supply it directly to the irish and european grid systems through inter-connectors. It is a proposal to reduce direct dependence on oil/ coal/ nuclear energy production. Electa will provide constant 24/7 sustainable supply (non-intermittent electricity)... Source: EIT Climate KIC's ClimateLaunchPad
Murphy Inventions Limited (MIL)
Murphy Inventions Limited (MIL) wrote: Electa marine fluid is a twin counter rotating vertical axis fluid driven turbine for the production of hydraulic electricity from currents. It utilises fluid dynamics to harness kinetic energy from ocean currents in a discreet and environmentally friendly manner. Mil aim to develop electa and harness constant energy from ocean currents in order to supply it directly to the irish and european grid systems through inter-connectors. It is a proposal to reduce direct dependence on oil/ coal/ nuclear energy production. Electa will provide constant 24/7 sustainable supply (non-intermittent electricity)... Source: EIT Climate KIC's ClimateLaunchPad
Mighty Meat wrote: Might meat provides high quality, nutritious food to an ever-growing population of people who are ditching or reducing animal meat in their diets. . The purpose is to become a viable replacement for animal-based meats. Most people who stop or decrease their meat consumption don't do so for taste reasons. The concerns heavily centre around animal welfare, environment and health, so we're providing similar flavours and textures to what people have traditionally enjoyed, minus the devastation of mass animal agriculture. ... Source: EIT Climate KIC's ClimateLaunchPad
Mighty Meat
Mighty Meat wrote: Might meat provides high quality, nutritious food to an ever-growing population of people who are ditching or reducing animal meat in their diets. . The purpose is to become a viable replacement for animal-based meats. Most people who stop or decrease their meat consumption don't do so for taste reasons. The concerns heavily centre around animal welfare, environment and health, so we're providing similar flavours and textures to what people have traditionally enjoyed, minus the devastation of mass animal agriculture. ... Source: EIT Climate KIC's ClimateLaunchPad
The innovation is a smart meter that will enable better end-to-end use of solar micro grids. It includes a monitoring system, working with measuring nodes on various parts of the micro grid, that give the user better understanding of the micro grid’s current state. The monitoring system identifies potential issues in the grid so that preventive action can be taken. The system also improves the uptime of the micro grid and thereby the quality of the supply. The smart analytics will help improve the distribution of energy resources within the micro grid.
Doorastha Analytics Pvt. Ltd.
The innovation is a smart meter that will enable better end-to-end use of solar micro grids. It includes a monitoring system, working with measuring nodes on various parts of the micro grid, that give the user better understanding of the micro grid’s current state. The monitoring system identifies potential issues in the grid so that preventive action can be taken. The system also improves the uptime of the micro grid and thereby the quality of the supply. The smart analytics will help improve the distribution of energy resources within the micro grid.
Village Energy provides an artificial intelligence platform designed to create better preconditions for a reliable and low-cost power microgrid. The innovation provides customers with real time information on their energy grid which could affect their consumption patterns as well as spending on energy. This enables a shift in the consumption allowing the customers to consume energy when it is less in demand which reduces strain on the grid itself.
Village Energy
Village Energy provides an artificial intelligence platform designed to create better preconditions for a reliable and low-cost power microgrid. The innovation provides customers with real time information on their energy grid which could affect their consumption patterns as well as spending on energy. This enables a shift in the consumption allowing the customers to consume energy when it is less in demand which reduces strain on the grid itself.
EIDYA wrote: Eidya provides the aquaculture sector with the first comprehensive, microbial nature-based solution to remove excess nutrients from the water environment. These deteriorate health status of the farmed organisms and are also responsible for harmful algal blooms, which can kill off entire aquacultures. The cost of profit and jobs loss, ecosystem reclamation, decline in turism, recreational activities and ecosystem services usually counts in millions. Eidya prevents that. What's more, people consume more farmed than caught aquatic organisms, a trend which is expected to grow as the world's population increases. Hence, aquacultures worldwide will keep using more feed resources... Source: EIT Climate KIC's ClimateLaunchPad
EIDYA wrote: Eidya provides the aquaculture sector with the first comprehensive, microbial nature-based solution to remove excess nutrients from the water environment. These deteriorate health status of the farmed organisms and are also responsible for harmful algal blooms, which can kill off entire aquacultures. The cost of profit and jobs loss, ecosystem reclamation, decline in turism, recreational activities and ecosystem services usually counts in millions. Eidya prevents that. What's more, people consume more farmed than caught aquatic organisms, a trend which is expected to grow as the world's population increases. Hence, aquacultures worldwide will keep using more feed resources... Source: EIT Climate KIC's ClimateLaunchPad
MeduSoil wrote: We integrate a natural bacterial mechanism into geo-technical applications for engineering stronger, more resistant, foundation substrates. As modern engineering works become more complex and suitable land for development scarcer, implementing soil stabilization solutions becomes vital for securing the integrity of infrastructures in the long-term and mitigating risks related to weak soil formations or environmental threats. We introduce a novel material design which incorporates elements of technical innovation,. Environmental responsibility and economic efficiency with respect to current practice for ultimately tailoring improved material properties in subterranean applications, targeting the needs of the foreseen engineering problem... Source: EIT Climate KIC's ClimateLaunchPad
MeduSoil wrote: We integrate a natural bacterial mechanism into geo-technical applications for engineering stronger, more resistant, foundation substrates. As modern engineering works become more complex and suitable land for development scarcer, implementing soil stabilization solutions becomes vital for securing the integrity of infrastructures in the long-term and mitigating risks related to weak soil formations or environmental threats. We introduce a novel material design which incorporates elements of technical innovation,. Environmental responsibility and economic efficiency with respect to current practice for ultimately tailoring improved material properties in subterranean applications, targeting the needs of the foreseen engineering problem... Source: EIT Climate KIC's ClimateLaunchPad
Micro Catch wrote: Micro catch is a solution for filtering microfibers during the washing cycle of synthetic clothes in our homes - preventing these from ending up in our oceans. Our innovation lies within (1) the development of an innovative technology that will not only contain/filter the microfibers but also degrade them and; (2) doing it in a way to allow for multiple product applications. We will develop a solution with plastic degradation capabilities and self-cleaning function that can be integrated directly in washing machines (and, in the future, other applications such as waste water treatment facilities, food processing water treatment, etc. )... Source: EIT Climate KIC's ClimateLaunchPad
Micro Catch
Micro Catch wrote: Micro catch is a solution for filtering microfibers during the washing cycle of synthetic clothes in our homes - preventing these from ending up in our oceans. Our innovation lies within (1) the development of an innovative technology that will not only contain/filter the microfibers but also degrade them and; (2) doing it in a way to allow for multiple product applications. We will develop a solution with plastic degradation capabilities and self-cleaning function that can be integrated directly in washing machines (and, in the future, other applications such as waste water treatment facilities, food processing water treatment, etc. )... Source: EIT Climate KIC's ClimateLaunchPad
Mi-Hub wrote: Mi-hub is a new mobility experience, integrated and shared. We think that through an hubs system it is possible to choose the mean of transport, eg car sharing, car pooling, public transportation or soft mobility, based on customer needs,(comfort, cost and time). To reach an hub it is foreseen the use of an on demand last mile service provided by a shareable electrically assisted rickshaw with a pay-as-you-go rate. The substription to the service can be both "pay as you go" or a monthly/yearly fee. The customer can manage its trip through an app... Source: EIT Climate KIC's Climathon
Mi-Hub wrote: Mi-hub is a new mobility experience, integrated and shared. We think that through an hubs system it is possible to choose the mean of transport, eg car sharing, car pooling, public transportation or soft mobility, based on customer needs,(comfort, cost and time). To reach an hub it is foreseen the use of an on demand last mile service provided by a shareable electrically assisted rickshaw with a pay-as-you-go rate. The substription to the service can be both "pay as you go" or a monthly/yearly fee. The customer can manage its trip through an app... Source: EIT Climate KIC's Climathon