1000 innovative clean energy solutions and > 150 framework enablers with the potential to deliver more than twelve gigatonnes of avoided emissions by 2030
These assessments are based on a basic avoided emission assessment. The overall concept of avoided emissions is that a solution (product or service) enables the same function to be performed with significantly less GHG emissions. The method of measuring avoided emissions, is to compare a baseline scenario without the enabling solution, with a scenario using the enabling solution; whereby the baseline represents the ‘business as usual’ (BAU) scenario.
These assessments are based on the framework document: The Avoided Emissions Framework (AEF) from September 2020
TST wrote: . We developed a two stage approach for cooling train power units. Firstly we focused on cooling during dynamic phase via adjustable flaps, a heat transfer system and a combination of diffusors and nozzles. For static use we developed a special fan system for train station operation. Different operation phases and solutions: acceleleration phase: klappen system schließen. Diffusor-düse-system. Wärmeleitsystem. Werkstoffauswahl (für wärmeleitsystem). Drive mode. Klappen anstellen (winkel adaptieren). Latentwärmespeicher „laden“. Diffusor-düse-system. Externer wagen zur kühlung. Deceleration. Klappen öffnen (entlüften). Konstruktion adaptieren (kamineffekt). Latentwärmespeicher entladen. Wärmeleitsystem. Werkstoffauswahl (wärmeleitsystem... Source: EIT Climate KIC's Climathon
TST wrote: . We developed a two stage approach for cooling train power units. Firstly we focused on cooling during dynamic phase via adjustable flaps, a heat transfer system and a combination of diffusors and nozzles. For static use we developed a special fan system for train station operation. Different operation phases and solutions: acceleleration phase: klappen system schließen. Diffusor-düse-system. Wärmeleitsystem. Werkstoffauswahl (für wärmeleitsystem). Drive mode. Klappen anstellen (winkel adaptieren). Latentwärmespeicher „laden“. Diffusor-düse-system. Externer wagen zur kühlung. Deceleration. Klappen öffnen (entlüften). Konstruktion adaptieren (kamineffekt). Latentwärmespeicher entladen. Wärmeleitsystem. Werkstoffauswahl (wärmeleitsystem... Source: EIT Climate KIC's Climathon
Kondensify wrote: Kondensify is a divice that will provide clean water , our goal is create a tower that cost less than. 3000 euros and produce 300 litters, it means that for less than the cost of connect a house to the. Network we will provide then water.. Source: EIT Climate KIC's ClimateLaunchPad
Kondensify wrote: Kondensify is a divice that will provide clean water , our goal is create a tower that cost less than. 3000 euros and produce 300 litters, it means that for less than the cost of connect a house to the. Network we will provide then water.. Source: EIT Climate KIC's ClimateLaunchPad
Ecoworks GmbH has developed the Net Zero Refurbishments, which is a method to refurbish apartment houses with pre-fabric parts to achieve a lower energy demand in houses, and also to shift most of the energy used to be from a renewable source (solar power). The solution uses photovoltaic cells and a heat pump to reduce the electricity needed from the grid. This means that no heat from the grid is needed, however some electricity would be externally provided to meet the demand.
Ecoworks GmbH
Ecoworks GmbH has developed the Net Zero Refurbishments, which is a method to refurbish apartment houses with pre-fabric parts to achieve a lower energy demand in houses, and also to shift most of the energy used to be from a renewable source (solar power). The solution uses photovoltaic cells and a heat pump to reduce the electricity needed from the grid. This means that no heat from the grid is needed, however some electricity would be externally provided to meet the demand.
Pinelinite wrote: Pinelinite has been developed as a direct replacement for creosote, creocote and other toxic wood treatments. Pinelinite is 100% natural and non toxic and environmentally friendly. It requires zero energy consumption to produce gate to gate. The treatment uses 100% natural and sustainable materials in its production. Pinelinite also has zero ozone depleting voc's... Source: EIT Climate KIC's ClimateLaunchPad
Pinelinite wrote: Pinelinite has been developed as a direct replacement for creosote, creocote and other toxic wood treatments. Pinelinite is 100% natural and non toxic and environmentally friendly. It requires zero energy consumption to produce gate to gate. The treatment uses 100% natural and sustainable materials in its production. Pinelinite also has zero ozone depleting voc's... Source: EIT Climate KIC's ClimateLaunchPad
Parans Solar Lighting offers sunlight for indoor environments through a system that captures and lead sun rays inside and through a property. The solution can also lead light far away from windows where it would otherwise not reach, and, according to their website, spreads the light to give a memorable experience. Using fibre optic cables connected to solar collectors on the roof of building, Parans’ solution can lead the light 100 meters into the building while retaining light quality and intensity.
Parans Solar Lighting AB
Parans Solar Lighting offers sunlight for indoor environments through a system that captures and lead sun rays inside and through a property. The solution can also lead light far away from windows where it would otherwise not reach, and, according to their website, spreads the light to give a memorable experience. Using fibre optic cables connected to solar collectors on the roof of building, Parans’ solution can lead the light 100 meters into the building while retaining light quality and intensity.
Hempstatic wrote: 50% of global carbon emissions stem from heating, cooling and constructing buildings. Currently, there is only little awareness concerning this issue. Hempcrete is a natural composite building material. It consists of hemp shives (derived from the wooden inner core of industrial hemp stalks), lime-based binder and water. Our hempcrete block is a construction material that can be used to assemble walls, roofs and floors and can be adjusted to all types of buildings. More carbon dioxide is sequestered in a hempcrete wall than is used to build it. Thus, hempcrete blocks outperform zero-carbon materials and allow building carbon-negative structures... Source: EIT Climate KIC's ClimateLaunchPad
Hempstatic wrote: 50% of global carbon emissions stem from heating, cooling and constructing buildings. Currently, there is only little awareness concerning this issue. Hempcrete is a natural composite building material. It consists of hemp shives (derived from the wooden inner core of industrial hemp stalks), lime-based binder and water. Our hempcrete block is a construction material that can be used to assemble walls, roofs and floors and can be adjusted to all types of buildings. More carbon dioxide is sequestered in a hempcrete wall than is used to build it. Thus, hempcrete blocks outperform zero-carbon materials and allow building carbon-negative structures... Source: EIT Climate KIC's ClimateLaunchPad
Nanomik Biotechnology wrote: According to reports presented by fao, each year in the world, approximately 1. 3 billion tons fresh fruit and vegetables are produced; however, approximately 25% of production is lost because of crop-destroyer fungi spoilage in the post-harvest process. To solve this fungi problem, harmful chemical fungicides are used to prevent fungi spoilage in both pre- and post-harvest periods. But these chemicals are very harmful to human health and nature. To solve this problem we launched our first product mikoks. Mikoks contains natural plant based fungi killer microcapsules. They can be used in different stage for different fruits. In citrus they can be used in postharvest, although for grapes mikoks used in pre-harvest stage... Source: EIT Climate KIC's ClimateLaunchPad
Nanomik Biotechnology
Nanomik Biotechnology wrote: According to reports presented by fao, each year in the world, approximately 1. 3 billion tons fresh fruit and vegetables are produced; however, approximately 25% of production is lost because of crop-destroyer fungi spoilage in the post-harvest process. To solve this fungi problem, harmful chemical fungicides are used to prevent fungi spoilage in both pre- and post-harvest periods. But these chemicals are very harmful to human health and nature. To solve this problem we launched our first product mikoks. Mikoks contains natural plant based fungi killer microcapsules. They can be used in different stage for different fruits. In citrus they can be used in postharvest, although for grapes mikoks used in pre-harvest stage... Source: EIT Climate KIC's ClimateLaunchPad
WinSmart wrote: Winsmart provides state of the art solutions for glass buildings by maintaining the transparency and reducing the heat trapped inside. This subdues the requirements for air conditioning in your building. In addition, we generate electricity from your building facade... Source: EIT Climate KIC's ClimateLaunchPad
WinSmart wrote: Winsmart provides state of the art solutions for glass buildings by maintaining the transparency and reducing the heat trapped inside. This subdues the requirements for air conditioning in your building. In addition, we generate electricity from your building facade... Source: EIT Climate KIC's ClimateLaunchPad
NachbarStrom wrote: Nachbarstrom provides a software plugin for the solar industry to automatically visualize their customers solar potential. We believe that the future of energy is autarchy. To maximize this autarchy we support three cornerstones: 1) the production of solar energy on private rooftops. 2) decentralized storage facilities . 3) electric mobility solution. We enable people to understand their autarchy potential with an ease. Based on ai technology and 2d satellite pictures our service is applicable even without 3d data available... Source: EIT Climate KIC's ClimateLaunchPad
NachbarStrom wrote: Nachbarstrom provides a software plugin for the solar industry to automatically visualize their customers solar potential. We believe that the future of energy is autarchy. To maximize this autarchy we support three cornerstones: 1) the production of solar energy on private rooftops. 2) decentralized storage facilities . 3) electric mobility solution. We enable people to understand their autarchy potential with an ease. Based on ai technology and 2d satellite pictures our service is applicable even without 3d data available... Source: EIT Climate KIC's ClimateLaunchPad
Nabosol wrote: Our idea is to bring together homeowners with roofs usable for pv-panel installation, with other homeowners or companies without available roof space, but willingness to invest in renewable energy. The solution includes installation of batteries to help with the flexibility of the energy system. Each private actors will get their part of share as energy price reduction, and the surplus energy will be stored in batteries and sold back to the grid when it`s profitable... Source: EIT Climate KIC's Climathon
Nabosol wrote: Our idea is to bring together homeowners with roofs usable for pv-panel installation, with other homeowners or companies without available roof space, but willingness to invest in renewable energy. The solution includes installation of batteries to help with the flexibility of the energy system. Each private actors will get their part of share as energy price reduction, and the surplus energy will be stored in batteries and sold back to the grid when it`s profitable... Source: EIT Climate KIC's Climathon