1000 innovative clean energy solutions and > 150 framework enablers with the potential to deliver more than twelve gigatonnes of avoided emissions by 2030
These assessments are based on a basic avoided emission assessment. The overall concept of avoided emissions is that a solution (product or service) enables the same function to be performed with significantly less GHG emissions. The method of measuring avoided emissions, is to compare a baseline scenario without the enabling solution, with a scenario using the enabling solution; whereby the baseline represents the ‘business as usual’ (BAU) scenario.
These assessments are based on the framework document: The Avoided Emissions Framework (AEF) from September 2020
NeoCarbons wrote: Migration from fossils means alternative ways of sourcing raw materials. Since all carbon chains, whether for foods, feeds, chemical industries, come from co2, neocarbons is proposing a patented equipment that can capture and transform co2 from industrial sources into high value chemicals, on a real time basis (zero net), competitively, profitably and in respect of sustainable development principles. On a 5 m2 footprint the solution recycles 165 tons of co2 annually; it is conceived to be easily upscaled into industrial production plants in order to tap to tap the 20 gt of industrial co2 rich gaseous effluents. Source: eit climate kic's climatelaunchpad.. Source: EIT Climate KIC's ClimateLaunchPad
NeoCarbons wrote: Migration from fossils means alternative ways of sourcing raw materials. Since all carbon chains, whether for foods, feeds, chemical industries, come from co2, neocarbons is proposing a patented equipment that can capture and transform co2 from industrial sources into high value chemicals, on a real time basis (zero net), competitively, profitably and in respect of sustainable development principles. On a 5 m2 footprint the solution recycles 165 tons of co2 annually; it is conceived to be easily upscaled into industrial production plants in order to tap to tap the 20 gt of industrial co2 rich gaseous effluents. Source: eit climate kic's climatelaunchpad.. Source: EIT Climate KIC's ClimateLaunchPad
The Qpinch Industrial Chemical Heat Transformer is capable of recovering industrial waste heat from 75 °C and turn it into new process heat (e.g. steam) up to a temperature of max. 230 °C in a CO₂ neutral manner. Qpinch says that the solution is applicable on a megawatt scale throughout all major industries such as chemical, food etc. The company also claims to have the lowest total cost of ownership of all commercially available heat-producing technologies.
The Qpinch Industrial Chemical Heat Transformer is capable of recovering industrial waste heat from 75 °C and turn it into new process heat (e.g. steam) up to a temperature of max. 230 °C in a CO₂ neutral manner. Qpinch says that the solution is applicable on a megawatt scale throughout all major industries such as chemical, food etc. The company also claims to have the lowest total cost of ownership of all commercially available heat-producing technologies.
Grovio wrote: Plants improve indoor air quality and remove chemical toxins from the living environment. . Grovio by its own takes care of indoor plants by monitoring the environment and adjusting the watering settings for each plant individually. The device provides a guaranteed green thumb by using moisture, temperature, and light intensity sensors which connected to the internet and available to greenery owner from anywhere via a mobile app. . We are using a patent pending technology to provide a delicate care for each plant. Also, it integrates with available smart home solutions and ai assistants like apple homekit, google home, amazon alexa and others. ... Source: EIT Climate KIC's ClimateLaunchPad
Grovio wrote: Plants improve indoor air quality and remove chemical toxins from the living environment. . Grovio by its own takes care of indoor plants by monitoring the environment and adjusting the watering settings for each plant individually. The device provides a guaranteed green thumb by using moisture, temperature, and light intensity sensors which connected to the internet and available to greenery owner from anywhere via a mobile app. . We are using a patent pending technology to provide a delicate care for each plant. Also, it integrates with available smart home solutions and ai assistants like apple homekit, google home, amazon alexa and others. ... Source: EIT Climate KIC's ClimateLaunchPad
Inno group wrote: App which acts as a platform for the three actors. Citizens are incentivsed by gamification and given points for choosing most green micro mobility options. Micro mobility service providers are incentivised by getting an even more green image and actually being more green as well as retaining customers. Partners are also incentivsed to being more green and by retaining customers... Source: EIT Climate KIC's Climathon
Inno group
Inno group wrote: App which acts as a platform for the three actors. Citizens are incentivsed by gamification and given points for choosing most green micro mobility options. Micro mobility service providers are incentivised by getting an even more green image and actually being more green as well as retaining customers. Partners are also incentivsed to being more green and by retaining customers... Source: EIT Climate KIC's Climathon
Shellf wrote: Biomimicry of conventional energy-intensive sewage treatment systems using mass scale filter feeder mussel farms has an immense potential for coastal pollution abatement and energy savings. Value creation at each stage is significant including nutrient removal (nitrogen, phosphorus, and organic carbon) from coastal zones, economic value-add and protein source with high export potential. The proposed model has direct contribution to multiple sustainable development goals such as sdg 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 8, 10, 13, and 14 and significant ghg reductions leading to climate mitigation... Source: EIT Climate KIC's ClimateLaunchPad
Shellf wrote: Biomimicry of conventional energy-intensive sewage treatment systems using mass scale filter feeder mussel farms has an immense potential for coastal pollution abatement and energy savings. Value creation at each stage is significant including nutrient removal (nitrogen, phosphorus, and organic carbon) from coastal zones, economic value-add and protein source with high export potential. The proposed model has direct contribution to multiple sustainable development goals such as sdg 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 8, 10, 13, and 14 and significant ghg reductions leading to climate mitigation... Source: EIT Climate KIC's ClimateLaunchPad
BioForward wrote: Bioforward aims to provide green desalination solutions for urban, industrial and agriculture clients. Our product is a bio-based desalination plant focused on small and decentralized applications (current global market for desalination is about 15 billion euros growing 8% annually). . By growing micro algae in mass we can create the forces required to desalinate water and produce fresh water, using low energy input (90% reduction compared ro current reverse osmosis technology). The by-product of algae can be used for feedstocks and fertilizers. Due to the growth of algae requires co2, our technology is sustainable desalination process that has a net zero emission of co2. ... Source: EIT Climate KIC's ClimateLaunchPad
BioForward wrote: Bioforward aims to provide green desalination solutions for urban, industrial and agriculture clients. Our product is a bio-based desalination plant focused on small and decentralized applications (current global market for desalination is about 15 billion euros growing 8% annually). . By growing micro algae in mass we can create the forces required to desalinate water and produce fresh water, using low energy input (90% reduction compared ro current reverse osmosis technology). The by-product of algae can be used for feedstocks and fertilizers. Due to the growth of algae requires co2, our technology is sustainable desalination process that has a net zero emission of co2. ... Source: EIT Climate KIC's ClimateLaunchPad
IFLUR wrote: Iflur is a project dedicated to the recovery and use of energy, focused on finding energy and efficient solutions before problems related to energy thanks to the use of alternative and disruptive technologies, accompanied by originality and innovation. All with the purpose of improving ecosystems using the perfect symbiosis between technology and environment... Source: EIT Climate KIC's ClimateLaunchPad
IFLUR wrote: Iflur is a project dedicated to the recovery and use of energy, focused on finding energy and efficient solutions before problems related to energy thanks to the use of alternative and disruptive technologies, accompanied by originality and innovation. All with the purpose of improving ecosystems using the perfect symbiosis between technology and environment... Source: EIT Climate KIC's ClimateLaunchPad
Spotscale AB provides high-quality and individually adapted 3D mappings with thermal scans of providing owners of building envelopes of large buildings, helping owners to save energy through rapid identification of heat leaks. This is done using drones and reconstruction algorithms tailored towards building and urban environments. The products can be delivered to be used in a range of modern devices, including AR and VR. The analysis is more efficienct and accurate than traditional means of aerial surveying.
Spotscale AB
Spotscale AB provides high-quality and individually adapted 3D mappings with thermal scans of providing owners of building envelopes of large buildings, helping owners to save energy through rapid identification of heat leaks. This is done using drones and reconstruction algorithms tailored towards building and urban environments. The products can be delivered to be used in a range of modern devices, including AR and VR. The analysis is more efficienct and accurate than traditional means of aerial surveying.
Ideas For Us Ltd wrote: We manufacture plastic pavements from recycled plastic waste which are cost effective, durable, eco-friendly, beautifully designed as compared to cement pavements. Environmental friendly – harmful plastic wastes taken out of soil, land, marine environment to fight climate change, prevent clogging, soil & water contamination and reducing co2 emissions to fight global warming. Energy efficient – adapt to local weather conditions and act as good insulation for cold, heat and sound saving energy. Fire retarder – plastic pavement retards fire outbreaks. Cost effective – economical to suit customer budget without compromising on quality and customer needs for short and long term usage... Source: EIT Climate KIC's ClimateLaunchPad
Ideas For Us Ltd
Ideas For Us Ltd wrote: We manufacture plastic pavements from recycled plastic waste which are cost effective, durable, eco-friendly, beautifully designed as compared to cement pavements. Environmental friendly – harmful plastic wastes taken out of soil, land, marine environment to fight climate change, prevent clogging, soil & water contamination and reducing co2 emissions to fight global warming. Energy efficient – adapt to local weather conditions and act as good insulation for cold, heat and sound saving energy. Fire retarder – plastic pavement retards fire outbreaks. Cost effective – economical to suit customer budget without compromising on quality and customer needs for short and long term usage... Source: EIT Climate KIC's ClimateLaunchPad
I drive with dragon wrote: We would like to make public transportation more attractive and. Convenient for kids. We believe that kids can motive their parents to use public transport instead of cars. Additionally we would like children to get into the habit of choosing public transportation. Thanks to this in couple of years there will be no need to change their habit and find alternative solutions. How we would like to do that? we would like to do that by create buses'/trams' spaces more colourful, friendly and attractive for them. We would like to create a zone for kids with dedicated seats and educational puzzles. Furthermore, those puzzles will be educating them in a manner which kids can comprehend. We use dragon that is symbol of cracow, our city... Source: EIT Climate KIC's Climathon
I drive with dragon
I drive with dragon wrote: We would like to make public transportation more attractive and. Convenient for kids. We believe that kids can motive their parents to use public transport instead of cars. Additionally we would like children to get into the habit of choosing public transportation. Thanks to this in couple of years there will be no need to change their habit and find alternative solutions. How we would like to do that? we would like to do that by create buses'/trams' spaces more colourful, friendly and attractive for them. We would like to create a zone for kids with dedicated seats and educational puzzles. Furthermore, those puzzles will be educating them in a manner which kids can comprehend. We use dragon that is symbol of cracow, our city... Source: EIT Climate KIC's Climathon