1000 innovative clean energy solutions and > 150 framework enablers with the potential to deliver more than twelve gigatonnes of avoided emissions by 2030
These assessments are based on a basic avoided emission assessment. The overall concept of avoided emissions is that a solution (product or service) enables the same function to be performed with significantly less GHG emissions. The method of measuring avoided emissions, is to compare a baseline scenario without the enabling solution, with a scenario using the enabling solution; whereby the baseline represents the ‘business as usual’ (BAU) scenario.
These assessments are based on the framework document: The Avoided Emissions Framework (AEF) from September 2020
Improve efficiency in industrial scale fossil burners by up to 15%
BNG Spray Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
Improve efficiency in industrial scale fossil burners by up to 15%
Development of a more efficient liquefied petrol gas (LPG) stove and retrofitting of existing gas burners, both of which reduces emissions and energy consumption
Shayonam smart appliances LLP
Development of a more efficient liquefied petrol gas (LPG) stove and retrofitting of existing gas burners, both of which reduces emissions and energy consumption
The NESS solution is based on a cost effective retrofittable dual hybrid (both kinetic- & heat energy recovery). The product is primarily aimed towards automotive & commercial vehicle engines, which when installed results in reduction of CO2 and other emissions by increasing the overall efficiency of the engine combustion. Efficiency is increased through the power savings from the NESS attachment. The retrofit can lead to more sustainable consumption of fuels in the future.
Kasi Technologies AB
The NESS solution is based on a cost effective retrofittable dual hybrid (both kinetic- & heat energy recovery). The product is primarily aimed towards automotive & commercial vehicle engines, which when installed results in reduction of CO2 and other emissions by increasing the overall efficiency of the engine combustion. Efficiency is increased through the power savings from the NESS attachment. The retrofit can lead to more sustainable consumption of fuels in the future.
We have invented the world’s fastest carbon fiber reinforced composites production process that results in a new higher standard for materials and parts, lower cost and minimal impact on the environment. Corebon is establishing carbon fiber production based on bio-based raw material, through dramatically lower energy usage, lower capex, higher throughput and increased process control. In addition, there is a 50% reduction in combustible and occupationally harmful off-gassing during the oxidation phase.
Corebon AB
We have invented the world’s fastest carbon fiber reinforced composites production process that results in a new higher standard for materials and parts, lower cost and minimal impact on the environment. Corebon is establishing carbon fiber production based on bio-based raw material, through dramatically lower energy usage, lower capex, higher throughput and increased process control. In addition, there is a 50% reduction in combustible and occupationally harmful off-gassing during the oxidation phase.
Nordluft Automation offers solutions of forestry and agriculture spreading systems using drones. The solutions offered by the company are focused on two areas: First, forest fertilization, where a group of drones combined with a platform can be used to increase the growth rate of forests while also increasing the amount of CO2 absorbed per area unit. The second main application is ash recycling, where ash created as a by-product in different applications is spread to provide forests with additional nutrients. For both applications, Nordluft has developed their own specialized drone, the NordKopter.
Nordluft automation AB
Nordluft Automation offers solutions of forestry and agriculture spreading systems using drones. The solutions offered by the company are focused on two areas: First, forest fertilization, where a group of drones combined with a platform can be used to increase the growth rate of forests while also increasing the amount of CO2 absorbed per area unit. The second main application is ash recycling, where ash created as a by-product in different applications is spread to provide forests with additional nutrients. For both applications, Nordluft has developed their own specialized drone, the NordKopter.
WellnessLinen wrote: The textile industry is the second filthiest industry in the world – and you are wearing its products. There are some sustainable alternatives, like organic cotton, but its production still consumes large amounts of water, and the clothing may still be dyed with chemicals and shipped globally, meaning that there is a big carbon footprint for cotton garments carrying the “organic” tag. . Our goal is to produce textile products with a controlled method, using eco-friendly raw materials – linen fabrics and herbs, which minimizes production resources, promotes non-waste eco-friendly production process and reduces environmental pollution... Source: EIT Climate KIC's ClimateLaunchPad
WellnessLinen wrote: The textile industry is the second filthiest industry in the world – and you are wearing its products. There are some sustainable alternatives, like organic cotton, but its production still consumes large amounts of water, and the clothing may still be dyed with chemicals and shipped globally, meaning that there is a big carbon footprint for cotton garments carrying the “organic” tag. . Our goal is to produce textile products with a controlled method, using eco-friendly raw materials – linen fabrics and herbs, which minimizes production resources, promotes non-waste eco-friendly production process and reduces environmental pollution... Source: EIT Climate KIC's ClimateLaunchPad
Intel Inside wrote: If you life in a region with extreme water scarcity you have to sometimes decide where to use your water effectively. To gather all this information and give tips where to water, we developed an iot sensor kit, an app for smartphones and a cloud backend with an analysis algorithm. The farmer uses the portable sensorpack to take multiple measurements of the soil, air and light in his field. These are send to our server via his/her smartphone, where we use this and additional weather data to calculate a heatmap. This heatmap is displayed in the app where it gives recommendation where to irrigate for the maximum yield. Https://gitlab. Com/waterpriogroup/water-prio/tree/master.. Source: EIT Climate KIC's Climathon
Intel Inside
Intel Inside wrote: If you life in a region with extreme water scarcity you have to sometimes decide where to use your water effectively. To gather all this information and give tips where to water, we developed an iot sensor kit, an app for smartphones and a cloud backend with an analysis algorithm. The farmer uses the portable sensorpack to take multiple measurements of the soil, air and light in his field. These are send to our server via his/her smartphone, where we use this and additional weather data to calculate a heatmap. This heatmap is displayed in the app where it gives recommendation where to irrigate for the maximum yield. Https://gitlab. Com/waterpriogroup/water-prio/tree/master.. Source: EIT Climate KIC's Climathon
Skoopr wrote: With a skoopr on the wall of the house, teenagers see the carbon footprint of their family's energy use fall. Skoopr collects air hitting the house to feed a high speed generator that is optimised for low speed and turbulent urban wind conditions. Costing the same as an xbox and installed in less than two hours, skoopr is ready to work all day. . With school strikes for climate and rising guilt about holiday flights, conversations around the kitchen table in homes across europe are heating up. Teenagers are eager to take action and parents are faced with competing priorities. Skoopr tackles two problems... Source: EIT Climate KIC's ClimateLaunchPad
Skoopr wrote: With a skoopr on the wall of the house, teenagers see the carbon footprint of their family's energy use fall. Skoopr collects air hitting the house to feed a high speed generator that is optimised for low speed and turbulent urban wind conditions. Costing the same as an xbox and installed in less than two hours, skoopr is ready to work all day. . With school strikes for climate and rising guilt about holiday flights, conversations around the kitchen table in homes across europe are heating up. Teenagers are eager to take action and parents are faced with competing priorities. Skoopr tackles two problems... Source: EIT Climate KIC's ClimateLaunchPad
Novospection wrote: Demand for solutions to leverage agenda 2030 is increasing. Platform2030 responds to this demand, offering intuitive planning, monitoring and reporting tools. Without need for prior knowledge, organisations can connect their core operations with the goals. By providing an easy to use service, more organisations can contribute within a viable business model. . Platform 2030 is powered by a patented algorithm. The algorithm interprets the information organisations provide on their core business and connects it to the global targets of agenda 2030. Based on the result, countries that demand the solution are suggested. The platform is connected to official united nation’s data... Source: EIT Climate KIC's ClimateLaunchPad
Novospection wrote: Demand for solutions to leverage agenda 2030 is increasing. Platform2030 responds to this demand, offering intuitive planning, monitoring and reporting tools. Without need for prior knowledge, organisations can connect their core operations with the goals. By providing an easy to use service, more organisations can contribute within a viable business model. . Platform 2030 is powered by a patented algorithm. The algorithm interprets the information organisations provide on their core business and connects it to the global targets of agenda 2030. Based on the result, countries that demand the solution are suggested. The platform is connected to official united nation’s data... Source: EIT Climate KIC's ClimateLaunchPad
Power Forecast wrote: Power forecast helps energy companies buy and sell electricity with increased profit by predicting the grid's energy demand using a special algorithm. Better prices at optimal timing means less running costs, less environmental impact and a profit increase of up to 7% !.. Source: EIT Climate KIC's ClimateLaunchPad
Power Forecast
Power Forecast wrote: Power forecast helps energy companies buy and sell electricity with increased profit by predicting the grid's energy demand using a special algorithm. Better prices at optimal timing means less running costs, less environmental impact and a profit increase of up to 7% !.. Source: EIT Climate KIC's ClimateLaunchPad