1000 innovative clean energy solutions and > 150 framework enablers with the potential to deliver more than twelve gigatonnes of avoided emissions by 2030
These assessments are based on a basic avoided emission assessment. The overall concept of avoided emissions is that a solution (product or service) enables the same function to be performed with significantly less GHG emissions. The method of measuring avoided emissions, is to compare a baseline scenario without the enabling solution, with a scenario using the enabling solution; whereby the baseline represents the ‘business as usual’ (BAU) scenario.
These assessments are based on the framework document: The Avoided Emissions Framework (AEF) from September 2020
Sello Sol a certification developed by Phineal allows tracing the solar energy generation on its place of origin through the use of blockchain technology. The data is measured and processed to add value by using it in products, services and transactions as verifiable, transparent and secure information. Phineal states that the blockchain methodology has been tested by companies and public institutions and it is being developed in Latin America for the world
Sello Sol a certification developed by Phineal allows tracing the solar energy generation on its place of origin through the use of blockchain technology. The data is measured and processed to add value by using it in products, services and transactions as verifiable, transparent and secure information. Phineal states that the blockchain methodology has been tested by companies and public institutions and it is being developed in Latin America for the world
H2PV is a business program of Phineal, which seeks to develop a business model for generation and supply of hydrogen obtained from photovoltaic energy. The energy production disconnected from the electrical network can be utilized for energy storage, fuel cells and transport systems with internal combustion engines dual and other applications combined with other hydrocarbons. Introduction of hydrogen can enhance their energy properties and emission reduction.
H2PV is a business program of Phineal, which seeks to develop a business model for generation and supply of hydrogen obtained from photovoltaic energy. The energy production disconnected from the electrical network can be utilized for energy storage, fuel cells and transport systems with internal combustion engines dual and other applications combined with other hydrocarbons. Introduction of hydrogen can enhance their energy properties and emission reduction.
Pesitho wrote: More than 600 million people in africa live off-grid, and the poorest people are paying among the world’s highest prices for energy services. Pesitho will be working on a micro-off grid solution using pv and batteries to enable them to cook in a more environmentally friendly way... Source: EIT Climate KIC's ClimateLaunchPad
Pesitho wrote: More than 600 million people in africa live off-grid, and the poorest people are paying among the world’s highest prices for energy services. Pesitho will be working on a micro-off grid solution using pv and batteries to enable them to cook in a more environmentally friendly way... Source: EIT Climate KIC's ClimateLaunchPad
Perimat wrote: Because of increasing fish demand and shrinking fisheries, aquaculture gradually replaces fish catch. Aquaculture still has to overcome few challenges- waste treatment and expensive fish-based feed are the main ones. Perimat is able to do both jobs- filter fish effluents in a reasonable areal rate and the biomass produced is able to replace 30% of fish feed, and in addition, reduce considerable ghg emissions. By doing so, perimat makes aquaculture more sustainable and profitable... Source: EIT Climate KIC's ClimateLaunchPad
Perimat wrote: Because of increasing fish demand and shrinking fisheries, aquaculture gradually replaces fish catch. Aquaculture still has to overcome few challenges- waste treatment and expensive fish-based feed are the main ones. Perimat is able to do both jobs- filter fish effluents in a reasonable areal rate and the biomass produced is able to replace 30% of fish feed, and in addition, reduce considerable ghg emissions. By doing so, perimat makes aquaculture more sustainable and profitable... Source: EIT Climate KIC's ClimateLaunchPad
PeriDeals wrote: A free app that gives college students real-time access to local markdown deals on meat and dairy. By securely integrating with inventory management software of participating stores, we may reliably provide our users with real time access to these deals. Stores win because they receive marketing focused on reducing inventory shrink and increasing foot traffic, while students win because they are given a valuable resource to save money on a balanced diet... Source: EIT Climate KIC's Climathon
PeriDeals wrote: A free app that gives college students real-time access to local markdown deals on meat and dairy. By securely integrating with inventory management software of participating stores, we may reliably provide our users with real time access to these deals. Stores win because they receive marketing focused on reducing inventory shrink and increasing foot traffic, while students win because they are given a valuable resource to save money on a balanced diet... Source: EIT Climate KIC's Climathon
Pentagrama Agroflorestal wrote: Our solution is the result of technical knowledge accumulated over 20 years of research, development and implementation of large-scale agroforestry systems. We associate, based on agriculture 4. 0: mechanization, precision and biological agriculture, digital technology in production and data collection, analysis and software for monitoring. Our business model is based on a platform concept that connects all stakeholders: investors, cooperatives (including family farming), rural owners, producers, distributors and buyers. It is a 20-years financial model with minimum profitable area for implementation, system design, mapped market demands, pre-purchase agreements and land options for implementation... Source: EIT Climate KIC's ClimateLaunchPad
Pentagrama Agroflorestal
Pentagrama Agroflorestal wrote: Our solution is the result of technical knowledge accumulated over 20 years of research, development and implementation of large-scale agroforestry systems. We associate, based on agriculture 4. 0: mechanization, precision and biological agriculture, digital technology in production and data collection, analysis and software for monitoring. Our business model is based on a platform concept that connects all stakeholders: investors, cooperatives (including family farming), rural owners, producers, distributors and buyers. It is a 20-years financial model with minimum profitable area for implementation, system design, mapped market demands, pre-purchase agreements and land options for implementation... Source: EIT Climate KIC's ClimateLaunchPad
Pelenergy wrote: In the 15th century, growers developed methods of artificially heating greenhouses to grow food in the winter. Today, more than 500 years later, pelenergy is revolutionizing the way greenhouses are heated. We have developed a unique method of capturing and storing solar heat for use on demand. Our system arrives in a shipping container which has been specially designed to be easily moved and assembled, and is compatible with any standard greenhouse system. The low initial cost and maintenance, along with no fuel expenses helps growers increase profits while providing a fast return on investment... Source: EIT Climate KIC's ClimateLaunchPad
Pelenergy wrote: In the 15th century, growers developed methods of artificially heating greenhouses to grow food in the winter. Today, more than 500 years later, pelenergy is revolutionizing the way greenhouses are heated. We have developed a unique method of capturing and storing solar heat for use on demand. Our system arrives in a shipping container which has been specially designed to be easily moved and assembled, and is compatible with any standard greenhouse system. The low initial cost and maintenance, along with no fuel expenses helps growers increase profits while providing a fast return on investment... Source: EIT Climate KIC's ClimateLaunchPad
Transport of passengers or small packages over short distances in urban areas is heavily reliant on conventional vehicles utilising internal combustion engine (ICE) technology. Peddlesmart’s innovation involves zero-emissions [at point of use], pedal electric vehicles capable of carrying people or small freight loads. Current models in development can carry loads of up to 200kg with 350kg and 500kg models in development. Significant carbon emissions can be avoided in comparison to conventional ICE technology.
Transport of passengers or small packages over short distances in urban areas is heavily reliant on conventional vehicles utilising internal combustion engine (ICE) technology. Peddlesmart’s innovation involves zero-emissions [at point of use], pedal electric vehicles capable of carrying people or small freight loads. Current models in development can carry loads of up to 200kg with 350kg and 500kg models in development. Significant carbon emissions can be avoided in comparison to conventional ICE technology.
PedalaMI wrote: Yezers team wants to develop a new software ecosystem (composed by a web platform and a mobile app) called “pedalami”, that can help municipalities developing sustainable mobility by encouraging the use of bicycles in cities and by raising funds for cycling paths through an innovative business model, founded on cooperation between public and private companies. The web platform of “pedalami” involves private companies for the financing of the construction project. Through our platform, companies can acquire unconventional advertising spaces on the cycle paths (existing or in construction). Those spaces will be allocated with a dynamic price mechanism and with variable durations... Source: EIT Climate KIC's Climathon
PedalaMI wrote: Yezers team wants to develop a new software ecosystem (composed by a web platform and a mobile app) called “pedalami”, that can help municipalities developing sustainable mobility by encouraging the use of bicycles in cities and by raising funds for cycling paths through an innovative business model, founded on cooperation between public and private companies. The web platform of “pedalami” involves private companies for the financing of the construction project. Through our platform, companies can acquire unconventional advertising spaces on the cycle paths (existing or in construction). Those spaces will be allocated with a dynamic price mechanism and with variable durations... Source: EIT Climate KIC's Climathon
Pavnext wrote: Pavnext consists of an equipment to implement in the road pavement surface of speed reduction areas, where vehicles needs to dissipate energy to reduce their speeds, that is able to harvest vehicle's kinetic energy and with a very high conversion efficiency transforms it into electrical energy, which can be injected into the grid or used locally in electrical applications as road illumination or traffic light signs, being more relevant if connected to the urban micro grids. It's also adapted to the smart cities, by providing information about traffic and speeds, supporting road safety... Source: EIT Climate KIC's ClimateLaunchPad
Pavnext wrote: Pavnext consists of an equipment to implement in the road pavement surface of speed reduction areas, where vehicles needs to dissipate energy to reduce their speeds, that is able to harvest vehicle's kinetic energy and with a very high conversion efficiency transforms it into electrical energy, which can be injected into the grid or used locally in electrical applications as road illumination or traffic light signs, being more relevant if connected to the urban micro grids. It's also adapted to the smart cities, by providing information about traffic and speeds, supporting road safety... Source: EIT Climate KIC's ClimateLaunchPad