1000 innovative clean energy solutions and > 150 framework enablers with the potential to deliver more than twelve gigatonnes of avoided emissions by 2030
These assessments are based on a basic avoided emission assessment. The overall concept of avoided emissions is that a solution (product or service) enables the same function to be performed with significantly less GHG emissions. The method of measuring avoided emissions, is to compare a baseline scenario without the enabling solution, with a scenario using the enabling solution; whereby the baseline represents the ‘business as usual’ (BAU) scenario.
These assessments are based on the framework document: The Avoided Emissions Framework (AEF) from September 2020
Over the Moon wrote: Promotes self sufficiency - we will enable women to become self sufficient by using pads instead of relying on disposables. Pads are cheap, comfortable, reliable and last for years. Real environmental benefits - using pads lowers flood risk by cutting down on blocked sewers caused by sanitary waste. Landfill is reduced as sanitary towels are unrecyclable and take thousands of years to degrade. Bamboo is sustainable and uses less water than cotton. Socially responsible - we will lead the way by promoting the use of washables by working with girls and boys in schools to encourage them to talk about periods and raise awareness. We will help girls missing education by donating pads to those most in need... Source: EIT Climate KIC's ClimateLaunchPad
Over the Moon
Over the Moon wrote: Promotes self sufficiency - we will enable women to become self sufficient by using pads instead of relying on disposables. Pads are cheap, comfortable, reliable and last for years. Real environmental benefits - using pads lowers flood risk by cutting down on blocked sewers caused by sanitary waste. Landfill is reduced as sanitary towels are unrecyclable and take thousands of years to degrade. Bamboo is sustainable and uses less water than cotton. Socially responsible - we will lead the way by promoting the use of washables by working with girls and boys in schools to encourage them to talk about periods and raise awareness. We will help girls missing education by donating pads to those most in need... Source: EIT Climate KIC's ClimateLaunchPad
Otmilk wrote: Considering expected organic milk source shortage without chemicals due to global population growth in coming five years we have found and prepared the product for milk drinkers (also for vegans; allergic people, elderly and as an energy drink for sportspeople) – otmilk: thoroughly providing proteins and vitamins including myriad other healthy ingredients. Together with characteristics dairy milk our product has its special and crucial features and properties for human body health and, in additions, our product is considered to be consumable for children of all ages of what providing products are quite limited. Containing nuts and seeds otmilk doesn’t originate lactose, is not allergic like dairy-milk, doesn’t elaborate cholesterol... Source: EIT Climate KIC's ClimateLaunchPad
Otmilk wrote: Considering expected organic milk source shortage without chemicals due to global population growth in coming five years we have found and prepared the product for milk drinkers (also for vegans; allergic people, elderly and as an energy drink for sportspeople) – otmilk: thoroughly providing proteins and vitamins including myriad other healthy ingredients. Together with characteristics dairy milk our product has its special and crucial features and properties for human body health and, in additions, our product is considered to be consumable for children of all ages of what providing products are quite limited. Containing nuts and seeds otmilk doesn’t originate lactose, is not allergic like dairy-milk, doesn’t elaborate cholesterol... Source: EIT Climate KIC's ClimateLaunchPad
othermo wrote: The generation of heat and hot water is responsible for almost half of europe’s energy demand and hence one of the biggest contributors to co2 emissions. Othermo saves energy by making heating systems smart. Among others, othermo considers demand as well as local renewable generation forecasts in the control strategy. Thereby, we are able to lower the expenses for energy and at the same time reduce carbon emissions. A win-win situation for the building owner and the environment... Source: EIT Climate KIC's ClimateLaunchPad
othermo wrote: The generation of heat and hot water is responsible for almost half of europe’s energy demand and hence one of the biggest contributors to co2 emissions. Othermo saves energy by making heating systems smart. Among others, othermo considers demand as well as local renewable generation forecasts in the control strategy. Thereby, we are able to lower the expenses for energy and at the same time reduce carbon emissions. A win-win situation for the building owner and the environment... Source: EIT Climate KIC's ClimateLaunchPad
OsmoForest wrote: In osmoforest our vision is to make urban gardening easier for the everyday citizen and at the same time utilizing less space and more natural rainwater. Our product is a modular tube system that collects rainwater, and uses it for growing plants in vertical space, inspired by bamboo trees. Place a few on your balcony and you will have a green space that won’t take much of your limited area; or create a community rooftop garden by putting several tubes together resembling an urban forest! . Many cities, such as athens, are experiencing issues with heat island effect. Bringing more plants into the city will help in mitigating this effect... Source: EIT Climate KIC's ClimateLaunchPad
OsmoForest wrote: In osmoforest our vision is to make urban gardening easier for the everyday citizen and at the same time utilizing less space and more natural rainwater. Our product is a modular tube system that collects rainwater, and uses it for growing plants in vertical space, inspired by bamboo trees. Place a few on your balcony and you will have a green space that won’t take much of your limited area; or create a community rooftop garden by putting several tubes together resembling an urban forest! . Many cities, such as athens, are experiencing issues with heat island effect. Bringing more plants into the city will help in mitigating this effect... Source: EIT Climate KIC's ClimateLaunchPad
Oskar wrote: Our smart bin "oskar" can sort waste automatically. Oskar has got different additionally features like wifi and a mortgage system for coffee cups. We will place oskar at public spaces where a lot of garbage is accumulating. But the idea is not just about the functionallity of the bin, it is also about providing information and help people be live a more circualr livestyle with the communication plattform "ask oscar". And oscar will be the super star of the communication campaign... Source: EIT Climate KIC's Climathon
Oskar wrote: Our smart bin "oskar" can sort waste automatically. Oskar has got different additionally features like wifi and a mortgage system for coffee cups. We will place oskar at public spaces where a lot of garbage is accumulating. But the idea is not just about the functionallity of the bin, it is also about providing information and help people be live a more circualr livestyle with the communication plattform "ask oscar". And oscar will be the super star of the communication campaign... Source: EIT Climate KIC's Climathon
Oscillum wrote: Oscillum is a biotechnology company that focus its activity on the food safety industry. We are developing smart labels that once placed in contact with fresh food such as fish and meat it will measure the estate of that product and will notify consumers whether their food is edible or not by a simple color change. Our idea is to develop a more efficient system to prevent food wasting. Our labels are biodegradable, works into the packaging and once it is open and is very easy to use and to understand as it works by color changes... Source: EIT Climate KIC's ClimateLaunchPad
Oscillum wrote: Oscillum is a biotechnology company that focus its activity on the food safety industry. We are developing smart labels that once placed in contact with fresh food such as fish and meat it will measure the estate of that product and will notify consumers whether their food is edible or not by a simple color change. Our idea is to develop a more efficient system to prevent food wasting. Our labels are biodegradable, works into the packaging and once it is open and is very easy to use and to understand as it works by color changes... Source: EIT Climate KIC's ClimateLaunchPad
Oriental Aquamarine Biotech India P Limited wrote: For aquaculture units who need to treat nitrogenous waste, our product is a bioreactor that gets activated in 2 – 3 days; and removes ammonia, nitrites, and nitrates in the same system unlike conventional reactors that need 60 days and two separate reactors for nitrification and de-nitrification.. Source: EIT Climate KIC's ClimateLaunchPad
Oriental Aquamarine Biotech India P Limited
Oriental Aquamarine Biotech India P Limited wrote: For aquaculture units who need to treat nitrogenous waste, our product is a bioreactor that gets activated in 2 – 3 days; and removes ammonia, nitrites, and nitrates in the same system unlike conventional reactors that need 60 days and two separate reactors for nitrification and de-nitrification.. Source: EIT Climate KIC's ClimateLaunchPad
Organic Karainagar wrote: Traditional rice and millet farming systems are complex and tailored to local situations, enabling family farmers to efficiently confront adverse conditions such as climate change and meet their basic needs. However, there is a serious risk of losing this indigenous knowledge and traditional agroecological practices that are at the basis of these systems. Karai young farmers' club assimilate indigenous knowledge and uses participatory training techniques in order to integrate this important information into present-day enhanced local rice farming practices... Source: EIT Climate KIC's Climathon
Organic Karainagar
Organic Karainagar wrote: Traditional rice and millet farming systems are complex and tailored to local situations, enabling family farmers to efficiently confront adverse conditions such as climate change and meet their basic needs. However, there is a serious risk of losing this indigenous knowledge and traditional agroecological practices that are at the basis of these systems. Karai young farmers' club assimilate indigenous knowledge and uses participatory training techniques in order to integrate this important information into present-day enhanced local rice farming practices... Source: EIT Climate KIC's Climathon
Orbital Systems developed a real-time water purification technology, implemented in its recirculating shower which results in domestic water savings. In the shower, the water from the drain is collected, purified and looped back to be re-used, enabling water and energy savings. According to the company, their solution results in up to 90% of the water and 80% of the heating energy being saved, while at the same time delivering cleaner water compared to conventional showers. The technology is based on what is used today by NASA for space missions.
Orbital Systems AB
Orbital Systems developed a real-time water purification technology, implemented in its recirculating shower which results in domestic water savings. In the shower, the water from the drain is collected, purified and looped back to be re-used, enabling water and energy savings. According to the company, their solution results in up to 90% of the water and 80% of the heating energy being saved, while at the same time delivering cleaner water compared to conventional showers. The technology is based on what is used today by NASA for space missions.
op wrote: We created an application where handycapped people can check tram information and recive only connections with disability access in the rhein-neckar metropolitan region. All stops with obstructions will be avoided. . Github: https://github. Com/gaschu95/climathon.. Source: EIT Climate KIC's Climathon
op wrote: We created an application where handycapped people can check tram information and recive only connections with disability access in the rhein-neckar metropolitan region. All stops with obstructions will be avoided. . Github: https://github. Com/gaschu95/climathon.. Source: EIT Climate KIC's Climathon