1000 innovative clean energy solutions and > 150 framework enablers with the potential to deliver more than twelve gigatonnes of avoided emissions by 2030
These assessments are based on a basic avoided emission assessment. The overall concept of avoided emissions is that a solution (product or service) enables the same function to be performed with significantly less GHG emissions. The method of measuring avoided emissions, is to compare a baseline scenario without the enabling solution, with a scenario using the enabling solution; whereby the baseline represents the ‘business as usual’ (BAU) scenario.
These assessments are based on the framework document: The Avoided Emissions Framework (AEF) from September 2020
Waste Oil Project wrote: Lubricant oil is a common element in our daily lives. People use it in their cars to ensure proper working of the engine. When a lubricant oil becomes unfit for use, it is changed in car repair shop and also becomes a very dangerous waste. A litre of waste oil can contaminate a million litres of water and. Permanently contaminate soil. . We collect waste oil from car repair shops and recycle it in our refining plant. We manufacture high quality base products which are used by refineries to produce greases. Waste oil recycling has a number of environmental benefits. By managing hazardous wastes we save the environment, climate and also us... Source: EIT Climate KIC's ClimateLaunchPad
Waste Oil Project
Waste Oil Project wrote: Lubricant oil is a common element in our daily lives. People use it in their cars to ensure proper working of the engine. When a lubricant oil becomes unfit for use, it is changed in car repair shop and also becomes a very dangerous waste. A litre of waste oil can contaminate a million litres of water and. Permanently contaminate soil. . We collect waste oil from car repair shops and recycle it in our refining plant. We manufacture high quality base products which are used by refineries to produce greases. Waste oil recycling has a number of environmental benefits. By managing hazardous wastes we save the environment, climate and also us... Source: EIT Climate KIC's ClimateLaunchPad
Waste Into Treasure wrote: We turn biodegradable waste that is collected separately, like apple cores and peels or hops leaves, into a leather like material. The mechanical process has been improved and used by a few companies which still offer only small amounts and high prices, that’s where we want to differ. Our goal is to enable a circular economy by connecting waste management with product designers thus reducing waste and minimizing the need for animal leather production and processing. Through our research we found that the demand for sustainable clothing is on such a huge rise that market no longer needs educating on its importance yet there aren’t enough suppliers to cater to the consumers needs... Source: EIT Climate KIC's ClimateLaunchPad
Waste Into Treasure
Waste Into Treasure wrote: We turn biodegradable waste that is collected separately, like apple cores and peels or hops leaves, into a leather like material. The mechanical process has been improved and used by a few companies which still offer only small amounts and high prices, that’s where we want to differ. Our goal is to enable a circular economy by connecting waste management with product designers thus reducing waste and minimizing the need for animal leather production and processing. Through our research we found that the demand for sustainable clothing is on such a huge rise that market no longer needs educating on its importance yet there aren’t enough suppliers to cater to the consumers needs... Source: EIT Climate KIC's ClimateLaunchPad
Waste GOrganic wrote: Food waste is the last thing we think about,but is a fact-food wastage is 1. 3 bln tonnes anually and the cost of food that goes to waste is $750 billion. And there we have a brilliant solution;this doesn't mean reducing the consumption of food,but rather creating and sell a product that remains in the entire chain of food transformations and returns in it's primal state in the form of an organic fertilizer for the soil. This fertilizer will serve farmers an alternative choice to chemical fertilizers that will be made by composters with advanced technologies in composting. The raw material will be taken from local supermarkets,hotels and restaurants... Source: EIT Climate KIC's ClimateLaunchPad
Waste GOrganic
Waste GOrganic wrote: Food waste is the last thing we think about,but is a fact-food wastage is 1. 3 bln tonnes anually and the cost of food that goes to waste is $750 billion. And there we have a brilliant solution;this doesn't mean reducing the consumption of food,but rather creating and sell a product that remains in the entire chain of food transformations and returns in it's primal state in the form of an organic fertilizer for the soil. This fertilizer will serve farmers an alternative choice to chemical fertilizers that will be made by composters with advanced technologies in composting. The raw material will be taken from local supermarkets,hotels and restaurants... Source: EIT Climate KIC's ClimateLaunchPad
WASE wrote: Wase provides decentralised sanitation for underserved communities using a circular economy approach to the treatment process. So we can produce value-added products to offset the cost of sanitation and provide a clean and safe wastewater treatment solution. Our system will enable us to create a hydrogen based biogas to be used for cooking or generate electricity. The production of a clean cooking fuel can help reduce deforestation and indoor air pollution in communities where biomass is the primary source of energy for cooking. We can also recover water for irrigation and nutrients within the waste that can be converted into a fertiliser increasing crop yields and the reliance on imported fertilisers... Source: EIT Climate KIC's ClimateLaunchPad
WASE wrote: Wase provides decentralised sanitation for underserved communities using a circular economy approach to the treatment process. So we can produce value-added products to offset the cost of sanitation and provide a clean and safe wastewater treatment solution. Our system will enable us to create a hydrogen based biogas to be used for cooking or generate electricity. The production of a clean cooking fuel can help reduce deforestation and indoor air pollution in communities where biomass is the primary source of energy for cooking. We can also recover water for irrigation and nutrients within the waste that can be converted into a fertiliser increasing crop yields and the reliance on imported fertilisers... Source: EIT Climate KIC's ClimateLaunchPad
WASCO wrote: Wasco offers an enterprise approach to smart, connected waste management deployments. Your local account representative will work with you to evaluate your current waste management situation by conducting an assessment of your waste and recycling footprint, costs, and drivers to build out a wasco smart waste collection system customized to your facility and needs. Wasco smart waste collection system provides modern solution and green solution for traditional waste collection systems. Wasco wireless sensors can measure the garbage bin fill level instantaneously and send this information to cloud using iot technology. These collected information from all over the city is processed to get the efficient daily collection routes... Source: EIT Climate KIC's ClimateLaunchPad
WASCO wrote: Wasco offers an enterprise approach to smart, connected waste management deployments. Your local account representative will work with you to evaluate your current waste management situation by conducting an assessment of your waste and recycling footprint, costs, and drivers to build out a wasco smart waste collection system customized to your facility and needs. Wasco smart waste collection system provides modern solution and green solution for traditional waste collection systems. Wasco wireless sensors can measure the garbage bin fill level instantaneously and send this information to cloud using iot technology. These collected information from all over the city is processed to get the efficient daily collection routes... Source: EIT Climate KIC's ClimateLaunchPad
Wand wrote: Wand. Is a smart pen with temporary ink that sends to your smartphone every scratch you make on a piece of paper the way you wrote it. The temporary ink evaporates after about 30 minutes from the paper allowing you to see what you’ve written and reuse the same piece of paper afterwards while your data is stored nice and safe on your mobile app and, if you want, backed up on our servers if you choose so... Source: EIT Climate KIC's ClimateLaunchPad
Wand wrote: Wand. Is a smart pen with temporary ink that sends to your smartphone every scratch you make on a piece of paper the way you wrote it. The temporary ink evaporates after about 30 minutes from the paper allowing you to see what you’ve written and reuse the same piece of paper afterwards while your data is stored nice and safe on your mobile app and, if you want, backed up on our servers if you choose so... Source: EIT Climate KIC's ClimateLaunchPad
Walk4Air wrote: Owning to smartphones and smartwatches, individuals' activity can be monitored. Walking/cycling distance can be tracked and quantified by these two devices. This quantified data can be reflected anyhow we wish; for example, as earned points, giving the idea of a rewarding system. Rewarding walking/cycling can motivate people enough to change their transportation habits. More people decide to increase walking and cycling activity in their daily life, more their carbon footprint can be reduced. The key here is to reward them enough to make people change their transportation habits. So what if the earned points from walking/cycling could be exchanged to something that people need and value the most; money... Source: EIT Climate KIC's Climathon
Walk4Air wrote: Owning to smartphones and smartwatches, individuals' activity can be monitored. Walking/cycling distance can be tracked and quantified by these two devices. This quantified data can be reflected anyhow we wish; for example, as earned points, giving the idea of a rewarding system. Rewarding walking/cycling can motivate people enough to change their transportation habits. More people decide to increase walking and cycling activity in their daily life, more their carbon footprint can be reduced. The key here is to reward them enough to make people change their transportation habits. So what if the earned points from walking/cycling could be exchanged to something that people need and value the most; money... Source: EIT Climate KIC's Climathon
WAIR wrote: Wair is on a mission to give discarded textiles a new life through the power of upcycling. In our first product, we transform "unperfect" jeans and workwear into modern and sustainable sneakers. Textile upcycling is overlooked in the circular fashion agenda, but it is a powerful recirculation strategy, that minimizes the need for new virgin material, and retains the value in the discarded fabrics. Apart from shoes, we also include the consumers in the production of upcycled fashion through upcycling workshops. Here we empower people to take up the fight against fast fashion while getting to create unique fashion pieces and letting their creativity loose... Source: EIT Climate KIC's ClimateLaunchPad
WAIR wrote: Wair is on a mission to give discarded textiles a new life through the power of upcycling. In our first product, we transform "unperfect" jeans and workwear into modern and sustainable sneakers. Textile upcycling is overlooked in the circular fashion agenda, but it is a powerful recirculation strategy, that minimizes the need for new virgin material, and retains the value in the discarded fabrics. Apart from shoes, we also include the consumers in the production of upcycled fashion through upcycling workshops. Here we empower people to take up the fight against fast fashion while getting to create unique fashion pieces and letting their creativity loose... Source: EIT Climate KIC's ClimateLaunchPad
Waves4Power (W4P) has created a wave power system able to survive the toughest possible conditions. The system’s surface installation makes it easy to service; and it can be placed nearly anywhere. All the components in W4P’s solution are commonly available and well-tested, making the solution inexpensive and cost-effective to maintain and service. In addition to the development of the power system. The solution can be applied to varius sectors, such as providing the fish farming industry and oil platforms with green power and energy supply to off-grid locations.
W4P Waves4Power AB
Waves4Power (W4P) has created a wave power system able to survive the toughest possible conditions. The system’s surface installation makes it easy to service; and it can be placed nearly anywhere. All the components in W4P’s solution are commonly available and well-tested, making the solution inexpensive and cost-effective to maintain and service. In addition to the development of the power system. The solution can be applied to varius sectors, such as providing the fish farming industry and oil platforms with green power and energy supply to off-grid locations.
vTech wrote: Sustainable water treatment is one of the most urgent challenges of the 21st century. Freshwater supplies are limited and the treatment of (waste)water requires increasing amounts of energy (water-energy nexus). The present state-of-the-art water treatment technology is membrane treatment. The major hurdle for membrane applications, however, is membrane blocking (fouling) and the challenge of a reliable process control. As a consequence membrane operation (1) requires higher pressure and energy demands, (2) loses productivity, and (3) is limited in a tailored process control... Source: EIT Climate KIC's ClimateLaunchPad
vTech wrote: Sustainable water treatment is one of the most urgent challenges of the 21st century. Freshwater supplies are limited and the treatment of (waste)water requires increasing amounts of energy (water-energy nexus). The present state-of-the-art water treatment technology is membrane treatment. The major hurdle for membrane applications, however, is membrane blocking (fouling) and the challenge of a reliable process control. As a consequence membrane operation (1) requires higher pressure and energy demands, (2) loses productivity, and (3) is limited in a tailored process control... Source: EIT Climate KIC's ClimateLaunchPad