1000 innovative clean energy solutions and > 150 framework enablers with the potential to deliver more than twelve gigatonnes of avoided emissions by 2030
These assessments are based on a basic avoided emission assessment. The overall concept of avoided emissions is that a solution (product or service) enables the same function to be performed with significantly less GHG emissions. The method of measuring avoided emissions, is to compare a baseline scenario without the enabling solution, with a scenario using the enabling solution; whereby the baseline represents the ‘business as usual’ (BAU) scenario.
These assessments are based on the framework document: The Avoided Emissions Framework (AEF) from September 2020
VepoX Filter wrote: A vepox filter can serve an entire household for two years and, at usd 10 per unit, is the most affordable durable household filter on the ugandan market, paying for itself in just six months by eliminating the fuel costs of boiling water. Vepox users also save themselves both the time it takes to boil water and wait for it to cool and the risk of cross-contamination through storage in dirty containers. Women and children no longer have to fetch so much firewood, freeing up time for more productive activities and schoolwork. For households that previously did not treat their water, vepox filter is the first source of safe water for their families, with concomitant health benefits... Source: EIT Climate KIC's ClimateLaunchPad
VepoX Filter
VepoX Filter wrote: A vepox filter can serve an entire household for two years and, at usd 10 per unit, is the most affordable durable household filter on the ugandan market, paying for itself in just six months by eliminating the fuel costs of boiling water. Vepox users also save themselves both the time it takes to boil water and wait for it to cool and the risk of cross-contamination through storage in dirty containers. Women and children no longer have to fetch so much firewood, freeing up time for more productive activities and schoolwork. For households that previously did not treat their water, vepox filter is the first source of safe water for their families, with concomitant health benefits... Source: EIT Climate KIC's ClimateLaunchPad
Currently last-mile solutions are mainly done by vans and trucks. Velove Bikes AB seek to provide cities of the future with a sustainable replacement by using small and efficient electric cargo bikes with a low energy consumption. Utilizing the principles of containerization by implementation of city-hubs where products are transferred from larger containers to the electrical bikes, the solutions allow for large-scale delivery, reducing automotive traffic while increasing the efficiency for the delivery industry.
Velove Bikes AB
Currently last-mile solutions are mainly done by vans and trucks. Velove Bikes AB seek to provide cities of the future with a sustainable replacement by using small and efficient electric cargo bikes with a low energy consumption. Utilizing the principles of containerization by implementation of city-hubs where products are transferred from larger containers to the electrical bikes, the solutions allow for large-scale delivery, reducing automotive traffic while increasing the efficiency for the delivery industry.
Vaquita Technologies wrote: Healthy waters everywhere. All the time. . We are developing a compact water quality sensory station that blends with the environment. This station is made of environmentally friendly materials that can be customized to the stakeholders' needs to trigger alarms and read water measurements remotely in real-time. Instead of waiting to get a result by manually extracting a water sample, our customers will get real-time information of their water quality, thus preventing significant environmental damage due to the live alarm feature. They will also be able to add, remove, or replace different sensors according to their needs, having the reassurance that they can drink/swim/fish in those waters and can react to pollution alarms... Source: EIT Climate KIC's ClimateLaunchPad
Vaquita Technologies
Vaquita Technologies wrote: Healthy waters everywhere. All the time. . We are developing a compact water quality sensory station that blends with the environment. This station is made of environmentally friendly materials that can be customized to the stakeholders' needs to trigger alarms and read water measurements remotely in real-time. Instead of waiting to get a result by manually extracting a water sample, our customers will get real-time information of their water quality, thus preventing significant environmental damage due to the live alarm feature. They will also be able to add, remove, or replace different sensors according to their needs, having the reassurance that they can drink/swim/fish in those waters and can react to pollution alarms... Source: EIT Climate KIC's ClimateLaunchPad
Mitigate global warming through a technology where photosynthesis is used to generate energy and water
Vaayuneer Sciences Private Limited
Mitigate global warming through a technology where photosynthesis is used to generate energy and water
V-Chiller wrote: Almost all fridges use hydrofluorocarbons (hfcs) as a refrigerant which have a huge global warming potential (gwp) as much as 2000 times co2 and currently considered top environmental threat. . International agreements have been signed to eliminate the production and use of (hcfcs and hfcs) by 2040 forcing businesses to seek alternatives in which there isn’t a reliable efficient system available yet. . We invented a new cooling system and refrigerant based on vacuum cooling technology that is highly cost and energy efficient using zero gwp refrigerant. ... Source: EIT Climate KIC's ClimateLaunchPad
V-Chiller wrote: Almost all fridges use hydrofluorocarbons (hfcs) as a refrigerant which have a huge global warming potential (gwp) as much as 2000 times co2 and currently considered top environmental threat. . International agreements have been signed to eliminate the production and use of (hcfcs and hfcs) by 2040 forcing businesses to seek alternatives in which there isn’t a reliable efficient system available yet. . We invented a new cooling system and refrigerant based on vacuum cooling technology that is highly cost and energy efficient using zero gwp refrigerant. ... Source: EIT Climate KIC's ClimateLaunchPad
URBiome wrote: Climate change adaptation is acknowledged as one of the main challenges faced by mankind. As cities are becoming the dominant human setting, many local authorities are trying to deal with this issue by developing thorough adaptation plans. However, most cities still lack implemented plans, and even when they exist, they tend to be an administrative tools scarcely used by the common citizen. Thus, this is the perfect opportunity to implement an integrated web-sig platform for home searching, that shows the most relevant urban climate change-related layers, such as pollutant exposure, sea level rise or the urban heat island effect, as translated from the plethora of satellite remote sensing data available... Source: EIT Climate KIC's ClimateLaunchPad
URBiome wrote: Climate change adaptation is acknowledged as one of the main challenges faced by mankind. As cities are becoming the dominant human setting, many local authorities are trying to deal with this issue by developing thorough adaptation plans. However, most cities still lack implemented plans, and even when they exist, they tend to be an administrative tools scarcely used by the common citizen. Thus, this is the perfect opportunity to implement an integrated web-sig platform for home searching, that shows the most relevant urban climate change-related layers, such as pollutant exposure, sea level rise or the urban heat island effect, as translated from the plethora of satellite remote sensing data available... Source: EIT Climate KIC's ClimateLaunchPad
Urbantransitioners wrote: We partner with low-income communities like keko machungwa in dar es salaam to build toilets that separate urine. We then collect the urine and sell it as fertilizer to large scale farmers, subsistence farmers and gardeners. With our solution we help farmers to fertilize, irrigate and repel their crops. We also tackle the challenge of water scarcity, work for affordable sanitation and promote health and hygiene. . Our goal is that by the end of 2017 we have five farmers as early adopters using urine on their crops. Secondly, because we want to see dar es salaam as a lush and green city, we will built 10 000 toilets in dar es salaam by 2027. Ultimately, we aim to dry sanitize dar es salaam and make it an example worldwide... Source: EIT Climate KIC's ClimateLaunchPad
Urbantransitioners wrote: We partner with low-income communities like keko machungwa in dar es salaam to build toilets that separate urine. We then collect the urine and sell it as fertilizer to large scale farmers, subsistence farmers and gardeners. With our solution we help farmers to fertilize, irrigate and repel their crops. We also tackle the challenge of water scarcity, work for affordable sanitation and promote health and hygiene. . Our goal is that by the end of 2017 we have five farmers as early adopters using urine on their crops. Secondly, because we want to see dar es salaam as a lush and green city, we will built 10 000 toilets in dar es salaam by 2027. Ultimately, we aim to dry sanitize dar es salaam and make it an example worldwide... Source: EIT Climate KIC's ClimateLaunchPad
UrbanTech wrote: Through the recycling of disused tires, the proposal is that a new sidewalk model will be created, configured in individual modules, allowing a design variability, following customer preference regarding shape and arrangement of parts. Being more resistant, durable and sustainable, and requires little maintenance. What makes this idea interesting is the fact that it is standardized, to obtain greater accessibility to attract the most diverse pedestrian audiences, having a social inclusion and bringing autonomy to those most affected by the lack of mobility, encouraging the conscious use of cars... Source: EIT Climate KIC's Climathon
UrbanTech wrote: Through the recycling of disused tires, the proposal is that a new sidewalk model will be created, configured in individual modules, allowing a design variability, following customer preference regarding shape and arrangement of parts. Being more resistant, durable and sustainable, and requires little maintenance. What makes this idea interesting is the fact that it is standardized, to obtain greater accessibility to attract the most diverse pedestrian audiences, having a social inclusion and bringing autonomy to those most affected by the lack of mobility, encouraging the conscious use of cars... Source: EIT Climate KIC's Climathon
Urban R-PET bike by Kinethic wrote: At kinethic we're going to use trash plastic bottles to improve urban mobility by recycling them and making bicycles. There will be different models in order to fit needs such as commuting, taking children to school, carrying goods or doing therapy with the disabled... Source: EIT Climate KIC's ClimateLaunchPad
Urban R-PET bike by Kinethic
Urban R-PET bike by Kinethic wrote: At kinethic we're going to use trash plastic bottles to improve urban mobility by recycling them and making bicycles. There will be different models in order to fit needs such as commuting, taking children to school, carrying goods or doing therapy with the disabled... Source: EIT Climate KIC's ClimateLaunchPad
Urban Cooling Solutions wrote: Urban cooling solutions aims to help municipalities adapt to extreme heat events, whose frequency and intensity are increasing due to climate change. . Ucs offers comprehensive services on the topic of urban cooling. These include helping cities define their urban cooling strategy and priorities, assistance in designing cool public spaces and measuring the cooling performance of public space renovation projects. . Ucs' expertise is based on years of field experience acquired from scientific research on the topic of urban cooling... Source: EIT Climate KIC's ClimateLaunchPad
Urban Cooling Solutions
Urban Cooling Solutions wrote: Urban cooling solutions aims to help municipalities adapt to extreme heat events, whose frequency and intensity are increasing due to climate change. . Ucs offers comprehensive services on the topic of urban cooling. These include helping cities define their urban cooling strategy and priorities, assistance in designing cool public spaces and measuring the cooling performance of public space renovation projects. . Ucs' expertise is based on years of field experience acquired from scientific research on the topic of urban cooling... Source: EIT Climate KIC's ClimateLaunchPad