1000 innovative clean energy solutions and > 150 framework enablers with the potential to deliver more than twelve gigatonnes of avoided emissions by 2030
These assessments are based on a basic avoided emission assessment. The overall concept of avoided emissions is that a solution (product or service) enables the same function to be performed with significantly less GHG emissions. The method of measuring avoided emissions, is to compare a baseline scenario without the enabling solution, with a scenario using the enabling solution; whereby the baseline represents the ‘business as usual’ (BAU) scenario.
These assessments are based on the framework document: The Avoided Emissions Framework (AEF) from September 2020
Conterra wrote: Conterra makes the process of buying organic food easier for companies by selecting qualified organic producers for a better price that. Also have the capacity to delivery... Source: EIT Climate KIC's ClimateLaunchPad
Conterra wrote: Conterra makes the process of buying organic food easier for companies by selecting qualified organic producers for a better price that. Also have the capacity to delivery... Source: EIT Climate KIC's ClimateLaunchPad
Consumption Dream Team wrote: Ecolabel project for food. Our solution was developed during the 2019 climathon that took place in galicia. The solution is providing sustainability traffic light ecolabel project. Fomentar el consumo, accesibilidad y conocimiento de los productos sostenibles al consumidor medio. Our project offer a system for helping consumers to identify the most sustainable food product. Etiquetas sostenibles (tipo semaforo) para ello la administracion con ayudas de las empresas dedicadas a la certificación ambiental estarandarizaran unos metodos para determinar la sostenebilidad de los productos de alimentación (huella hídrica, huella de carbono. )... Source: EIT Climate KIC's Climathon
Consumption Dream Team
Consumption Dream Team wrote: Ecolabel project for food. Our solution was developed during the 2019 climathon that took place in galicia. The solution is providing sustainability traffic light ecolabel project. Fomentar el consumo, accesibilidad y conocimiento de los productos sostenibles al consumidor medio. Our project offer a system for helping consumers to identify the most sustainable food product. Etiquetas sostenibles (tipo semaforo) para ello la administracion con ayudas de las empresas dedicadas a la certificación ambiental estarandarizaran unos metodos para determinar la sostenebilidad de los productos de alimentación (huella hídrica, huella de carbono. )... Source: EIT Climate KIC's Climathon
Consulting and Energy develops and produces sustainable products based on nanomaterials obtained from the recovery of rice husk waste that would otherwise end up on landfills. The husk is initially used as fuel for energy production in a biomass plant that has an ash yield of 20%, which is the basis for several businesses lines that have been developed by the company: production of solar grade silicon, lithium battery material, aerogels for water irrigation, an enzymatic catalyst and structural insulated panel with an insulation sheet of aggregated rice husk.
Consulting and Energy
Consulting and Energy develops and produces sustainable products based on nanomaterials obtained from the recovery of rice husk waste that would otherwise end up on landfills. The husk is initially used as fuel for energy production in a biomass plant that has an ash yield of 20%, which is the basis for several businesses lines that have been developed by the company: production of solar grade silicon, lithium battery material, aerogels for water irrigation, an enzymatic catalyst and structural insulated panel with an insulation sheet of aggregated rice husk.
Conservasphere Pty. Ltd. wrote: Capable of generating vast amounts of green power, fresh water and bio-mass. Conservasphere is also able to absorb co2 emissions, reverse land salinity and ground water depletion to deliver an energy ecosystem that will positively impact the environment on an unprecedented scale now... Source: EIT Climate KIC's ClimateLaunchPad
Conservasphere Pty. Ltd.
Conservasphere Pty. Ltd. wrote: Capable of generating vast amounts of green power, fresh water and bio-mass. Conservasphere is also able to absorb co2 emissions, reverse land salinity and ground water depletion to deliver an energy ecosystem that will positively impact the environment on an unprecedented scale now... Source: EIT Climate KIC's ClimateLaunchPad
Connect 2 Colombia wrote: As a swedish/colombian company we have our roots in the scandinavian business culture focusing on quality, trust, collaboration, innovation and social responsibility. With our portfolio of the most innovative and green technologies found on the market today, our mission is to provide quality services to those aspiring on making a positive impact in colombia. We offer a range of services within csr management and project implementation, business development and establishment and the provision of environmental technology solutions. The idea is to make it easy for companies to adapt a green business model while take their social responsibility... Source: EIT Climate KIC's ClimateLaunchPad
Connect 2 Colombia
Connect 2 Colombia wrote: As a swedish/colombian company we have our roots in the scandinavian business culture focusing on quality, trust, collaboration, innovation and social responsibility. With our portfolio of the most innovative and green technologies found on the market today, our mission is to provide quality services to those aspiring on making a positive impact in colombia. We offer a range of services within csr management and project implementation, business development and establishment and the provision of environmental technology solutions. The idea is to make it easy for companies to adapt a green business model while take their social responsibility... Source: EIT Climate KIC's ClimateLaunchPad
Comsys has developed the ADF (Active Dynamic filter) to reduce problems caused by a veriety of electrical disturbances that weakens power quality. The ADF is a low-harmonic solution that uses harmonic compensation and mitigation resonance for power quality improvement in an electrical network. The solution is modular and adaptable, meaning that it can be applicable to different types of industries. The solution can also replace existing transformers in a network. The solution can help generating energy savings, higher productivity and reduce the number of failure in a network.
Comsys AB
Comsys has developed the ADF (Active Dynamic filter) to reduce problems caused by a veriety of electrical disturbances that weakens power quality. The ADF is a low-harmonic solution that uses harmonic compensation and mitigation resonance for power quality improvement in an electrical network. The solution is modular and adaptable, meaning that it can be applicable to different types of industries. The solution can also replace existing transformers in a network. The solution can help generating energy savings, higher productivity and reduce the number of failure in a network.
Composium Group Ltd wrote: Our unique technology abstracts sub seabed water which is naturally filtered and which contains geothermal properties. The upshot is we can deliver desalinated water with a 50% cost reduction. In addition, the geothermal qualities simultaneously serve electricity production or free-cooling. Multiple utility and revenue from just one intake... Source: EIT Climate KIC's ClimateLaunchPad
Composium Group Ltd
Composium Group Ltd wrote: Our unique technology abstracts sub seabed water which is naturally filtered and which contains geothermal properties. The upshot is we can deliver desalinated water with a 50% cost reduction. In addition, the geothermal qualities simultaneously serve electricity production or free-cooling. Multiple utility and revenue from just one intake... Source: EIT Climate KIC's ClimateLaunchPad
CompBox wrote: Recycling your organic waste in an urban household and help yourself to install a great design stool. Have less fruit flies in your flat and reduce your walks to the common organic waste container. All this with compbox – wooden boxes, including worms and your organic waste – producing compost. Our customers are young professionals aged about 21-35, earning 2000-3600€/month, living in a city apartment without a garden/ balcony. They value a healthy lifestyle, do sports and like to cook for their own – besides that, a minimalistic and modern design plays an important role in their apartment. – so called lohas... Source: EIT Climate KIC's ClimateLaunchPad
CompBox wrote: Recycling your organic waste in an urban household and help yourself to install a great design stool. Have less fruit flies in your flat and reduce your walks to the common organic waste container. All this with compbox – wooden boxes, including worms and your organic waste – producing compost. Our customers are young professionals aged about 21-35, earning 2000-3600€/month, living in a city apartment without a garden/ balcony. They value a healthy lifestyle, do sports and like to cook for their own – besides that, a minimalistic and modern design plays an important role in their apartment. – so called lohas... Source: EIT Climate KIC's ClimateLaunchPad
CompAct wrote: Compact provides an interactive & motivational toolkit for companies helping their employees form sustainable behavior habits. At the same time cutting down costs, building a responsible brand, and increasing employee engagement!. Our toolkits' main feature is a chatbot (ai) that uses behavioral science and gamification methods to help people form sustainable habits in their everyday life. The chatbot will interact with an employee approximately 10 minutes per day and focuses on a daily topic (e. G food waste, transportation). Depending on the employee's previous habits and choices, the person receives informative facts, visuals, and tasks about the actions she/he can take... Source: EIT Climate KIC's ClimateLaunchPad
CompAct wrote: Compact provides an interactive & motivational toolkit for companies helping their employees form sustainable behavior habits. At the same time cutting down costs, building a responsible brand, and increasing employee engagement!. Our toolkits' main feature is a chatbot (ai) that uses behavioral science and gamification methods to help people form sustainable habits in their everyday life. The chatbot will interact with an employee approximately 10 minutes per day and focuses on a daily topic (e. G food waste, transportation). Depending on the employee's previous habits and choices, the person receives informative facts, visuals, and tasks about the actions she/he can take... Source: EIT Climate KIC's ClimateLaunchPad
Community plastic Mexciclo wrote: An ecolabel for “cause recycled” plastic products. Certifies waste tracking through artificial vision... Source: EIT Climate KIC's Climathon
Community plastic Mexciclo
Community plastic Mexciclo wrote: An ecolabel for “cause recycled” plastic products. Certifies waste tracking through artificial vision... Source: EIT Climate KIC's Climathon