1000 innovative clean energy solutions and > 150 framework enablers with the potential to deliver more than twelve gigatonnes of avoided emissions by 2030
These assessments are based on a basic avoided emission assessment. The overall concept of avoided emissions is that a solution (product or service) enables the same function to be performed with significantly less GHG emissions. The method of measuring avoided emissions, is to compare a baseline scenario without the enabling solution, with a scenario using the enabling solution; whereby the baseline represents the ‘business as usual’ (BAU) scenario.
These assessments are based on the framework document: The Avoided Emissions Framework (AEF) from September 2020
Heat-to-power conversion for household use in rural areas
Combustion Research Laboratory, Aerospace Department, IIT Bombay
Heat-to-power conversion for household use in rural areas
colleq wrote: No one would question you why squeeze a pet bottle before you through it out. Because it saves spaces and means you have to return your bottles less often, the recycling stations have to pick them up less often and they need less space and fuel to be transported. . So why don't you do it with your trash? . You probably even do - you throw out your yoghurt cup and then push down on your trash but one of the amazing capabilities of plastics is staying in shape. Instead of shipping all the air that's stuck between your yoghurt cups, plastics, food containers, styrofoam packaging etc. Our wilson will break them down in to pieces and save space, fuel and money... Source: EIT Climate KIC's ClimateLaunchPad
colleq wrote: No one would question you why squeeze a pet bottle before you through it out. Because it saves spaces and means you have to return your bottles less often, the recycling stations have to pick them up less often and they need less space and fuel to be transported. . So why don't you do it with your trash? . You probably even do - you throw out your yoghurt cup and then push down on your trash but one of the amazing capabilities of plastics is staying in shape. Instead of shipping all the air that's stuck between your yoghurt cups, plastics, food containers, styrofoam packaging etc. Our wilson will break them down in to pieces and save space, fuel and money... Source: EIT Climate KIC's ClimateLaunchPad
Collective wrote: We provide an information hub that serves as a starting point to learn more about the necessity of personal action against climate change to raise and maintain awareness, no matter how much you have already been involved. This hub does not only deliver you the knowledge and education on why change is needed but gives you instant access to in-house solutions to reduce your carbon footprint, as well as an overview of all sustainable alternatives in the respective cities, that you can simply implement into your lifestyle. Apart from this, it will be an open platform to share local and regional petitions and inform about other ways to help in achieving change, within our partner organizations... Source: EIT Climate KIC's Climathon
Collective wrote: We provide an information hub that serves as a starting point to learn more about the necessity of personal action against climate change to raise and maintain awareness, no matter how much you have already been involved. This hub does not only deliver you the knowledge and education on why change is needed but gives you instant access to in-house solutions to reduce your carbon footprint, as well as an overview of all sustainable alternatives in the respective cities, that you can simply implement into your lifestyle. Apart from this, it will be an open platform to share local and regional petitions and inform about other ways to help in achieving change, within our partner organizations... Source: EIT Climate KIC's Climathon
CoirWood wrote: The manufacturing of wooden furniture products involves a lot of deforestation and chemical products. Additionally, coconut waste (i. E. Coconut husks) occupy huge areas in asia and are therefore burnt or left to rot which subsequently leads to pollution. Together these form the input for coirwood its proposed sustainable business idea. . Instead of burning or leaving these husks, coirwood aims to manufacture 100% bio based fibre boards which will serve as a substitute for the wooden medium density fibre (mdf) boards. The fibre boards are fire- and water resistant and even more stronger than the mdf boards... Source: EIT Climate KIC's ClimateLaunchPad
CoirWood wrote: The manufacturing of wooden furniture products involves a lot of deforestation and chemical products. Additionally, coconut waste (i. E. Coconut husks) occupy huge areas in asia and are therefore burnt or left to rot which subsequently leads to pollution. Together these form the input for coirwood its proposed sustainable business idea. . Instead of burning or leaving these husks, coirwood aims to manufacture 100% bio based fibre boards which will serve as a substitute for the wooden medium density fibre (mdf) boards. The fibre boards are fire- and water resistant and even more stronger than the mdf boards... Source: EIT Climate KIC's ClimateLaunchPad
Coheatsion wrote: Heatwaves are a silent killer, especially for isolated elderly who may not have family or support nearby. Over half of all australians report they feel lonely on at least 1 day per week. Loneliness is greatest among young adults and the elderly. We built an app to mitigate the impact of heatwaves for vulnerable elders by providing a local support network for them, referencing youth. Creating cohesion at a time of crisis. The app triggers a push notification during a heatwave, for a youth (heatmate) to check up on nearby elderly. The youth checking in on the elderly notes in the app how he/she is feeling, these data points further updates the elderly’s risk score. All heatmates are verified first through a background check... Source: EIT Climate KIC's Climathon
Coheatsion wrote: Heatwaves are a silent killer, especially for isolated elderly who may not have family or support nearby. Over half of all australians report they feel lonely on at least 1 day per week. Loneliness is greatest among young adults and the elderly. We built an app to mitigate the impact of heatwaves for vulnerable elders by providing a local support network for them, referencing youth. Creating cohesion at a time of crisis. The app triggers a push notification during a heatwave, for a youth (heatmate) to check up on nearby elderly. The youth checking in on the elderly notes in the app how he/she is feeling, these data points further updates the elderly’s risk score. All heatmates are verified first through a background check... Source: EIT Climate KIC's Climathon
Coffeelters wrote: The coffeelter takes in the polluted air and blows out the clean air. The most important part of the filter is coffee waste which stops pm2. 5 particles. Coffeelters also gather the environmental data such as pollution, noise and sunlight level which can be sold to the data collecting companies. Another functionality of coffeelter is providing information via wifi about the transport and entertainment in the city. Coffeelters will be placed at the bus or tram stops or stations so in places where people are waiting nearby the traffic... Source: EIT Climate KIC's ClimateLaunchPad
Coffeelters wrote: The coffeelter takes in the polluted air and blows out the clean air. The most important part of the filter is coffee waste which stops pm2. 5 particles. Coffeelters also gather the environmental data such as pollution, noise and sunlight level which can be sold to the data collecting companies. Another functionality of coffeelter is providing information via wifi about the transport and entertainment in the city. Coffeelters will be placed at the bus or tram stops or stations so in places where people are waiting nearby the traffic... Source: EIT Climate KIC's ClimateLaunchPad
CO2atalyser wrote: Use of fossil fuel resulted in co2 growth in the atmosphere, which is one of the global problems is still waiting for its solution. Researchers are working on finding a catalyst for conversion of co2 to value-added organic chemicals with high efficiency. Efficient conversion of the co2 is a key challenge for the chemistry community. Co2 catalyser group is working on the same problem through electrochemical conversion of the co2. As an alternative of precious metal catalysts, we proposed to use naturally available mineral as an electrochemical catalyst. It can be applicable industrially because of economical advantages: low-cost, green technology. The main problem of our customers is finding cheaper and stable catalyst with the high ton/tof... Source: EIT Climate KIC's ClimateLaunchPad
CO2atalyser wrote: Use of fossil fuel resulted in co2 growth in the atmosphere, which is one of the global problems is still waiting for its solution. Researchers are working on finding a catalyst for conversion of co2 to value-added organic chemicals with high efficiency. Efficient conversion of the co2 is a key challenge for the chemistry community. Co2 catalyser group is working on the same problem through electrochemical conversion of the co2. As an alternative of precious metal catalysts, we proposed to use naturally available mineral as an electrochemical catalyst. It can be applicable industrially because of economical advantages: low-cost, green technology. The main problem of our customers is finding cheaper and stable catalyst with the high ton/tof... Source: EIT Climate KIC's ClimateLaunchPad
CO2 Calculator wrote: Briefly summarized: we have looked at how we can make this mindset more visible to the public while reducing the upcoming problem of introducing the co2 tax to the citizen. Our idea is an app and an associated power / energy / co2 meter for the household. The app uses existing databases (miles & more, db card, paypack, health app), that mean those that already track our behavior. Via the app, the user receives specific offers from our partner companies / institutions (engineering companies, bmu, transport companies) on how to reduce their co2 consumption and thus also save taxes. So an intelligent system, which follows the everyday life of a person and always shows the potential for improvement... Source: EIT Climate KIC's Climathon
CO2 Calculator
CO2 Calculator wrote: Briefly summarized: we have looked at how we can make this mindset more visible to the public while reducing the upcoming problem of introducing the co2 tax to the citizen. Our idea is an app and an associated power / energy / co2 meter for the household. The app uses existing databases (miles & more, db card, paypack, health app), that mean those that already track our behavior. Via the app, the user receives specific offers from our partner companies / institutions (engineering companies, bmu, transport companies) on how to reduce their co2 consumption and thus also save taxes. So an intelligent system, which follows the everyday life of a person and always shows the potential for improvement... Source: EIT Climate KIC's Climathon
CO&Co forces wrote: Sollicitating copropriétés to participated in a larger renovation program through the syndics. Tender process between qualified craftsmen of the sector to ensure competition and reduced costs. Facilitating communication and transfer of data (relative to owners, buildings and financing capabilities) through a numeracal plateform. Facilitating financing options through partnerships with already existing consulting actors. Our remuneration would come from as a transaction cost... Source: EIT Climate KIC's Climathon
CO&Co forces
CO&Co forces wrote: Sollicitating copropriétés to participated in a larger renovation program through the syndics. Tender process between qualified craftsmen of the sector to ensure competition and reduced costs. Facilitating communication and transfer of data (relative to owners, buildings and financing capabilities) through a numeracal plateform. Facilitating financing options through partnerships with already existing consulting actors. Our remuneration would come from as a transaction cost... Source: EIT Climate KIC's Climathon
Co-using wrote: With rising population, decreasing household sizes, changing family structures and a growing individualistic mindset, co-using questions the future of housing in norway. It is a new social order that allows you to “choose” who you live with, how you live, how much you occupy in terms of hours in a day and space - and by paying for that much only. Further, it promotes a community mind-set and a shared economy, while accommodating for individuality. Each dwelling unit is a module consisting of personal space, a flexible multi-use space (that oscillates between private and public) and a community space... Source: EIT Climate KIC's Climathon
Co-using wrote: With rising population, decreasing household sizes, changing family structures and a growing individualistic mindset, co-using questions the future of housing in norway. It is a new social order that allows you to “choose” who you live with, how you live, how much you occupy in terms of hours in a day and space - and by paying for that much only. Further, it promotes a community mind-set and a shared economy, while accommodating for individuality. Each dwelling unit is a module consisting of personal space, a flexible multi-use space (that oscillates between private and public) and a community space... Source: EIT Climate KIC's Climathon