1000 innovative clean energy solutions and > 150 framework enablers with the potential to deliver more than twelve gigatonnes of avoided emissions by 2030
These assessments are based on a basic avoided emission assessment. The overall concept of avoided emissions is that a solution (product or service) enables the same function to be performed with significantly less GHG emissions. The method of measuring avoided emissions, is to compare a baseline scenario without the enabling solution, with a scenario using the enabling solution; whereby the baseline represents the ‘business as usual’ (BAU) scenario.
These assessments are based on the framework document: The Avoided Emissions Framework (AEF) from September 2020
HBI S.r.l wrote: Hbi s. R. L. Exploits the hydrothermal conversion (htc) technology, to directly convert wet. Biodegradable waste in greenpeat. Greenpeat is a carbonaceous material, that can be used. For renewable energy production, or as soil improver: greenpeat increases the productivity of the land by 30%, reducing the need of water and of fertilizes. In this way greenpeat could be a valid substitute of fossil carbon (normally used for the production of thermal and electrical energy) and of fossil peat. However hbi strength is also in the technology used to produce greenpeat. This treatment is extremely more efficient and clean, if compared to the common technologies applied to wet organic substrates, such as composting or anaerobic digestion... Source: EIT Climate KIC's ClimateLaunchPad
HBI S.r.l
HBI S.r.l wrote: Hbi s. R. L. Exploits the hydrothermal conversion (htc) technology, to directly convert wet. Biodegradable waste in greenpeat. Greenpeat is a carbonaceous material, that can be used. For renewable energy production, or as soil improver: greenpeat increases the productivity of the land by 30%, reducing the need of water and of fertilizes. In this way greenpeat could be a valid substitute of fossil carbon (normally used for the production of thermal and electrical energy) and of fossil peat. However hbi strength is also in the technology used to produce greenpeat. This treatment is extremely more efficient and clean, if compared to the common technologies applied to wet organic substrates, such as composting or anaerobic digestion... Source: EIT Climate KIC's ClimateLaunchPad
GreenPACT City wrote: The target is to reduce co2 emissions by 50% (agenda 2030). Greenpact city offers an online portal to citizens and municipalities to monitor the direct emissions of family units. The portal calculates citizens’ carbon footprint. We will convert the information from citizens bills and daily activities in total amount of carbon dioxide emitted. The web-portal will provide a simple, elegant and visual way for the family unit of monitoring their carbon dioxide emissions. The municipality establishes the annual co2 target for each household and through the monitoring of the portal, virtuous citizens are rewarded. Virtuous habits and behaviours of citizens reduce the cost of the investments necessary to reach the 2030 agenda... Source: EIT Climate KIC's Climathon
GreenPACT City
GreenPACT City wrote: The target is to reduce co2 emissions by 50% (agenda 2030). Greenpact city offers an online portal to citizens and municipalities to monitor the direct emissions of family units. The portal calculates citizens’ carbon footprint. We will convert the information from citizens bills and daily activities in total amount of carbon dioxide emitted. The web-portal will provide a simple, elegant and visual way for the family unit of monitoring their carbon dioxide emissions. The municipality establishes the annual co2 target for each household and through the monitoring of the portal, virtuous citizens are rewarded. Virtuous habits and behaviours of citizens reduce the cost of the investments necessary to reach the 2030 agenda... Source: EIT Climate KIC's Climathon
GreenEvo wrote: Greenevo is working with brining green technologies to evolving industriest, hence the name. Our first project is based on the nasa developed omega-system, which has been adapted for the norwegian industries and environment, using norwegian knowledge surrounding offshore installments and aquaculture. Omega cleans wastewater, and produces; food, drinking water, and other products like biofuels, using only renewable energy... Source: EIT Climate KIC's ClimateLaunchPad
GreenEvo wrote: Greenevo is working with brining green technologies to evolving industriest, hence the name. Our first project is based on the nasa developed omega-system, which has been adapted for the norwegian industries and environment, using norwegian knowledge surrounding offshore installments and aquaculture. Omega cleans wastewater, and produces; food, drinking water, and other products like biofuels, using only renewable energy... Source: EIT Climate KIC's ClimateLaunchPad
GreenBytes wrote: Our solution aims to tackle a fundamental part of the food waste problem in restaurants preemptively. The majority of food waste come from restaurants. This is because ordering the right amount of food is difficult. The data to make good decisions is available, but it is confusing, and it is easy to get lost in the numbers. Greenbytes takes the data analysis out of the hands of restaurants. We collect sales data from restaurants and use artificial intelligence to determine optimal amount of food that needs to be ordered. The first step to this is breaking down the ingredients of a restaurant’s menu and quantifying how much goes into each dish... Source: EIT Climate KIC's Climathon
GreenBytes wrote: Our solution aims to tackle a fundamental part of the food waste problem in restaurants preemptively. The majority of food waste come from restaurants. This is because ordering the right amount of food is difficult. The data to make good decisions is available, but it is confusing, and it is easy to get lost in the numbers. Greenbytes takes the data analysis out of the hands of restaurants. We collect sales data from restaurants and use artificial intelligence to determine optimal amount of food that needs to be ordered. The first step to this is breaking down the ingredients of a restaurant’s menu and quantifying how much goes into each dish... Source: EIT Climate KIC's Climathon
GREEN WALL wrote: Green wall. Our solution was developed during the 2019 climathon that took place in mendrisio. The solution is providing green wall. L^obiettivo è quello di trovare una soluzione al problema del surriscaldamento della città di mendrisio durante l'estate. Riduzione riscaldamento edifici mediante un sistema modulare di giardini verticali. Descrizione: la nostra soluzione è mirata alla risoluzione del problema del surriscaldamento degli edifici. Si tratta di un giardino verticale modulare, scalabile ed economico. Esso è composto da un set di moduli, ognuno con funzioni distinte. Il modulo primario è una cella idroponica in grado di accogliere piante di piccole-medie dimensioni... Source: EIT Climate KIC's Climathon
GREEN WALL wrote: Green wall. Our solution was developed during the 2019 climathon that took place in mendrisio. The solution is providing green wall. L^obiettivo è quello di trovare una soluzione al problema del surriscaldamento della città di mendrisio durante l'estate. Riduzione riscaldamento edifici mediante un sistema modulare di giardini verticali. Descrizione: la nostra soluzione è mirata alla risoluzione del problema del surriscaldamento degli edifici. Si tratta di un giardino verticale modulare, scalabile ed economico. Esso è composto da un set di moduli, ognuno con funzioni distinte. Il modulo primario è una cella idroponica in grado di accogliere piante di piccole-medie dimensioni... Source: EIT Climate KIC's Climathon
Green Voltz Cera Tech System wrote: Green voltz cera tech system working on the development of low cost ceramic composite ion exchange separators for microbial fuel cells to treat wastewater. Our product is a. Decentralized wastewater treatment system, the prime concern of our product will be the utilization of the polluted wastewater generated by the anthropogenic activities, will be utilized for the resource recovery, crops cultivation, aquaponics and electricity generation in a controlled manner by electrogenesis but attenuate the emission of the greenhouse gas, methane, a product of methanogenesis process that would have occurred if the domestic wastewater was left without any treatment... Source: EIT Climate KIC's ClimateLaunchPad
Green Voltz Cera Tech System
Green Voltz Cera Tech System wrote: Green voltz cera tech system working on the development of low cost ceramic composite ion exchange separators for microbial fuel cells to treat wastewater. Our product is a. Decentralized wastewater treatment system, the prime concern of our product will be the utilization of the polluted wastewater generated by the anthropogenic activities, will be utilized for the resource recovery, crops cultivation, aquaponics and electricity generation in a controlled manner by electrogenesis but attenuate the emission of the greenhouse gas, methane, a product of methanogenesis process that would have occurred if the domestic wastewater was left without any treatment... Source: EIT Climate KIC's ClimateLaunchPad
GUD wrote: Our solution is composed of two parts, first a shed that is made of timber frames and climbing ivy trees, every unit is composed of five frames, with every unit being positioned 10 meters away from the next one. This part of our solution provides shade and decreases co2 due to the ivy presence. The second part of the solution constitutes of walls that are made of mud and are 9 meters long , 3-2 meters wide, these walls contain green panels, small fans with filters, it also contains fenestrations of variable sizes, the side that is facing wind is wider than the opposite side. These fenestrationcool the air by blocking wind movement and creating counter currents that are cooler and more purified... Source: EIT Climate KIC's Climathon
GUD wrote: Our solution is composed of two parts, first a shed that is made of timber frames and climbing ivy trees, every unit is composed of five frames, with every unit being positioned 10 meters away from the next one. This part of our solution provides shade and decreases co2 due to the ivy presence. The second part of the solution constitutes of walls that are made of mud and are 9 meters long , 3-2 meters wide, these walls contain green panels, small fans with filters, it also contains fenestrations of variable sizes, the side that is facing wind is wider than the opposite side. These fenestrationcool the air by blocking wind movement and creating counter currents that are cooler and more purified... Source: EIT Climate KIC's Climathon
bookitgreen wrote: With bookitgreen we are embracing the trends of the sharing economy and the impact that the “green” lifestyle has on travel behaviour. We are connecting travellers that are interested in sustainability with hosts that provide sustainable accommodations (hotels, apartments, hostels, holiday homes, private rooms, etc. ), by providing a state of the art booking-platform. 2017 being the un year of sustainable tourism for development, bookitgreen is in the right place at the right time... Source: EIT Climate KIC's ClimateLaunchPad
bookitgreen wrote: With bookitgreen we are embracing the trends of the sharing economy and the impact that the “green” lifestyle has on travel behaviour. We are connecting travellers that are interested in sustainability with hosts that provide sustainable accommodations (hotels, apartments, hostels, holiday homes, private rooms, etc. ), by providing a state of the art booking-platform. 2017 being the un year of sustainable tourism for development, bookitgreen is in the right place at the right time... Source: EIT Climate KIC's ClimateLaunchPad
Green solution wrote: Complex combining opportunity for deficient professions, effective practice for scholars studying for these professions connected with second-hand shop that promotes sustainable consumption through wide range of second-hand products available and discount you get when you bring something or buy something in the second-hand shop. The discount could be used for other services around the complex. Companies that would want to participate in these project and promote deficient professions would have to make commitment to respect certain enviromental rules. Dd.. Source: EIT Climate KIC's Climathon
Green solution
Green solution wrote: Complex combining opportunity for deficient professions, effective practice for scholars studying for these professions connected with second-hand shop that promotes sustainable consumption through wide range of second-hand products available and discount you get when you bring something or buy something in the second-hand shop. The discount could be used for other services around the complex. Companies that would want to participate in these project and promote deficient professions would have to make commitment to respect certain enviromental rules. Dd.. Source: EIT Climate KIC's Climathon
Green Soil wrote: Green soil is a business initiative that aims to produce and commercialize organic compost in gaza province. Our purpose is to raise awareness about soil conservation, right usage of fertilizer and its climate impact. We ultimately want to promote a sustainable agriculture in mozambique... Source: EIT Climate KIC's ClimateLaunchPad
Green Soil
Green Soil wrote: Green soil is a business initiative that aims to produce and commercialize organic compost in gaza province. Our purpose is to raise awareness about soil conservation, right usage of fertilizer and its climate impact. We ultimately want to promote a sustainable agriculture in mozambique... Source: EIT Climate KIC's ClimateLaunchPad